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JG M4 accuracy problem post upgrade


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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:10   #1
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JG M4 accuracy problem post upgrade

well, i just did something i dont really want to do again..... but looks like i may have to.

i did a few upgrades to my JG M4, i put a CA 6.04 barrel on, CA hopup rubber,CA nozzle and m130 spring in it.

taking it apart, easy, put it back together. well, lets just say the kid had to leave the garage....;-)

i managed to get it all back together. had to learn a few tricks. ONE little piece kept wanting to fall over when wanted to clese the gearbox. 84 times.:banghead:

its the tiny lever with a spring that prevents the gear that the motor drives to spin back, i presume.....

anyways, to get to the point. i got it all together, and it works. problem is its not shooting better. its shooting worse. the group is all over the place. its gotta be the hop up, or barrel.... not too sure. i cant even say for sure if its shooting harder... seems close to the same.

the guy at xtreme tactics told me the CA 6.04 barrel would be a good upgrade over the stock one. im wondering now. they also sold me a spring guide (with bearing), and its the wrong one. says (Spring Guide with Bearing for Version II) but doesnt work in the JG M4, the end has little "pins" that are supposed to hold it in place, while the stock one has bigger (ears-for a lack of a better term).

the air nozzle they sold me says "Classic Army for M15 Series).... im wondering if thats the right one now as well.... ?

anyways, i dont have to pull the box apart again, just swap the barrel back to the stocker and check the hop up.....later. im beat. and my head is sore from pounding it against the table!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

anyways, just venting.... and any input to my accuracy problem is appreciated as always.!


Last edited by The Saint; June 7th, 2009 at 19:50.. Reason: Use proper descriptive titles
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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:15   #2
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Probably the barrel. CA tightbores are complete, 100% crap.

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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:17   #3
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If there's one CA part I would avoid, it's their 6.04mm barrels. Nothing but bad reports about them.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:22   #4
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1. Don't listen to anything that comes out of "xtreme tactics" or whatever they are calling themselves at the moment.

2. Find someone experienced to open the gun up with you and teach you about the innards. That "ts the tiny lever with a spring that prevents the gear that the motor drives to spin back, i presume....." is called an anti-reversal latch.

3. The "M15" is CA's armalite line, so yes it should work. However you are mixing alot of different brands, and starting off with a JG to boot, so don't be surprised if you run into issues.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:27   #5
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
2. Find someone experienced to open the gun up with you and teach you about the innards. That "ts the tiny lever with a spring that prevents the gear that the motor drives to spin back, i presume....." is called an anti-reversal latch.

3. The "M15" is CA's armalite line, so yes it should work. However you are mixing alot of different brands, and starting off with a JG to boot, so don't be surprised if you run into issues.
I'll second those 2. And I'll add that I'm a big fan of the "if it's not broken, don't fuck with it" philosophy when it comes to mechbox internals. Unless you have a specific reason to replace a part (as in, it's broken, or it's a dependency for another ugprade), then don't fuck with it.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:30   #6
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
If there's one CA part I would avoid, it's their 6.04mm barrels. Nothing but bad reports about them.
Indeed. They shred BB's. I don't know what the hell CA coats the inside of the barrel with but it literally tears the BB as it moves through it.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:49   #7
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I used a CQB lenght Madbull TB in my JG M4, and it has better range then my CA M15A4. I tried a CA barrel in it once and took it out the same day after seeing the range drop by almost half.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:58   #8
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Which JG mechbox is it? IF yours is the one that come with the Red Piston, there is no reason whatsoever to change anything inside aside from a piston swap if you are pedantic. Air compression in a stock JG is fine as it is. But all JG guns that I have come across have good stock air-sealing to start with anyway.

Your anti-reversal latch problem reminds me of the old-type JG v2 mechboxes though. The biggest tip to working a old-type JG mechbox: keep a small wrench nearby. On the old JG HK416 that I have, a small wrench to hold the anti-reversal latch down when I put the mechbox back, and pull it out at the last minute. No such problem in the newer JG mechboxes now that their mechbox case has been redesigned.

The fact that you didn't say anything about air compression testing, tells me that there is a good chance that by swapping to a CA nozzle, you may be losing air-sealing in the cylinder-head to air-nozzle area. Inconsistent FPS output may lead to large groupings.

Accuracy issue could stem from the hop-up rubber needing time to settle, to problem with the tightbore barrel itself. The stock JG hop-up rubber is crap though, so the CA one is a right step in the right direction.

CA barrels has improved their game from years ago what I've heard - but then again, Vanaras (RSOV) 6.03mm Tightbore is my preferred barrel. But when your JG M4 may possibly come stock with a 6.04mm barrel already (it is a 6.04mm barrel on my JG HK416), why go and change it?

Lastly: that spring guide you have there sounds like a version 3 spring guide, definitely not a version 2. Version 2 spring guides don't come with big "ears".

What I suggest you do:
1) Check your mechbox air compression all over again and fix it. Make sure by the time you put everything back your air sealing is perfect.
2) then swap hop-up rubbers. I like Guarders clear buckings, they are super-thick, they give good air seal, and they're cheap
3) if your grouping still sucks it has to be the barrel.

Last edited by Amoki; June 7th, 2009 at 20:19..
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