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Replica Crye combat Multicam pants for tall guys?


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Old November 9th, 2012, 19:26   #1
formerly al3x_newton
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Replica Crye combat Multicam pants for tall guys?

Hey guys, my Truspec MC combat pants keep ripping in the crotch. I'm looking for a decent set of replica G2 Multicam pants with the built in knee pads. Here's the thing, I'm 6'1" and don't wanna be ordering 'china' sizes that will fit like kids clothes for me.

Anyone with some experience with particular brands or makes and their sizing / fitment? TMC, Emerson... etc

Im North American 34 waist 33-34 inseam. I suppose I can chop up my existing truspecs if I need more length.

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Old November 9th, 2012, 19:43   #2
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I don't have any experience with the repros of the Crye combat pants but I figured I would offer up an alternative that would solve the problem. The Vertx pants are a great piece of kit and they won't break the bank like Crye pants. Unfortunately they don't have integral knee pads but they do have a gusseted crotch so ripping won't be a problem and they are made in the USA and are great quality. They are some of the best fitting and lowest profile combat pants I have personally worn. If I recall correctly there are a few guys on here that run them.

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Old November 9th, 2012, 20:38   #3
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My suggestion, DropZone 3G pants

It's probably the most expensive one out there. $200, made in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Designed with gusset to help prevent crotch area from being blown. The fabric is Milspic (TRU-SPEC use commericial grade according to Brian at DropZone)

If you do blown it, they do have warranty to cover it. Talk to them for details.
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Old November 9th, 2012, 20:58   #4
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My vote goes to Emerson. I bought these on a whim instead of tru spec and I am blown away by the quality. They also fit true to (waist) size.

There is a version with integrated knee pads:

I'm 6'0" with 32" inseam btw. For you, not sure their M would be long enough inseam.
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Last edited by horto; November 9th, 2012 at 21:06..
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Old November 9th, 2012, 21:58   #5
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Thumbs up

Im 6'2'' with 35" to 36" inseam and these work like a charm >>
I'd get the same size if I were you, and you can always use a belt to tighten them up. From my experience being over 6', there's no way M will fit...ever, or even L with china sizes, unless you're into those tight short ankle pants. ;p

Just like horto, the quality of the pants really surprised me and they're affordable, light weight, comfortable, they also ventilate well and they're not baggy and low hanging in the crotch area so I cant see them ever tearing, and the knee pads are great!

Last edited by nstahl.19; November 10th, 2012 at 12:14..
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Old November 9th, 2012, 22:01   #6
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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check out
they've got the crye style advanced combats, and it's NOT replica, all real shit
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Old November 9th, 2012, 23:26   #7
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Repeated blown crotches are the result of poor fitting pants.

I have to use extra tough work pants. Let me put it this way, Carhart hard use clothing last me at best 3-6 months for a $120 pant. I finally got some good pants made in Finland, and I ordered some in my usual size. I found out really fast that they didn't last either. I spoke to the importer and he told my that my waist size was wrong and my inseam was wrong. He got me to order one size smaller in each, and my problems were solved. Now, I get 1-1.5 years out of a pair of pants.

Jeans last me a matter of days, regardless of brand.

Maybe find a set you like and try a different size than you normally wear. Smaller waist also means smaller waist-crotch ratio. If the crotch hangs too low, when you bend or move the pants pull in ways they weren't designed to and aren't capable of without breakage.
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Old November 10th, 2012, 01:28   #8
formerly al3x_newton
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Yeah it is all in the fitment I have found out. The Tru-spec pants I have, the crotch hangs too low on me. So when im behind low cover on my knees its putting too much tension in the seam... Im sure they would be fine otherwise. I think I'l give the Emerson's a Try just for shits and giggles. If I have to alter them in the leg then I will, not a huge deal.

Yaeah Mac, Im a carpenter and thats the first place ALL my Carhartt's generate tears too! Damn crotches! Otherwise those things are bomb proof!

If the cheapo's don't work, then i'l go with some of the above mentioned pants. Thanks a bunch guys!
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Old November 10th, 2012, 08:21   #9
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If you cannot find what you want, then Beyond Clothing can make tactical pants with Crye Kneepad pockets. In addition to the fabrics they list, they can custom make with fabric you supply. They are not cheap, but they are on par with Crye as far as quality and durability.
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