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Border Crossing


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Old December 4th, 2008, 22:34   #1
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Ottawa, ON
Question Border Crossing

I'm going over to the U.S. soon and i was going to get an airsoft gun shipped to the people i'm visiting and then bring it back over the border (we're driving). I know that airsoft is in a tricky position right now what with the not-so-specific laws and I really don't want to make a scene. If I cross the border with a NBB 430 fps ruger (from airsplat) full black with an orange tip will it get confiscated if it is found?
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Old December 4th, 2008, 22:37   #2
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Old December 4th, 2008, 22:38   #3
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most likely yes. it is not encouraged to smuggle airsoft from the states. you are likely to be fined and put on record if it is discovered that you're smuggling airsoft. the chances of being searched aren't very high, but it's still a great risk. there's some other threads regarding airsoft and border crossing. just search around.
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Old December 4th, 2008, 22:41   #4
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BTW does anybody know why potentially lethal BB guns that look very realistic are allowed in but not airsoft?
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Old December 4th, 2008, 22:42   #5
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Originally Posted by mattman2523 View Post
BTW does anybody know why potentially lethal BB guns that look very realistic are allowed in but not airsoft?
because they say so? seriously your trying to get logic from a government agency man
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Old December 4th, 2008, 22:45   #6
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ya good point...still sucks though
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Old December 4th, 2008, 22:50   #7
Ktown Militia
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
because they say so? seriously your trying to get logic from a government agency man
+1, no doubt man.
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Old December 4th, 2008, 23:13   #8
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The realistic BB guns are sold by big companies that are "in the loop".

Airsoft is not "in the loop".
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Old December 5th, 2008, 00:38   #9
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Only thing you can really do is bring back non restricted stuff.

- optics
- rails
- gear
- etc.

You CANNOT bring back receivers. DO NOT under any circumstances part your gun out. If it is found it is more evidence against smuggling and they will most likely pursue larger charges meaning more fines/jail time.

DO NOT SMUGGLE. Get AV'ed and get from the classifieds.
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Old December 5th, 2008, 08:15   #10
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Originally Posted by mattman2523 View Post
I'm going over to the U.S. soon and i was going to get an airsoft gun shipped to the people i'm visiting and then bring it back over the border (we're driving). I know that airsoft is in a tricky position right now what with the not-so-specific laws and I really don't want to make a scene. If I cross the border with a NBB 430 fps ruger (from airsplat) full black with an orange tip will it get confiscated if it is found?
There's a guy who's looking at 2-4 years for selling toys. Do you really want to risk this for a couple bucks?

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Old December 5th, 2008, 08:26   #11
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My buddy went down to the states with his parents for the day to do a little shopping a few months back.

He purchased a BE ( Both Elephant ) AUG airsoft gun, his dad declared it when going through as a "toy airsoft gun" and was allowed through.

Although I dont suggest you do it, im just informing you that it is possible.
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Old December 5th, 2008, 09:04   #12
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If for some reason you still decide to attempt to cross the border with an airsoft gun, always declare it. The worst that can happen is they confiscate it. If you don't declare it and they find it on you, then you are looking at a possible smuggling charge of a prohibited device which could lead to jail time in a worst case scenario.
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Old December 5th, 2008, 09:07   #13
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you cannot bring back a gun, it does not have a clear receiver. If you try you run the risk of having your gun confiscated and quite possibly being charged.get aged verified and buy from the classifieds.
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Old December 5th, 2008, 10:37   #14
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Since this IS a grey area the agents do have the last say, however most will take it away from you. Some give you the option of going back to the store to return it for a refund. Best is to not do it since IMHO it's a waste of money cause usually they will take it away ($200 down the drain) and not be nice and give you the returning to store option (you may lose some money from the 15% restocking fee).

If budget is a big deal then pick up one of Huangs guns, or an Aftermath gun.
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Old December 5th, 2008, 10:38   #15
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Seeing as how it's such a grey area... confiscated or allowed ... it's all up to the individual CBSA you get at the boarder to be honest. If you get an agent that is a stickler then expect to get your stuff confiscated... if you get someone that is more understanding and in the loop of things then it's probably going to make it across. If your going to do it declare it, it's that simple, if it gets confiscated at least you don't run the risk of being thrown in jail, you declared it and did things the proper way. Trying to smuggle it, well.... that's up to you... and so are the consequences of your actions so be prepared to deal with them if you take that route.
I don't think everyone should be so critical of people who want to try and bring them across as long as it is done properly... ie: declare it. If it gets confiscated then hey... no biggie.... they are just out some cash... if they get it across via the proper declarations... hey great job.

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