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Old May 27th, 2009, 15:02   #21
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by PoFF View Post
And yet another stupid rule, now the Standard-Division pistols have to fit into "The Box" with magazine inserted, which means no more mags sticking out of the magwell, which pisses me off since I now have to machine the basepads of 15 magazines to comply to this frigging rule. And the worst part is that it won't change a thing for IPSC in Canada, all guns will still hold the required 10 rounds, only the single stack shooters will be greatly penalized since they won't be able to use those 10 rounders anymore, they'll have to change their whole stack of mags to 8 or 7 rounders.
Woah. Serenity now...

That rule is actually being re-worked.

This is what I had proposed and seems to be accepted by Vince Pinto and other shooters around the world so far:

Because Tokyo Marui and WE Hi-Capa 5.1's rule the "Action Air" shooting scene by about 80% of all pistols, and since they all come with the extended mags with the extended bumpers, an exception is being allowed for Action Air that allows the pistol to be fitted to "the box" without the mag inserted.

However, once the mag is inserted, it may not extend from the bottom-most portion of the GRIP mag well (not enlarged mag well) by no more than 20mm (2 cm), following the same axis of mag insertion.

The extension of the rule prevents guys from running around with huge gas capacity 50 round mags (at the time I made the amendment, I had predicted Marui to release a 50 round 2011 mag.)

The exact discussion and exact wording of the proposed rule to be appended to the Appendix of the IPSC rulebook can be found in the Global Village discussion on Action Air divisions. starting at post #39.
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In any case, machining the base pad won't do squat. My custom made metal low profile base pads don't even fit to the box, and they barely extend much from the bottom of the mag extension. Even if you DIDN'T have a bumper on the bottom AT ALL, it still would not fit the dimensions. The only way you could get it to fit with a mag inserted is if you use the 4.3 mags. This was not an ideal solution, because it forces all players who buy a gun to automatically swap out the mag that comes with the pistol.

Last edited by ILLusion; May 27th, 2009 at 15:12..
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