Lol... woke up from weird dreams... anyways I looked around found the camera. Excuse my shotty photography skills, its 2 am.
I burnt my finger on the iron when I started, so it's not as perfectly even as I'd have liked... and I messed up the logos a weeee bit... definately learnt what not to do now... *wishes he had a backup grip to stipple perfectly*... but hey its 250% better than what I expected so no real complaints.
Anyways enough of me talking... My spiffy new metal slide (1911 slide on 2011 frame wewt~) and troublesome (but now cooperative) metal chamber installed... heres the pics:
Closeup... This is the better side, slightly more even cause I did this side second... looks really fugly close up... like really blemished... not so bad from afar... :P oh well. Function > Form.
Didn't remove the grip frame, just took off the slide which made it awkward to hold with a 300 degree iron in one hand... area under the trigger was a b*tch to do...