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1911 GBBP Issues


Doctor's Corner

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Old October 6th, 2013, 19:56   #1
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: ON
1911 GBBP Issues

I have a 1911 (KJW) and when i shoot the first shot is ok but the second shot causes what appears to be the hammer not returning fully and the gas emptying out of the gun all at once.

I can recreate this every single time using Co2 and/or Propane. I have determined that it is 100% not a Magazine issue as i have used a dozen or more now and all produce the same results.

I have completely disassembled the gun and checked and cleaned everything.. i see no physical reasons why this should be happening. When assembled the gun cycles and charges properly.. the trigger pull works, hammer hits hard and fast.. not so much with gas in the mag.

I've tried various strengths hammer return springs and slide return springs..
I have replaced the piston head and back to stock again...

I am wondering if it's the valve hammer (think that's what it's called) sticking into the mag gas release valve? I don't know how to tell if that piece is sticking out too far or not..

maybe the dis-connector but how to check for that? The two little pieces of metal that stick out of the top of the lower receiver (near the hammer) seem to work fine..

i just can't figure this out!!
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Old October 9th, 2013, 17:37   #2
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
Sounds like you're having an issue with your valve knocker. Can't say for certain what the exact problem is, without seeing the gun in person.
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