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Old August 11th, 2008, 12:43   #133
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: In your bedroom going though your underwear drawer
Originally Posted by Lawdog View Post
Sorry to take so long to respond I was away from my computer for a couple of days:

1) A clearly articulated policy by the CSSA, in writing, that showed that they both clearly understood our issues as airsofters and had a realistic idea of how to make airsoft more accessible in Canada.

2) A change to their constitution that would ensure airsofters would be represented on their governing bodies to a certain proportion, not just based on straight numbers. IE a certain number of ASers would be required on their Board of however they are governed.

3) Members of the CSSA dropping by to promte their org at a couple of the largest AS events would not be bad either.

If they did 1) an 2) I'd be in.


I'm with Drake on this. LD gets it. If we could get those 3 things happening, then I'd have no qualms about sending in my membership fee.

It's not really about the money. I just don't see the point in joining in with an organization that would basically laugh at us with our "toys", and that's basically the way we're seen by serious gun enthusiasts at the moment.
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