1. Test that bbs will actually come out of the mag.
Do this into a bag or something...use a little screwdriver or allen key and push the nub that holds the bbs in the mag back. The bbs should "spray" out of the mag. If they dribble or just plain don't come out...there's your problem. Some mags have a little latch at the top to pull back.
2. After trying to get it to shoot...is there a bb stuck in the hopup...or is it empty?
Don't have the battery plugged in, wear safety glasses. Mag out, turn the rifle upside down and look into the feed nozzle. You may need to use a flash light. If there's one in there...that's kind of good..because at least bbs are getting up into the chamber from the mag.
3. When you disassembled it, did you take the opportunity to look down into the barrel from the chamber end?
With the front half separated from the back half (receiver), remove any bb that might be stuck in the chamber, then take a look at the hopup rubber lip and "bump". The lip should be even all the way around the muzzle/nozzle opening...if it's bunched, torn or wrinkled...you'll have to take the barrel out and either reseat the barrel or replace the hopup rubber. If the nub is protruding way down into the barrel...well, adjust the hopup so it isn't. Reassemble and test fire.
With the hopup off, you should be able to manually put a bb in the chamber and with just a little push it should pass the lips/nub/bump area and roll down the barrel.
If that all checks out, take a look (battery unplugged) at the nozzle of the mechbox. Does it look like it is sitting properly on the tappet plate? It may have come dislodged. In that case you're going to need to take the mechbox apart and reseat it back in place.
Hope that helps, best of luck