Originally Posted by Proteus
Have you noticed that the responses here are more concerned with the impossibility and improbability of any change occuring?
Only one person has voiced ONE concern over what he would like changed.
Everyone else has a contrary excuse why it can't be done.
Are you also aware that excuses are a justification for giving up or giving in?
And I asked you some simple questions and you failed to answer them, too:
What's your relationship with CSSA?
How can CSSA help us, as airsofters, specifically?
You think we're just gonna drop $45 on an org that may not only not help us but actually has a good chunk of members opposed to us? Without some kind of tangible benefit at the very least being waved at us? Not MY $45, buddy.
Originally Posted by Lawdog
1) A clearly articulated policy by the CSSA, in writing, that showed that they both clearly understood our issues as airsofters and had a realistic idea of how to make airsoft more accessible in Canada.
2) A change to their constitution that would ensure airsofters would be represented on their governing bodies to a certain proportion, not just based on straight numbers. IE a certain number of ASers would be required on their Board of however they are governed.
This gentleman understands. He can he speak for me.