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Old December 6th, 2008, 06:06   #21
Schlyder's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Broadview,Saskatchewan
How does this work for you mctaz

Dear Sirs, I am inquiring about my request for a refund of monies.(from Nov. 21/08) You have not returned my emails concerning my refund, and I would like to get this matter cleared up as soon as possible. Can you forward my refund ASAP please.
I hope you reconsider accepting Paypal payments in the future, as it makes purchasing from your site a lot more convenient for your European customers. As things are now it is very inconvenient, and with additional charges for other payment methods, it is not economical to purchase from your website.
Again , please contact me ASAP regarding my refund request, so we can clear this matter up. Best Regards, mctaz
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