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Old September 4th, 2008, 20:05   #349
Join Date: May 2008
ok look as a first time player, dont buy a sniper, thats a general rule of thumb, get an AEG, good aegs to start with are armalites as well as AKs, its a good way to get ur feet on the ground, with snipers, the sniper you are talking about I OWN ONE, there is nothing wrong with it, it shoots about 450-475, and is accurate, it does the job, i wouldnt call it reliable but it does the job, its not as good as a VSR but its not horrible like some people make it out to be.

this is a pic of my MP5, its clearsoft and i got it for under 200 dollars, shoots almost as well as my AK-47 which is worth over 1000 dollars

i own 2 TMs and a KJW, i love em to death and they work fantastically and i say if u can spend the cash get one over clearsoft BUT clearsoft will work as well, i personally watched someone kill this guy with a 2000 dollar systema and he shot him with a 60 dollar co2 pistol UNMODIFIED, the price of your gun doesnt meen anything

also, this person is asking for personal opinions from people who have owned or dealt with these weapons, reviews are good but sometimes you want to know more thats all hes asking for, also please dont put random crap in posts it just gets irritating, thanks.

cheers, hope i helped
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