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Old December 4th, 2006, 21:43   #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
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Airsoft in Canada

I love this game, I currently play Paintball but it's mostly speedball and I prefer doing Milsims... So that is why I want to get into airsoft.

But one thing that is pissing me off is all this talk about laws and regulations and stuff... Why does the government have to do this. It's a game like any other. Just like playing tag but instead of touching the other guy with your hand you throw a BB at him.

I understand that we have to keep these guns out of childrens hands because they are dangerous but can't parents just be responsible.

One of my brothers friends just bought himself an airsoft gun at the local Wal-Mart. He is 12 years old and our Wal-Mart puts them behind the glass wall (where they should be) and restricts them to 18 and over so his Dad went and bought it for him... Like come on then that's going to be the guy that is going to go to the government to get these guns banned because his son got hurt... Like come on... take your responsibilities...

I look at this action just like parents buying alcool or cigarettes for their kids...

What do you guys think of this?
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Old December 4th, 2006, 21:45   #2
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Toronto, Ontario
One, the stuff at Wal-Mart is NOT airsoft, it's soft-air ... it's spelling is reversed but ALOT different. We already have a thread up about this so you may get some flames for it, but if you search around the explanations you're looking for are already posted.
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Old December 4th, 2006, 21:48   #3
Amgoosen's Avatar
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Location: GTA
Originally Posted by Klinkaroo View Post
I love this game, I currently play Paintball but it's mostly speedball and I prefer doing Milsims... So that is why I want to get into airsoft.

But one thing that is pissing me off is all this talk about laws and regulations and stuff... Why does the government have to do this. It's a game like any other. Just like playing tag but instead of touching the other guy with your hand you throw a BB at him.

I understand that we have to keep these guns out of childrens hands because they are dangerous but can't parents just be responsible.

One of my brothers friends just bought himself an airsoft gun at the local Wal-Mart. He is 12 years old and our Wal-Mart puts them behind the glass wall (where they should be) and restricts them to 18 and over so his Dad went and bought it for him... Like come on then that's going to be the guy that is going to go to the government to get these guns banned because his son got hurt... Like come on... take your responsibilities...

I look at this action just like parents buying alcool or cigarettes for their kids...

What do you guys think of this?
I'm really not sure I drew a question out of that...
Originally Posted by pugs144
Only mall ninja poseur attention-whores go around wearing full kit outside the field.
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Old December 4th, 2006, 22:37   #4
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Burlington, ON
[QUOTE=Klinkaroo;390182] Just like playing tag but instead of touching the other guy with your hand you throw a BB at him.

they think touching someone and throwing BBs at them at 400fps with a real looking gun and a camo on is defferent? what are they thinking...?
any ways like others stated just look around and you will find threads discusing the issue(government, airsoft, rules.....)

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