why are you all being so short with me?
I'm not looking to get a 40 dollar Upgrade if you call that one...
I have no intention of getting high fps, no point
I have no intention of over doing rof, no point
I wanted to know which parts are the best, in your opinion challenged with those of others.
I have a want of reducing whine on gears.
-Thus helicals, good shimming, good placement of motor maybe even lower noise motors, and dynamat.
I want good durability and knowing I have the best of the best, why? Why buy a rolex, a porsce (you guys on this forum like to do anolgies)? Why not get a timex from walmart (maybe tha'ts going to low into the cansoft), a smart car? It's cheap, it works.
Why get junk food when you can get wholesome, nutritional, low fat, low cholesterol. blah blah blah foods?
I want high durability
-prometheus gears, proper adjustment of AOE, teeth shaving for proper engagement, sorbothane pads, good shimming again, mosfet for protection of selector plates... list goes on
Thank you for all your informative replies, and the offensive critical ones. Feel not the need to reply to this post.