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WGC custom M16vn vs. TM M16a2 turned RS M16VN


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Old November 1st, 2006, 15:33   #1
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Windsor, Ont
WGC custom M16vn vs. TM M16a2 turned RS M16VN

I'm debating ordering a WGC custom M16vn since it comes with all metal gear or buying an TM M16A2 and upgrading it all to G&P metal parts to a VN. i know G&P gearboxes need to be fine tuned, and i still don't know how to open my rifle (TM M16VN), let alone tune it/re-shim it. I've heard the hop up knob isn't that great either. The TM's can shoot right out of the box, not sure if it needs tuning but I'm assuming so other than the barrel wobble. From WGC's prices, getting the TM M16 and upgrading it is $21USD more than the custom M16VN, before shipping and other ordering expenses and I'll need someone else to put all the G&P upgrades together. I just wanted to get some more expert opinions on this decision. Money isn't a problem because i want something that will last. Thanks for any help in advance
Staff Sgt. James Forbes, 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 2d Battalion, 503d Infantry Regiment (The Rock), 173d Airborne Brigade (Separate)
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Old November 1st, 2006, 15:59   #2
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If you order a gun from WGC it will most definitely get seized by customs.

I suggest reading this thread it will give you more info on what you can, and can not import.

If you really want the WGC M16vn I would suggest checking out the Canadian Retailers link at the top of the site and start sending out some e-mails to see if any of the retailers are willing to get it in for you.

Best of luck,
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Old November 1st, 2006, 16:18   #3
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Sorry, I forgot to mention I would buy it from A&A or through ACA if possible. My main concern is the internals and how well they preform against each other, since now i'm only shooting 237fps on my TM M16VN lol.
Staff Sgt. James Forbes, 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 2d Battalion, 503d Infantry Regiment (The Rock), 173d Airborne Brigade (Separate)

Last edited by forcerecon85; November 1st, 2006 at 16:51.. Reason: spelling and not being clear enough :)
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Old November 1st, 2006, 17:17   #4
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Glad to see you already know you importing stuff.

I am not sure how familiar you are with AEGs so I thought I should mention that upgraded, custom, finely tuned guns or what ever you want to call them. They can be rather prone to problems and breakdown. I would recommend getting a stock gun. They won't need any adjustments out of the box and should be able to give you a lot of life with only basic maintenance.

Since it is probably the metal body and the higher FPS you are after Classic Army would be a good brand to go with. They make some very nice M16 and M16 variants with metal bodies and an average FPS of 300, all stock. So you may want to consider that as an option.

If you want a chance to learn more about AEGs go with WGC custom M16vn. It will give you better performance out of the box and save you money over upgrading a stock gun. It will probably need some adjustments or repairs through out its life, but there is no better way to learn then by actually doing it. Though be prepared to accept some possible frustrations.

Hope that helps you a bit and that what ever you decide to go with works out well for you.
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Old November 1st, 2006, 23:57   #5
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Thanks for the advice. What I really want is a real steel M16VN with an easy to get into gearbox and shoots 300-350. So far, by the sounds of it, it would be better to get the TM M16A2 and upgrade for metal parts (unless anyone knows better). I've heard different things about metal bodies and I won't ask whats the best, but quality wise, which ones should i avoid? Also if I do get a TM M16A2, would a new front set fix the infamous barrel wobble? Thanks for any help guys.
Staff Sgt. James Forbes, 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 2d Battalion, 503d Infantry Regiment (The Rock), 173d Airborne Brigade (Separate)
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Old November 2nd, 2006, 01:51   #6
get a G&P full stock armalite, and grab a G&P metal VN front. sell the origional front
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Old November 2nd, 2006, 04:53   #7
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Originally Posted by Droc View Post
get a G&P full stock armalite, and grab a G&P metal VN front. sell the origional front
That's a great suggestion. I don't know why I didn't think of G&P, they have great FPS out of the box.
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Old November 2nd, 2006, 06:15   #8
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There is always the option of getting the HurricanE M16A1 Metal Body and then upgrading your gear box.

Less expensive and less work. In fact I might be able to help.

Jay... PM when you have a minute as my M16A1 has the Hurricane Metal Body. The only thing extra I have done is upgrade the mechbox.

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Last edited by Fader; November 2nd, 2006 at 06:18..
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Old November 2nd, 2006, 09:53   #9
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I think the WGC custom built unit would be your better option. I believe they start with Marui internals and upgrade them as necessary, and all the externals are G&P. They're professionally assembled by experienced gunsmiths who guarantee everything to fit together perfectly. Doing it yourself may involve a lot of fitting, filing, cussing, cursing, and throwing of random objects. You're also paying a lot more for gun parts that you'll never use again with the M16A2, that have a very limited resale value. Don't forget that Marui externals are inferior to aftermarket upgrades both structurally and physically so you'd probably be dissatisfied using the M16A2 barrel assembly and stock if you bought just the metal body. Your gearbox would also be bone stock.

One local guy here, Stealth_Omega (you probably know him) bought a WGC custom M16 VN and is immensely pleased with it. It looks fantastic, shoots even better, and I don't think he's had any issues with it.
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Old November 2nd, 2006, 10:40   #10
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lmao, right now i'm using Stealth_Omega's old M16vn. small world. yea, i have no idea how to do upgrades, so i'd pay someone else to or buy a gun that already has it done.
Staff Sgt. James Forbes, 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 2d Battalion, 503d Infantry Regiment (The Rock), 173d Airborne Brigade (Separate)
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 00:46   #11
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Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post
I think the WGC custom built unit would be your better option. I believe they start with Marui internals and upgrade them as necessary, and all the externals are G&P. They're professionally assembled by experienced gunsmiths who guarantee everything to fit together perfectly. Doing it yourself may involve a lot of fitting, filing, cussing, cursing, and throwing of random objects. You're also paying a lot more for gun parts that you'll never use again with the M16A2, that have a very limited resale value. Don't forget that Marui externals are inferior to aftermarket upgrades both structurally and physically so you'd probably be dissatisfied using the M16A2 barrel assembly and stock if you bought just the metal body. Your gearbox would also be bone stock.

One local guy here, Stealth_Omega (you probably know him) bought a WGC custom M16 VN and is immensely pleased with it. It looks fantastic, shoots even better, and I don't think he's had any issues with it.
They have a G&P gearbox

get the wgc, I have one and it is great
And Lo! Jacob saideth unto him.. "Look mate, I hit you in the elbow, right."
And Zachiria looked on with terrible aspect and replied:
"Bollocks, it was a ricochet."
And then Jacob looked up and called upon the mighty power of the Lord, who descended from heaven on a golden chariot with a Vulcan minigun stuck on the front and smote Zacharia with a sustained full-auto burst. And Lo! Jacob proclaimed:
"God is indeed MIGHTY!!"
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