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Coming out from the shadow? NZ airsofters going public.



View Poll Results: Is it a good idea to get airsoft on the news?
It's great. We should do it 21 26.58%
Uhhh...I don't know what to say. 10 12.66%
It is %$&#ing stupid. Stay down and don't rock the boat. 35 44.30%
Wish People who think of these "new" old ideas would read more and learn what has already been done, and why they should just play the game and enjoy it instead of trying to get political 13 16.46%
Voters: 79. You may not vote on this poll

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Old December 3rd, 2006, 02:02   #1
Imperial Guard
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Coming out from the shadow? NZ airsofters going public.

YouTube - airsoft on closeup

I believe many of you have seen this before. It's a news clip about NZ airsofters. I personally think it's a good way to edcuate the public and build a positive image for airsofters. What do you guys think?
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 02:13   #2
Fly 9
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Personally I do NOT think it's a good idea at this point in time with Canada what with all the shit that's been goin down, soccer moms and the news agents that cater to them would go ape shit.
I saw that video a long while ago and thought it was good that NZ was getting their airsoft known. They are more limited than we are and their gun control is harsher than ours (I'm speaking as a Canadian) so I was thinking (at the time) this might make airsoft more accessable.
I think they should do the same thing here in Australia because airsoft is even harder to get. You need a firearms licence (from what I've read that is) so some public awareness might make it a bit easier for Australians to play (and me of's terrible guys, so many abandoned warehouses...soooo many and noone to utilize them.) Not to mention some of the woodlands that I've seen.

They just legalized paintball in Victoria so they're a long way off in regards to airsoft.
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Last edited by Fly 9; December 3rd, 2006 at 03:18..
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 03:06   #3
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woot let us rock the boat
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 03:16   #4
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You're an imbecile.

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Old December 3rd, 2006, 03:35   #5
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I guess none of you guys were around when a similar news story aired here in BC a few years ago on CBC. Highlighted the BCAC, some interviews with cops and players bla bla bla.. Personally I dont think anyone noticed it. It didnt seem to do too much for the sport anyhow..
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 03:45   #6
Imperial Guard
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No kidding, I just recalled that not too many people watch the news these days....
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 04:09   #7
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No thanks! Publicity can only mean negative publicity when you live in Canada. And it's not like there isn't enough players around to run games.
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 05:50   #8
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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This idea has never come up before.

(Pardon the sarcasm.)
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 07:37   #9
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Originally Posted by Oz View Post
I guess none of you guys were around when a similar news story aired here in BC a few years ago on CBC. Highlighted the BCAC, some interviews with cops and players bla bla bla.. Personally I dont think anyone noticed it. It didnt seem to do too much for the sport anyhow..
Yeah I recall that - I saved a copy to my hard drive as well. I don't remember it or any other news media article making any effect on Airsoft - save for a few getting interersted.
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 08:23   #10
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Originally Posted by Oz View Post
I guess none of you guys were around when a similar news story aired here in BC a few years ago on CBC.
[sarcasm]yeah it was great, kang-tastic![/sarcasm]

Seriously, I would submit that the reason that particular piece did not get any traction in the news is that it wasn' A short doc showing people engaged in a controversial activity, behaving themselves and acting in a mature, responsible manner..yawn... No one's gonna wait past sports and the weather to watch that.

Now, a hard hitting expose on "delinquent minors engaged in militia style training" etc would make the shit literally hit the fan - and in BC you're set up perfectly for such a story, with a whole club of underage airsofters.

Understand, I'm not painting that group with any brush, saying they are irresponsible, however all it would take would be one pc journalist who has already made up their mind what the angle of their story is, to get invited out to a event. Combine their slanted reporting with a nice photo (colour of course, this is the front page) of a few 16yo's holding what appear to be assault rifles, and I think you would see widespread distribution of that.

On a side note, funny how it's usually those whom have recently gotten involved that always bring up the topic of "getting our message out there" etc...

Last edited by Kokanee; December 3rd, 2006 at 08:30..
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 08:56   #11
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I think it would just be totally stupid it would open it up as an "oppurtonity" for little 12 year olds to go shoot the town with and get shot becasue of their stupidity. Just my opinion though
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 09:09   #12
Freedom Fighter
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The media is most likely to portray it in a negative light because what bleeds, leads. Good news does not equal ratings. It is certainly not a good idea. The sport will grow regardless.
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 10:25   #13
Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
[sarcasm]yeah it was great, kang-tastic![/sarcasm]

Seriously, I would submit that the reason that particular piece did not get any traction in the news is that it wasn' A short doc showing people engaged in a controversial activity, behaving themselves and acting in a mature, responsible manner..yawn... No one's gonna wait past sports and the weather to watch that.

Now, a hard hitting expose on "delinquent minors engaged in militia style training" etc would make the shit literally hit the fan - and in BC you're set up perfectly for such a story, with a whole club of underage airsofters.

Understand, I'm not painting that group with any brush, saying they are irresponsible, however all it would take would be one pc journalist who has already made up their mind what the angle of their story is, to get invited out to a event. Combine their slanted reporting with a nice photo (colour of course, this is the front page) of a few 16yo's holding what appear to be assault rifles, and I think you would see widespread distribution of that.

On a side note, funny how it's usually those whom have recently gotten involved that always bring up the topic of "getting our message out there" etc...
What he said
Old December 3rd, 2006, 10:38   #14
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You guys are nuts. "Oh noes! The Soccer moms are out to get us!"

Between the "sky is falling" secrecy, refusal to talk to the media and through them the public at large, and the general alienation of newbies here and on the field, airsoft's going to remain a little secretive unknown thing just like you want.

But when "little Jimmy" goes and gets himself shot for doing something stupid, they're going to find airsoft anyway, 'cuz guess what? We're all over the internet, the first place people go to look up anything. And on that day we'll have NO prior positive public exposure.

People do things in secret because they know they're wrong. That's the message you guys keep sending with your paranoia about media exposure. And what's the government going to ban? An open activity where members are visible, contributing members to society, or that thing done by a secretive cabal in the back woods which nobody's ever heard of?

Governments ban things like Airsoft guns because they're under the impression that there's no legitimate use for them. We HAVE to show them that there is one.

Thumbs up to the New Zealanders. It was a good report, they got across what they do well, and managed to make their government's absurd categorization of automatic airsoft guns look ridiculous.
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 10:55   #15
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one work spin controll

"local pd find great help in finding rapist from the local airsoft comunity" that headline would be good for us bad gor the rapest good for pd bad for rapest good for rattings
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