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Old December 16th, 2008, 01:41   #2
Azuki's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Toronto
If its an older WA it might not have been a good idea to run it on propane. Once the slide is broken there isn't much you can do. It is possible to get replacement slides, however I would recommend you get a metal slide instead.

If you're AV'd someone might be selling them in the classified section. Alternatively you can purchase WA M9/M92 slides from most of the online retailers IIRC. I've seen quite a few in stock. I'd recommend Shooters Design (they'll go for about 100-150 usd), or if you have the cash Sheriff (~200+).

If you chose to get a metal slide, it's recommended that you get an upgraded hammer spring and upgraded recoil spring. Also if you can find one for your model, get a recoil spring guide with a buffer. This will lessen the stress on the slide.
CAPS Shooter

WA SV Infinity 5" Classic
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