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"replica" airsoft gun talk on CBC radio


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Old January 13th, 2011, 09:24   #1
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"replica" airsoft gun talk on CBC radio

YouTube - Ken on CBC Radio talking about "replica" airsoft guns
BAD quality but I believe it was still good to hear.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 09:32   #2
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Originally Posted by shawngordo View Post
YouTube - Ken on CBC Radio talking about "replica" airsoft guns
BAD quality but I believe it was still good to hear.
Good to hear, yeah !
Finally someone that knows about airsoft that explains to people what is real and is not !!!!

It might help us explain to Canadians what airsoft is and why our hobby is great, not dangerous !!!
Thanks, plus it was KenC !!!!
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Old January 13th, 2011, 10:46   #3
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With any luck, this will put some fact into CBC's hands.
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old January 13th, 2011, 10:48   #4
a.k.a. wingmantank
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so what he was saying is Clearsoft = legal airsoft in Canada? That makes me feel like I am a criminal.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 11:09   #5
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Originally Posted by wingmantank View Post
so what he was saying is Clearsoft = legal airsoft in Canada? That makes me feel like I am a criminal.
Sign me up...I am officially a criminal too then. Ken's interpretation of the "facts" but not ALL the facts about what is "considered" legal in Canada spewed by someone with a specific commercial interest in seeing it restrained as described, but not as is being universally interpreted across the CBSA, RCMP and others.

How do we get a "cast-in-stone" definition that leaves no room for interpretation so we can all live and play the same...or is that a dangerous goal? Indecision and uncertainty makes for turmoil. At the moment CBSA is ruled by memorandum and interpretation but those are not "laws" are they, as much as interpretations of laws or definitions with law, right? Am I wrong or are CBSA creating "laws" by interpreting "definitions" and is this because governing is weak and washed out, unwilling to make proper definitive law and preferring to leave that to those whose position it is to interpret law: law enforcement, customs agencies, courts (in rare cases)?
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Old January 13th, 2011, 11:16   #6
Brian McIlmoyle
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the definition of a replica is very clear

The definition of what is and is not a firearm is very clear , What firearms require a license to own and which do not is also very clear.

The issue is , people who don't know or understand the law, and don't want to be responsible to make the call regarding where any one particular object fits within the definitions.

The final arbiter is always the court.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 11:41   #7
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
The issue is , people who don't know or understand the law, and don't want to be responsible to make the call regarding where any one particular object fits within the definitions.
Who are the "people" of whom you speak...we the users and consumers of this product? The retailers? Those in the retailers section? Or are you talking about law-making politicians? Honestly not sure where it all falls apart? And, where it needs to change?
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Old January 13th, 2011, 14:22   #8
formerly bazza
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I think he was trying to appeal to the masses of soccer moms rather than incite them , its canadian law for clearsoft and by trying to show that side he's helping us at this time

Last edited by peacekeeper; January 13th, 2011 at 14:24..
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Old January 13th, 2011, 14:25   #9
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Originally Posted by peacekeeper View Post
I think he was trying to appeal to the masses of soccer moms rather than incite them , its canadian law for clearsoft and by try to show that side he's helping us at this time
+1 !

The clearsoft explanation might actually secure more people, I agree, I totally support what Ken Said !
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Old January 13th, 2011, 14:39   #10
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I don't know. While for once, it was a story that shone a positive light on airsoft. That I'll agree to. However, the facts were very incomplete, and strongly leaned towards his own personal business interests, which is to flog Cansoft guns, of which he's one of the largest retailers. The interpretation seemed rather skewed to his own interests from my perspective. When it comes to pistols, he was correct, but that story wasn't really accurate when it came to actual rifles. The information wasn't inaccurate, but it left a huge, gaping hole in the facts. There was zero mention that non-clear guns are also legal with the proper muzzle energy.

However, I'm still happy to see a story that shines a positive light on airsoft.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 00:22   #11
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by TDH View Post
Who are the "people" of whom you speak...we the users and consumers of this product? The retailers? Those in the retailers section? Or are you talking about law-making politicians? Honestly not sure where it all falls apart? And, where it needs to change?
The problem lies with law enforcement. Police and CBSA

The laws are clear.. but the people charged to enforce them are either ignorant of them or don't understand them.

it should be obvious to anyone that the users are mostly ignorant of the laws.. considering there is a thread like this one every other day.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 14th, 2011, 01:49   #12
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I strongly disagree with you Brian. Police and the military do what they are trained to do and if people are going to commit a crime the restrictions wouldn't matter as they could spray paint an orange tip if that rule would be brought in, people could spray paint a gun to make it more realistic and they could even smuggle them in.

Quote from bshantz on JOC "IMO, law enforcement and military are the true idols and heros of this nation.
It's ironic that those who need protecting are the ones who are protesting."

Quote from Battalia on JOC "If you decide to take your life into your own hands and threaten others with a fake or real gun, that's your choice, but the law states that any gun, real or fake, will be treated as a real gun. That leaves no room to criticize our police and military for doing the right thing. You want to wave guns in public? go live somewhere else."

I don't think anything else could be more offensive then blaming police for acting defensively when a gun is pointed at them. Can you honestly imagine a cop being aimed at with an airsoft gun from some kid and have the cop say "oh it's not real" and then be shot dead? Be realistic, airsoft guns should be treated exactly as real weapons.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 02:08   #13
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In a way, its pretty good that he didnt mention uncontrolled firearm... I mean its not good for kids or other idiots out there.
how can you help someone else if they're not willing to help themselves.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 02:11   #14
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Originally Posted by shawngordo View Post
I strongly disagree with you Brian. Police and the military do what they are trained to do and if people are going to commit a crime the restrictions wouldn't matter as they could spray paint an orange tip if that rule would be brought in, people could spray paint a gun to make it more realistic and they could even smuggle them in.

Quote from bshantz on JOC "IMO, law enforcement and military are the true idols and heros of this nation.
It's ironic that those who need protecting are the ones who are protesting."

Quote from Battalia on JOC "If you decide to take your life into your own hands and threaten others with a fake or real gun, that's your choice, but the law states that any gun, real or fake, will be treated as a real gun. That leaves no room to criticize our police and military for doing the right thing. You want to wave guns in public? go live somewhere else."

I don't think anything else could be more offensive then blaming police for acting defensively when a gun is pointed at them. Can you honestly imagine a cop being aimed at with an airsoft gun from some kid and have the cop say "oh it's not real" and then be shot dead? Be realistic, airsoft guns should be treated exactly as real weapons.

Treated like real weapons, but not subject to the ludicrous, convoluted system Canada has in place for gun registry.

I'm pretty sure Brian knows that Airsoft weapons should be treated like real weapons. I'm also pretty sure he's not bashing the law enforment community, just stating that most people, civilians or law enforcement, have no idea what an Airsoft gun is, which is a huge problem. If a police officer were to raid the house of an airsoft player, and find his weapons, he is going to have to deal with a lot of hassle; regardless if he is breaking any laws or not.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 02:12   #15
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Originally Posted by shawngordo View Post
I strongly disagree with you Brian. Police and the military do what they are trained to do and if people are going to commit a crime the restrictions wouldn't matter as they could spray paint an orange tip if that rule would be brought in, people could spray paint a gun to make it more realistic and they could even smuggle them in.

Quote from bshantz on JOC "IMO, law enforcement and military are the true idols and heros of this nation.
It's ironic that those who need protecting are the ones who are protesting."

Quote from Battalia on JOC "If you decide to take your life into your own hands and threaten others with a fake or real gun, that's your choice, but the law states that any gun, real or fake, will be treated as a real gun. That leaves no room to criticize our police and military for doing the right thing. You want to wave guns in public? go live somewhere else."

I don't think anything else could be more offensive then blaming police for acting defensively when a gun is pointed at them. Can you honestly imagine a cop being aimed at with an airsoft gun from some kid and have the cop say "oh it's not real" and then be shot dead? Be realistic, airsoft guns should be treated exactly as real weapons.
You are talking about a local indecent that sparked this radio interview, Brian is talking about the actual details of what is and is not a replica and how/who enforce this. If you wanted to start a debate about that shooting maybe you should have titled your thread that way.

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