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Building a airsoft field


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Old July 15th, 2009, 21:47   #91
formerly Sepulcrum
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Originally Posted by Jobbo_Fett View Post
I never said host, and I expect him to play when he's AV'ed or no longer a minor. Plus, hosting a game shows you can be responsible, as long as everything is well regulated and fair.

Although as I've stated before, I don't see a problem with him building the field, which is what this thread was all about when it started, playing is a different matter.
I see what your saying. And if he was 17 and had 2-3 months to go I'd have no problem at all with this whole thing but as he refuses to say his age that only say's he's <15 yrs. And Frankly a child playing (which he will, his parent's will probably buy any gun for him he wants) is strongly discouraged and giving them instructions on how to build a place to play is only helping them play.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 21:49   #92
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Originally Posted by Sepulcrum View Post
I see what your saying. And if he was 17 and had 2-3 months to go I'd have no problem at all with this whole thing but as he refuses to say his age that only say's he's <15 yrs. And Frankly a child playing (which he will, his parent's will probably buy any gun for him he wants) is strongly discouraged and giving them instructions on how to build a place to play is only helping them play.
Well, at this point it's up to the kid to man up and tell us what his age is then. I don't see why he would be scared to post it in the first place considering how we all do it at some point, and it's the internet so anonymity is almost guaranteed.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 22:34   #93
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Lol what is the point of him building a field n then not playing on it and who the hell is going to play with him? All his 18+ buddies right?

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Last edited by pusangani; July 16th, 2009 at 04:01..
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Old July 15th, 2009, 22:38   #94
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Lol what is the point of him building a field n then not playing on it and who the hell is going to play with him? All his 18+ buddies right? :roolleyes:

Thread fail
We still don't know his actual age, and building a field doesn't happen overnight.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 22:40   #95
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Why are you all arguing? You think the kid cares? everyone already helped him.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 22:56   #96
The Saint
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Was this thread started in Off-Topic? It should've been in Newbie Tank and closed after a strongly worded warning about underaged airsoft.
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Old July 16th, 2009, 00:23   #97
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Cabellas... Policies....??? well hmmmm

I was there a week ago getting a pair of boots and happened to pass by the airsoft section where the sales guy was talking to a kid no joke must have been 12 at MAX...

the kid (no parent in sight) was looking at the Kracken... he picked up the box and said to the sales guy that he will take it... and walked away... Serious 12 and now with a gun...

ok so I approach the sales guy and say.... you do know the kid is totally under age to buy right. his response was "not my issue I suppose his mom and dad are getting it for him" I said I did not see any parents in your 3 min conversation did you... he shruged and walked away

I spoke to a manager (what I thought was a manager) and he said that it was not his problem and that they are just a retailer and they just sell the toys...

anywho fast forward I took my boots and went to the cash. stood in line and 2 people in front of me was this kid... and his gun...

he walked up to the cash (no parent in sight and paid cash for the gun and left. I quickly paid for my boots at another teller and left saw the kid jumping into a van with his mom driving... and they left

so cabellas will sell to anyone.... there in lies the problem folks... the Broxxa and the kracken are both easy to get and are ok guns.... they can certainly be painted black and well you know the rest...

even is this is a one off still should be a rule no Airsoft, no Pellet or No Real Steel sold to anyone under 18 plus you should have to sign a form stating that this gun will never be given to or fired by a minor. under penalty of some law or another....

BTW Walmart will sell the Crossman CO2 pistol and the pump shotgun to anyone too Saw a kid with a crossman CO2 walk out of the store and jump on his bike and go (no parent even in the parking lot)

so there is the root of the issue... in the tight economy a sale is a sale...

I gave up speaking to cabellas as I have seen this before from them and to make matters worse in another incident about a year ago the guy who was speaking to the minor and later sold him the gun (broxxa just came out) worked at XT in wpg. they let anyone 16+ play

so there are further reaching issues....

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Old July 16th, 2009, 00:28   #98
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
+1 bro

are you guys really giving this child tips on how to play backyard airsoft?
Originally Posted by ujiro
This is what ASC has been opposed to for years! Why change all of a sudden?
I am not flaming the kid, but I am going to say what everyone else who agrees with me is saying.
its a diffrent time here on ASC

Originally Posted by ujiro View Post
Wow. Simple and 100% true. /thread lol. Well put, pus. Very well put.
he needs to put it nicley....

playing with my kid!
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Old July 16th, 2009, 00:32   #99
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Was this thread started in Off-Topic? It should've been in Newbie Tank and closed after a strongly worded warning about underaged airsoft.
The Saint. A hero. This is what I am saying. This is what the mods do, so it is the point that we uphold. Underage airsoft is not condoned by us, and we will not help anybody figure out ways to circumvent the 18+ rules we have in place. Helping a kid make an airsoft field in his backyard... is helping him find a way to play.

And in response to the last post there... It shouldn't be a different time. Nothing has changed. Why should our feelings towards underage airsoft?
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Old July 16th, 2009, 01:25   #100
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Originally Posted by T-Hell View Post
Cabellas... Policies....??? well hmmmm

so there are further reaching issues....
Yes there are the issues of kids getting their hands on guns, and unfortunately ASC has no control over their sales policies, what we do have control over is the stance we take on underage airsofting, WE DO NOT SUPPORT IT.

I don't care how heart-warming it feels to think of these brats as the future of airsoft, when you bend the rules for one impatient little mongrel, it's a slap in the face to everyone who's ever waited till they were 18 and those who are still waiting now.

Originally Posted by Jobbo_Fett View Post
We still don't know his actual age, and building a field doesn't happen overnight.
He said hes younger than 15, which is too young to be playing airsoft, much less building a field where your other underaged friends can play at.

Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Was this thread started in Off-Topic? It should've been in Newbie Tank and closed after a strongly worded warning about underaged airsoft.
Thank you.

Last edited by pusangani; July 16th, 2009 at 01:27..
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Old July 16th, 2009, 01:36   #101
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
He said hes younger than 15, which is too young to be playing airsoft, much less building a field where your other underaged friends can play at.
Didn't notice, only skimmed most posts. About the whole "Selling to minors" thing, it's like with video games, the companies just want their buck. Unless you have clerks or managers that actually care about that sort of thing, it won't change.

Anyways, being younger than 15, I doubt he'll even START digging his first trench before he goes back inside to play video games or something.
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Old July 16th, 2009, 01:45   #102
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or hope that he gets busted stealing skids/pallets from his local grocery and gets sent to a youth facility
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Old July 16th, 2009, 01:47   #103
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Originally Posted by T-Hell View Post
Cabellas... Policies....??? well hmmmm

I was there a week ago getting a pair of boots and happened to pass by the airsoft section where the sales guy was talking to a kid no joke must have been 12 at MAX...

the kid (no parent in sight) was looking at the Kracken... he picked up the box and said to the sales guy that he will take it... and walked away... Serious 12 and now with a gun...

ok so I approach the sales guy and say.... you do know the kid is totally under age to buy right. his response was "not my issue I suppose his mom and dad are getting it for him" I said I did not see any parents in your 3 min conversation did you... he shruged and walked away

I spoke to a manager (what I thought was a manager) and he said that it was not his problem and that they are just a retailer and they just sell the toys...

anywho fast forward I took my boots and went to the cash. stood in line and 2 people in front of me was this kid... and his gun...

he walked up to the cash (no parent in sight and paid cash for the gun and left. I quickly paid for my boots at another teller and left saw the kid jumping into a van with his mom driving... and they left

so cabellas will sell to anyone.... there in lies the problem folks... the Broxxa and the kracken are both easy to get and are ok guns.... they can certainly be painted black and well you know the rest...

even is this is a one off still should be a rule no Airsoft, no Pellet or No Real Steel sold to anyone under 18 plus you should have to sign a form stating that this gun will never be given to or fired by a minor. under penalty of some law or another....

BTW Walmart will sell the Crossman CO2 pistol and the pump shotgun to anyone too Saw a kid with a crossman CO2 walk out of the store and jump on his bike and go (no parent even in the parking lot)

so there is the root of the issue... in the tight economy a sale is a sale...

I gave up speaking to cabellas as I have seen this before from them and to make matters worse in another incident about a year ago the guy who was speaking to the minor and later sold him the gun (broxxa just came out) worked at XT in wpg. they let anyone 16+ play

so there are further reaching issues....
Thats strange cause in the past I had issues even just getting ammo, I was over 18 but didn't have my ID along and they wouldn't let me buy it. Course I don't buy they're ammo anymore. And the guy who used to work at XT seems to be very slack about everything, so I can see how he let him have it.
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Old July 16th, 2009, 01:51   #104
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I'm betting this kid is not even going to try and build this thing....he will think about it and realize it will be a lot of work.
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Old July 16th, 2009, 02:31   #105
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After 6 pages I'm unclear.

Do we get the kindling?

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