Thread: Basspro
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Old June 16th, 2008, 17:00   #49
Join Date: Mar 2008
Originally Posted by T_A_N_K View Post
BAH!! Went to Bass Pro today and they don't have shit in stock. I didn't see the tags for the AfterMath Lycaon or Broxa either. Unless I went to the wrong section, it was the shelf across the paintball stuff. However I saw the tags for the Aftermath Krakens which are still listed at 129.99, not instock also. However there are some Crossman G3 SAS w/ Full Stocks which do appear to have a v2 mechbox, they are 119.99, didn't bother picking one up, saw about 4 when I was there.
The Crosman G3 does indeed have a plastic V2 mechbox... and platic gears. It shoots a .12 at 275fps and a .2 at 220fps which means it is fine at CQB but in woods battles I am aiming at a 45' angle upwards to get the distance the stock guns have... I have run mine through about 15 games & practices and by months end it will be nearing 20,000 BBs. As it was intended for me to learn how to upgrade I have a new motor, 110 spring, have a g3 Ver 2 metal mechbox on the way and will do the 9.6V large conversion to the stock. It taught me the basics and I was worried about pooching a 'valuable' gun lol The point was to learn how to rip apart and upgrade a cheaper gun so that when my G3a3 breaks I can fix it with some confidence. The clear plastic is horrid, the plastic gears surely wont last as long as metal ones would, and you will need to upgrade unless its purely for CQB work. On the plus side it is pretty much 100% upgradable, good for CQB as you can light someone up close without fear of hurting them, and gets another player on the field for less than $200... $119CAD is a decent price though for eshopping Winnipeg Outfitters has it for $127 or so. Though I certainly got my moneys worth out of it as a cheap learning tool and upgrade project I prolly wouldnt get one again. Personally I'd go with a Lycaon, or a Kraken, or a Pulse R76 if you want an upgradable platform to learn on as those AEGs are at least more competitive out of the box... unless the whole point was to get a G3 receiver. If you have some decent painting skills and the knowledge to upgrade you could have a decent G3 SAS for under $300CAD.
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