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Old March 17th, 2009, 11:12   #37
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Waterloo-Toronto-Ottawa
Thank you~

Lol, thing is those mechanical headaches... I never get those with anything, and on a unrealted note I literally never get headaches. From a reference point of view I enjoy a nice mechanical problem to solve actually, and for the little springs and screws, I've watched a couple of vids of complete mechbox takedowns, read a few articles, seen a some pics. I have a big list of every little part down to the spring, I think it's safe to say I won't be missing much and the only problem will be fitment between brands pretty much (I don't want to sound arrogant but I do believe so).

And on giving back to the forum, I will definately when my say has any weight. Right now I have no experience, and there just isn't any point. Like earlier when I was asking about gas guns, and ppl on asc were being quite vague, I just went to gasguns, read for couple hours and I posted basically everthing I found in a real compact version. One of the other reasons for this thread was to put it out there. THe FAQ in internals on this website was far from consice and I just wanted a bit more, but I guess after lots of searching I have a huge pool of mixed past experiences.

I'll just do w.e then. My descision making for different levels is different. Any help I can get, I ask for it, why not? Proper and full descision making means to analyze all aspects of the problem, and most possible outcomes and setting priorities to the outcomes, right? When not as simple as saying, hey let's go out to eat, where you wanan go?
You have to try to maximize location, reputation, past experiences, etc etc.
Not as complicated as buidling a full gearbox, or modding out one.

What I had in mind with this thread was: I ask, "how strong is a G&P polycetal cs a Prometheus hard? I've heard Prometheus hard is known right now as the "best" pistons by some. Prometheus has a good reputation as the best quality in interal parts on the market, but reecently the piston has been getting worse reviews than a Deepfire."
Answer: Prometheus pistons are indeed good, they have one of the best hardness ratings. The enforced sides on the teeth are supposed to be the backbone of the design as to add extra reinforcement to the teeth, but being especially hard and due to a number of factors it could fail like any other piston. Even with low rof, with higher tension springs, AOE adjustment and making sure there is no premature engagement, will help it's longevity. Blah blah blah... *explains with reasons behind, not just hey, get some balls and throw w.e want, hey just put a kwa motor in there cuz i said so* Thus Prometheus is a better piston over G&P POM.

Then the next person comes a long...
G&P POM is made of poleycetal (what POM means), is a very duable and self lubing material. It is not as flexible as nylon, used in deepfire, but enough to absorb some impact when sector and rack teeth aren't perfectly aligned, thus minimizing some of the wear. The three metal teeth instead of 7....
blah blah blah
Thus, I believe G&P POMs are in their nature to last longer than Prometheus hard...

A open healthy discussion with expliations was what I had in mind, which woulda been nice...

And skaldfin, actually maybe to everybody's surprise here on asc, I was asking the modify team some questions about their products. I put in some of the stuff I have been readin (explaining what has been going wrong with their products, what has been going good, and in comparision of the ingeneuity with other brands how they compare up out of multiple multiple reveiws I have read. Plus since i have no real opinion it is pretty much objective). I also threw in a few ideas with no intention of anything happening, but now I am in contact with the engineers for some new ideas on new ways of making some of the parts. And yes, due to my talking with them, they are very highly considering manufacturing a line of modular helical/all helical sets of gears now. Plus a few other advacements in a few other areas (me and amos were like, hey what if modify made helical modulars? Pretty much as a jokekinda but I went through with it for no reason lol can't believe nobody else thought of that and recommeneded it to modify).
They are comming out with full gearboxes soon with front reinforcement... Nice... I'll keep you guys posted I guess.

And after I had gotten a bunch of experience with gearboxes and internals, I was meaning to write a very throuough in depth guide for internals with a 56k warning... lol but maybe this forum might not be the right one.
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