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Old August 26th, 2008, 00:21   #6
Contradiction's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Where all your shit ends up. Winnipeg, MB
Ahh, fellow Winnipegers.

The downtown one was indeed Army Surplus. But

None of the outfitting stores that are located in town shut down because of bankruptcy. Cabelas was on the verge of merging with S.I.R. and they wanted all competition nullified so they bought everyone out. I believe that Wholesale Sports on St James and Wellington is the only other major outfitting store left in town other than Cabelas/S.I.R.

Definately check that location out. BUT, dont expect too much in the way of airsoft, since they have an even poorer selection than Cabelas/S.I.R. but you can see some nice real handguns in there.
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