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Problems reassembling mechbox


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Old December 17th, 2008, 09:36   #1
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Ottawa, ON
Problems reassembling mechbox

I've just finished reshimming my version 2 jg mechbox and now I'm trying to get it reassembled. I've been following the FTK installation guide from of how to get it back together. The problem I'm haveing is that the anti-reverse latch and my trigger will not stay in the mechbox without being held there. In the video once he sets these components they just magically seem to sit there in place. As soon as I let go of either one of them they spring out of place. It is making it virtually impossible to close the mechbox shell. After trying with another person for about two hours last night I'm coming here for help. Is there a trick to getting these to stay in place when you close you're mechbox? Any help is appreciated.
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Old December 17th, 2008, 09:51   #2
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No trick. That's common on cheap/loose mechboxes like JG's and Dboys.

You can try a dab of grease on the bottom stud of the antireversal'll help to "stick-tion" it for a sec while you're fiddling with everything else.

No trick for the trigger...they're typically so loose that it's never going to stay in place without being held by either the mechbox shell (closed up) or your finger.

If you've got the can use your left thumb to hold the AR-latch in place, your left pinky/ring finger through the shell to hold the spring guide and your left pointing (index?) finger to hold the cylinder down while you tip the shell into place. Then with your right hand you can put the trigger into place and close it up. Sound is.

Or...get a buddy to hold the spring guide/cylinder down and tip the shell into place while you fiddle with the rest of it.

Sad part is...just as you've got it notice a shim out place or the tappet fin has nocked the sector gear out of position...LOL

BEST thing to do is to junk the mechbox shell and buy an after market reinforced shell and transplant everything into it. Compared to a clone'll feel like you'll be able to put it together one-handed with your eyes closed.

BEST, BEST thing to do is to toss the mechbox altogether and buy a complete G&P mechbox and just reshim it.

I'm 100% positive that even after you get this'll despise clone mechboxes and will not want to fiddle with it again the next time you want to perform general maintenance or upgrades...
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Old December 17th, 2008, 09:57   #3
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On all the JG mechboxes I've worked on I've had the same problems (to varying degrees). They can be an absolute nightmare without an extra set of hands! I think it's the return springs they use but I'm not totally sure on that.

For the A/R latch, I usually put a glob of white lithium grease in the bottom hole where it sits and then put the A/R latch in. This is usually enough to keep it relatively in place (ie. not popping out) to get the top half on. Slight manouvering might be needed which can either be done with a small flathead screwdrive between the shell haves or go through the motor/pinion hole on the bottom. Or you use a small punch/pointy thing through the top A/R latch hole and wiggle the shaft into position.

I usually work by myself so if I have a troublesome trigger I set it in place by hand then find something very heavy to set on top of it to hold it in place (like a heavy wrench or whatever I have on my bench). Ideally for the stuborn ones you have someone else hold it in place while you put the top half on though.

Good luck and hopefully it works first try!
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Old December 17th, 2008, 10:08   #4
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Holy speeding post replies batman!

But in all seriousness, thanks for the replies. I guess I'm just going to have to try again tonight. We were close last night but as you mentioned the friggin tappet plate fin pulled the sector gear out of alignment. I tried to to open the box slightly to align it with a screwdriver and TWANG, out goes th trigger. Tried to fix that and the anti-reverse latch ended up on the other side of the room. I guess it's got a lot of luck involved. Eventually I'm going to upgrade to some higher quality parts but for now these are working fine as long as I don't take them apart. Anyways, thanks again guys for the quick replies.
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Old December 17th, 2008, 17:07   #5
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For the anti-reversal latch, if you can get the Modify Anti-Reversal Latch V2/V3, that will make the installation of the latch much easier, since the Modify one has some sort of grove and an e-ring that prevents the spring from popping loose when you are closing the mechbox.
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Old December 17th, 2008, 18:12   #6
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The mechbox is finally back together. The extra grease on the anti reverse latch held it there long enough for me to jam it back together. Too bad I shorted out my charger and now I can't test it (But that's a whole other story). My trigger master seems to work though as it gives me the low battery warning. Anyways, thanks for the help guys.
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Old December 17th, 2008, 18:15   #7
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I had the same issue with the mechbox in my JG HK416. I installed a Modify AR latch and had no issues closing it back up.
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Old December 17th, 2008, 18:40   #8
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I installed a Modify AR latch and had no issues closing it back up.
I love modify's AR latch.

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