Thread: KJW G27 Size
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Old May 5th, 2009, 10:37   #11
Frozen Tex
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Originally Posted by viraL View Post
The Glock 26 was designed for concealment, whereas the Glock 27 packed a little bit more punch with .40 round vs the 9mm. Not much more but enough to make a new gun? I'm no expert but this is what a gathered from a quick wikipedia search.

Basically designed for purses, backpacks even hidden hostlers or stuffing it in your belt..? iunno.
Meant for concealed carry: Undercover law enforcement, CCW license holders (in the States), back-up gun for cops. Don't stuff it in your belt unless you want to lose it.

The design of the .40 S&W round allows it to be used in the same sized frames as 9mm, hence many (almost all) of the first .40s were built on 9mm guns (new barrel/chamber and magazine), but the round packs enough power that it damaged early guns that weren't designed with its pressure in mind.

Delenda Est Carthago
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