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Quick Change Vest, Multi Loadout


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Old October 26th, 2009, 21:36   #1
HeadlessChicken's Avatar
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Quick Change Vest, Multi Loadout

So over the past year, my little collection has grown and I've started to game more. I've found that dedicated vests and chest rigs are limiting me. I currently have an LAPD vest that only holds 4 of my M4 mags but its not the most secure unless I use the cumbersome flap covers. I also have an M4 chest rig that has a pistol holster but the pistol mag pouches only holds the single stacked mags, I have a hi capa and a glock17. I was looking into a vest dedicated to my P90 but thats another $150. I've also added the KWA MP7 GBB to my collection of gaming options.

So now I'm thinking of getting a MOLLE vest, nothing big but should that'll allow me swap out pouches allowing me to field my M4, P90, G36, or MP7 in a single game should I show up with a combination of them. I was thinking this Pantac WSH* Chest Rig and this Pantac Molle Tactical Plate Carrier Full Set in black. I have a full black BDU and a cadpat BUD. I've been looking around Redwolf for pouches, these two looks like they'll hold my hi capa mags if someone can confirm that but I'm worried about mag pouches for my MP7...a search doesn't find any specifically for them. Would they fit into an MP5 mag pouch like this pouch? Also, is my idea sound or am I trying to find excuses to buy more airsoft stuff? Not that its a bad thing.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
-George Carlin 1937 - 2008 (RIP buddy)
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Old October 26th, 2009, 21:39   #2
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Originally Posted by HeadlessChicken View Post
So over the past year, my little collection has grown and I've started to game more. I've found that dedicated vests and chest rigs are limiting me. I currently have an LAPD vest that only holds 4 of my M4 mags but its not the most secure unless I use the cumbersome flap covers. I also have an M4 chest rig that has a pistol holster but the pistol mag pouches only holds the single stacked mags, I have a hi capa and a glock17. I was looking into a vest dedicated to my P90 but thats another $150. I've also added the KWA MP7 GBB to my collection of gaming options.

So now I'm thinking of getting a MOLLE vest, nothing big but should that'll allow me swap out pouches allowing me to field my M4, P90, G36, or MP7 in a single game should I show up with a combination of them. I was thinking this Pantac WSH* Chest Rig and this Pantac Molle Tactical Plate Carrier Full Set in black. I have a full black BDU and a cadpat BUD. I've been looking around Redwolf for pouches, these two looks like they'll hold my hi capa mags if someone can confirm that but I'm worried about mag pouches for my MP7...a search doesn't find any specifically for them. Would they fit into an MP5 mag pouch like this pouch? Also, is my idea sound or am I trying to find excuses to buy more airsoft stuff? Not that its a bad thing.
Those are great vests, one downside is that you have a whole bunch of M4 pouches built in. Great for some people, but not those who don't use M4s.

Also, If you have never used MOLLE before, It isnt like a quick 5 second per pouch change. Properly threading a molle pouch is a tedious process (or maybe i just suck at it). When i first set up my plate carrier/blast belt, It took me probably close to half an hour to thread everything through the way I liked it. I think Magpul makes a tool thats supposed to make it faster, Maybe you should consider looking into that.

Regardless, good luck finding a rig that works for you, sorry I can't be more helpfull
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Old October 26th, 2009, 21:44   #3
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OK maybe quick change wasn't the best to put in the title but the basic idea is to put together a rig that I can change out if I wanted to field another weapon. I can currently use an M4, P90, G36, and an MP7 plus 2 pistols.

I'll probably stick with those 2 vests or just 1 of them but I'm more worried about finding a pouch that'll fit the mags for my MP7 and finding pistol mag pouches that'll fit my hi capa and glock17 since those were the problems I ran into while trying to use my current chest rig and SWAT vest.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
-George Carlin 1937 - 2008 (RIP buddy)
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Old October 26th, 2009, 22:40   #4
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I have the ultimate multi purpose vest. Reversible OD to Black molle vest with P90 pouches, G36/M4 pouches and other random pouches.

Go modular or... well... buy more gear.

If you get a plate carrier is a neutral color, say OD or black and add assorted color pouches to match your environement and loadout (ex: CB, cadpat), you can get away with a minimal loadout that is still versatile. If your vest is covered in pouch, the base color won't show that much.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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