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Russian Police Unit


Russia and East Bloc

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Old May 8th, 2006, 21:38   #1
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Russian Police Unit


I just got a TM AK, and have decided to go Russian. I picked a police unit, well because, I am not so sure why, mostly because we found a new place to play indoors I guess. Alright, I have tried some research and I keep finding conflicting reports on what is what. I was wondering what camo pattern goes with which unit? Also, I am looking for a suitable outdoor pattern as well, seeing as how I will be using this setup for both indoors and outdoors.

Thanks Alot,
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Old May 8th, 2006, 21:46   #2
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LES is the best Russian's woodland version, suits the outdoor role perfect. As for indoor, black, marine blue or Urban blue does the job well.
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Old May 8th, 2006, 22:11   #3
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Russian version of SWAT (called OMON) use urban camo or black bdu. Friend of mine, who lives in Moscow and serves in OMON sent me bunch of videos about them. Urban and black are the only two kinds of camo I've seen in those videos. Even on tours in Chechnya.
If you want to get something else, just in case you will get to play outdoor, look into spetsnaz GRU. Those guys wear woodland camo. Can't help you with what exactly they are supposed to wear though. I don't think anybody has an answer to that question because they wear whatever they can get.
Check this link for some pics of cops in action. It's not work safe. There are two pics of a guy with a wound to the head.
Guys wearing urban are OBOB (anti organized crime unit) as far as I can understand but OMON wears similar camo.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 09:46   #4
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Like 666, wearing black BDU is suitable. If you want something more stand out, try the Kamysh or Shadow camo. Also I always encourages getting rainsuits instead of BDUs and try to mismatch your camo. In Russia, a lot of people like to mismatch their combat uniforms as well as their gear.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 10:29   #5
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Police doesn't wear Kamish or Shadow.
And I can't say that people LIKE to mismatch camo. Sometimes they don't have any choice. Simple.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 10:39   #6
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Originally Posted by 666
If you want to get something else, just in case you will get to play outdoor, look into spetsnaz GRU. Those guys wear woodland camo. Can't help you with what exactly they are supposed to wear though. I don't think anybody has an answer to that question because they wear whatever they can get.
Most of the time they'll just wear VDV (airborne) uniforms which are regular Flora sets with the lower jacket pockets removed. The insignia would be either VDV or the GRU patches (either the old "bat" or the new "carnation" ones). Many wear the Gorka mountain suits and SSO loadbearing gear.

Originally Posted by 666
Police doesn't wear Kamish or Shadow.
And I can't say that people LIKE to mismatch camo. Sometimes they don't have any choice. Simple.
That's right, the mismatching is not a preference but a result of budgetary restrictions and near-chaos situation with the suppliers who design camo in all kinds of patterns to make it look more "leet". So they do wear pretty much anything and everything they can get their hands on, from Kamysh to friggin' Alpentarn.

To the original poster: if you stick with the Police impression (the OMON flavour I guess as regular cops' uniforms are decidedly unglamorous-looking...) then check out these pictures found through google (keep in mind some of those pics are not of the Russian OMON):

For a very brief, but very useful info on various Russian units and their equipment look here:
There is no information specific to OMON there simply because there is no definite rules when it comes to the OMON gear as many units equip their personnel on as "whatever is available and affordable" basis, but they are often supplied through the MVD channels so the MVD/Interior Forces section on the website should be somewhat helpful.


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Old May 26th, 2006, 11:16   #7
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This is kind of werd. I think one of them has on US tiger stripes. I don't know, it dose not look like russian tiger stripes.

Also if you won't to go real russian wear old adidas shoes. The boot's that are issued are a POS.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 17:53   #8
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I was looking around on ebay just a few days ago. Someone is selling new style, black uniform there. To be honest, this is the first time I've seen anything like that. Thing has padded shoulders, legs, arms etc. Seller claims it's new design of police uniform.
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