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good retailer for shotguns



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Old August 4th, 2007, 03:19   #1
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good retailer for shotguns

hey, im trying to start playing and practicing as soon as possible, but dont wanna buy a canadian tired gun... i have looked around for a spring shotgun, as is my preference for airsoft, but i cant find any reasonable prices for a shotgun, im looking for something that looks similar to a UTG 870 but has to be in metal, i checked 007 airsoft and they carry ones that look like what i want, but it doesnt state whether its metal or not, and i would rather not pay 300-400 plus S&H for a plastic springer shotgun, im sure you can relate... so does anybody know a canadian retailer which supplies something like what ive stated?

-thank you

PS: sorry if some of this dont make sense, im talking to this girl and im in a hurry to get back to her :P
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Old August 4th, 2007, 03:46   #2
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If you don't want to spend 300-400 for one, then you aren't getting one. Simple as that.

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Old August 4th, 2007, 03:50   #3
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and i would rather not pay 300-400 plus S&H for a plastic springer shotgun, im sure you can relate
I assure you, "plastic springer" from say Marui, is NOT a plastic springer from Canadian Tire.

The price is suicide inducing, but in Canada... you have no choice.
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Old August 4th, 2007, 05:04   #4
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good luck finding a gun!
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Old August 4th, 2007, 06:26   #5
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Both the Tokyo Marui shotguns perform well, but having owned one, it's quite disapointing. Plastic, less than satisfying sound...

They shoot great though.

A full metal shotgun is a rare sight though, and will violate your wallet.

Stick with an AEG for now, much more simple.
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Old August 4th, 2007, 22:56   #6
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yea, thanks for your help guys, i think i may just abandon the shotgun idea, at least until i find a simple solution to it.

my first gun im gonna buy.. is gonna be from 007 airsoft i think.. are they reliable in terms of shipping and not losing orders?
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Old August 4th, 2007, 23:06   #7
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I've delt with 007 a while back, no issues.
I've also delt with A&A a few days back, again, no issues.

EDIT: I also see that you are a minor...
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Old August 4th, 2007, 23:21   #8
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good to know, than i think i shall buy a GBB pistol from 007 airsoft as my first gun, most likely a KSC G19 or a Tokyo Marui Socom mk23

and BTW, just had to say, while i that first part of your sig is awesome and i wish i had it in mine :P the second part, i dont agree with, i may be a noob airsofter, actually, havent even been to an event or bought a gun yet, but im not a complete idiot and i use "leet" or "1337" speak... with an IQ of 50 and under pretty much being the special ed children, whilst mine averages at 126 from 10 different forms of testing... i take offense to that, however i am sure you were probably reffering to those who speak only "leet speak" and cannot even form cognitive thought, let alone a readable sentence :P

yes, i am a minor, but i will be playing with my step dad for the year until i am 18, he and i are very interested in this fine sport.
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Old August 4th, 2007, 23:45   #9
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He's right surebet.... edit it to "20"

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Old August 4th, 2007, 23:50   #10
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Originally Posted by wiinter View Post
good to know, than i think i shall buy a GBB pistol from 007 airsoft as my first gun, most likely a KSC G19 or a Tokyo Marui Socom mk23

and BTW, just had to say, while i that first part of your sig is awesome and i wish i had it in mine :P the second part, i dont agree with, i may be a noob airsofter, actually, havent even been to an event or bought a gun yet, but im not a complete idiot and i use "leet" or "1337" speak... with an IQ of 50 and under pretty much being the special ed children, whilst mine averages at 126 from 10 different forms of testing... i take offense to that, however i am sure you were probably reffering to those who speak only "leet speak" and cannot even form cognitive thought, let alone a readable sentence :P

yes, i am a minor, but i will be playing with my step dad for the year until i am 18, he and i are very interested in this fine sport.
What's worst, butchering the English language because you don't know better, or butchering it by intellectual laziness and social trend? The way in which you choose to express yourself tells a lot about you, but this is not on topic.

Usually at this point someone will tell you off about buying a gun since you can't legally do so. However, you'll end up doing what ever the hell you want.

If you were to listen to anything I'll say, listen to this. Before buying anything, show up to a game with your step father and get the facts. It's one hell of a legal commitment for him to allow you to use his guns (since despite the fact that he can buy them for you, he can't legally transfer them to you, they remain his).

Get informed, then decide. Quite honestly, if my hypothetical kid wanted to purchase replica weapons at your age, I would consider it, but there's not chance in hell he'd keep it in his possession.

Just remember that if you fuck up with it, he gets to pay for it.

Get him on ASC or on the field as soon as possible.
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Old August 4th, 2007, 23:59   #11
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
What's worst, butchering the English language because you don't know better, or butchering it by intellectual laziness and social trend? The way in which you choose to express yourself tells a lot about you, but this is not on topic.

Usually at this point someone will tell you off about buying a gun since you can't legally do so. However, you'll end up doing what ever the hell you want.

If you were to listen to anything I'll say, listen to this. Before buying anything, show up to a game with your step father and get the facts. It's one hell of a legal commitment for him to allow you to use his guns (since despite the fact that he can buy them for you, he can't legally transfer them to you, they remain his).

Get informed, then decide. Quite honestly, if my hypothetical kid wanted to purchase replica weapons at your age, I would consider it, but there's not chance in hell he'd keep it in his possession.

Just remember that if you fuck up with it, he gets to pay for it.

Get him on ASC or on the field as soon as possible.
i realise this, and i can understand your reason behind what youve said, as not many kids are responsible enough to use these guns without fucking things up and getting their respective parents in trouble, as well as the legal problems that come with it, but i agree with you, i do need to learn more of the laws on airsoft before i pursue my options of obtaining these guns and using them.

also sorry for getting off topic, happens to me alot, i seem to enjoy talking too much.

and finally, thanks for not being a dick and flaming me, what youve said may very well help me, rather than discouraging me from ever playing the sport
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Old August 5th, 2007, 00:05   #12
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Originally Posted by wiinter View Post
i realise this, and i can understand your reason behind what youve said, as not many kids are responsible enough to use these guns without fucking things up and getting their respective parents in trouble, as well as the legal problems that come with it, but i agree with you, i do need to learn more of the laws on airsoft before i pursue my options of obtaining these guns and using them.

also sorry for getting off topic, happens to me alot, i seem to enjoy talking too much.

and finally, thanks for not being a dick and flaming me, what youve said may very well help me, rather than discouraging me from ever playing the sport
Just take your time, if you really want to get in this hobby research plenty and meet with people. You'll be able to put money aside, and then decide if you really want to invest in this, because a pistol is just the begining of a long list of things you'll want...
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Old August 5th, 2007, 00:20   #13
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
Just take your time, if you really want to get in this hobby research plenty and meet with people. You'll be able to put money aside, and then decide if you really want to invest in this, because a pistol is just the begining of a long list of things you'll want...
alright, and thanks for trying to help, hopefully ill see you one day one the fields NO MERCY lol
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