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Year Of The GBBR....or just a stinky smell that's passing through...


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Old September 9th, 2009, 23:02   #181
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Location: Montreal, QC
Got my stuff.

FUCK some of the tan parts don't match.

Getting everything from magpul, why the heck did they decide to have a FDE instead of a regular tan.

Oh well, more money for magpul
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old September 10th, 2009, 00:09   #182
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Originally Posted by gotchya24 View Post
my postman doesnt even ring the doorbell, he just leaves a notice in the box to go to the postoffice to pick it up. lazy basterd.
thats why I tell my mom to help me bitch, cause if I were to they were probably consider me as a violent person, if my mom does they will think it is a dissatisify customer. Its how it works, get used to it. Being a guy isn't the best to deal with customer service. Emotion appeals them more.
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Old September 10th, 2009, 01:06   #183
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Originally Posted by NVC View Post
I have the chance to skirmish my WE Scar-L, its bad ass. I've tried the mouse pad trick to dampin the recoil spring assembly on the butt stock, but there's a problem of the charging handle not return to the original position. Think maybe the mouse pad is too thick. I have both the green and Co2 mags, but im going to hold off on the Co2 i till get the renforced butt stock plate. Im picking up a Mad Bull fire pig today and going to see how much louder it make the gun. Ill keep you guys updated.
Could I get a picture of the place where you need a recoil bumper?


Anyone able to give me a picture of the place where they could use a sorbothane recoil bumper on their GBBR's?
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Old September 10th, 2009, 01:17   #184
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As for SCAR I don't know but as for WE M4..
Part 91
Its a nugget of clear rubbery plastic.
Why use a sorbo for that? Isn't recoil something that's actually desired for this gun?
Also how do you get in touch with tirador? haven't been able to contact the guy lately...
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Old September 10th, 2009, 07:11   #185
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The SCAR setup is very different from the AWSS M4.

Amos...take a look at the parts diagram of the SCAR (or even the youtube take down video). There's a spring guide with a rectangular back end (rectangle is oriented "up and down" so the long edges are on the L/R sides). That rectangle plate presses directly against the plastic hinge plate "endcap" that slides up onto the body.

The entire bolt assembly slams back into the rectangle plate with every shot.

You'll want thin material, since if it's stuck to the hinge plate it still needs to slide up onto the body (and down to take apart).

I suppose you could stick it to the back face of the spring guide...but it's metal, it get's I'm not sure how well contact glue will stick. But, doing it that way, there is enough front to back play in the position of the spring guide that you can put something on the back end of it, push it in a bit more and slide the plate up.

Not sure if it's worth "fabricating" something (i.e. cutting out a rectangle of material and spraying one side with contact adhesive)'s pretty simple for anyone to do it themselves.

Get you hands on one...just eyeballing it will take about 1/5th the amount of time it took me to write this and for you to read's that simple.


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Old September 10th, 2009, 08:59   #186
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A broken WOC M4 available for sale in classified if anyone interested.
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Old September 10th, 2009, 09:41   #187
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Got my stuff.

FUCK some of the tan parts don't match.

Getting everything from magpul, why the heck did they decide to have a FDE instead of a regular tan.

Oh well, more money for magpul
As much as it's nice to hear about your post office failed deliveries, when you're going to go get your stuff or what relative is best to have call in a'd be nice to keep this thread to grounded discussion of GBBR's. Thanks in advance.

Ideally this thread would be factual, detailed comments/descriptions and practical field use reports from guys that are actively using them.

Most valuable are in-hand owner's reports and personal comments related to:
1. Are they usable in the field (indoor/outdoor)?
- so far field reports (thanks Marcia for the latest!) are ok-to-good
2. Would you ditch everything else and use these exclusively?
- minority say yes
- majority say no, they'll still keep their AEG/PTWs
3. For it a fun-gun, wall hanger or go-to rifle when it's game time?
- fun-gun and game gun

HOWEVER...Grounded, well thought out comments from guys with a lot of field experience of why they won't go to them or are still on the fence are very much appreciated as well, and offer valuable counterpoints (i.e. they temper the "OMG, these things must be the shit and I'z gotta get one NOW!")

Perhaps this thread should be expanded a bit (or maybe it should be another thread?) to a distilled..."what mods worked/didn't work on a given system" for the guys here? There's a crap load of stuff already written up on other forums...but it's watered down with a lot of noob-ish repeat questions and so-so reports back of how the mods/fixes actually worked out.

I'd be up for creating a new thread and keeping the first couple of posts updated with summary stuff if people think that's a good idea. From the perspective of a new guy trying to read up on GBBRs, already this thread is too long to read through from the beginning (not bad, but it's getting there). Maybe I'll go back to the first post and edit in select things.

I am NOT an expert at this stuff, it's just a really neat aspect of this hobby...there are obviously others who have been neck deep in this already for a while. Prying out great info from them is like striking gold for guys diving into these things. I'd much rather know what I'm getting into if I'm thinking of getting an AGM/Ino/WE/G&P/ACM/JG/etc... before I plunk down $400-2000, so hopefully these types of good discussions and accumulation of info can put some value into forum.

Thanks guys,

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Old September 10th, 2009, 10:08   #188
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Here is what I think is causing all the broken stock hinge plates (part #66):

This is the plastic stock hinge plate (#66)
- notice the faint vertical lines to the left & right...this is where the recoil rod assembly slams into when the gun is fired.

This is the end of the recoil rod assembly. It sits flush with the end of the receiver so the plastic stock hinge plate can slide over. I know some guys are saying to put a piece of rubber/neoprene between the end of the rod to act as a buffer but I think it would only be a temporary fix!

Upper receiver: Here you can see the bolt (#53) on the left and the recoil spring/rod assembly on the right. Just from my first few shots I knew right away that this guns recoil is way too hard. There is way too much "metal on metal" when it recoils. I believe that the recoil spring is too weak and the bolt is too heavy = BROKEN STOCK HINGE PLATE (#66)

Bolt (#53) & recoil rod & spring assembly: Somehow a buffer needs to be installed between these two parts. This would lessen the shock transferred to the hinge plate. A CNC metal hinge plate would solve this problem and I'm sure it's just a matter of time before that happens!

Bolt (#53) - This is the face of the bolt where it slams into the recoil rod...this thing is HEAVY!


Last edited by KEVORKIAN; September 10th, 2009 at 10:13..
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Old September 10th, 2009, 10:15   #189
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If it was a pistol (which it essentially is) a 2-stage spring setup might work. A "long" weak spring for the first stage and then a "short" stiff section to kill the impact. Separate the two with a derlin spacer.

What about the other end of the bolt? When it slams forward to chamber the "round". There's a pretty good clunk when it returns to battery...a lot more than with the M4. On an extreme end of things...if a really strong recoil spring was put in to kill the rearward impact, it would probably introduce a lot of stress to the front end. The SCARS bolt/carrier is a real chunk of metal...

I'll take another look at Griffin's this Friday maybe... (f*ck...I should just buy my own and start hacking into it!)

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Old September 10th, 2009, 10:20   #190
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I just like the simplicity of the WE SCAR...there is next to nothing for internals!
It's soooo easy to work on! This thing performs just fine on propane and until a reinforced hinge plate is properly manufactured I won't be using CO2 just yet!

As for when the gun returns to battery, I'll look a little more closely at the metal-on-metal contact up front and assess it further.


Last edited by KEVORKIAN; September 10th, 2009 at 10:23..
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Old September 10th, 2009, 10:38   #191
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I think most of these GBBR(GBBs in general actually) are quite simple. No need to mess with gears, wiring and all that stuff...the problem in most cases then comes from exactly how well the stuff are made, because it is mechanically driven and you can't easily swap out something for another and expect it to work. I've owned a few AEGs and I've never attempt to work on them, but I've taken my WOC completely apart no less than 6-8 times and put them back together with no just makes a whole lot more sense to me...

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Old September 10th, 2009, 13:20   #192
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
As much as it's nice to hear about your post office failed deliveries, when you're going to go get your stuff or what relative is best to have call in a'd be nice to keep this thread to grounded discussion of GBBR's. Thanks in advance.
You may want to work on your reading skills.

If you want factual information, feel free to search for one of the couple threads about AGM GBBR info that i'm giving out after trying parts left and right (at my own cost), or PM me for further info that i haven't had time to post.

You can copy/paste that info and put it here to add up to the rest, or you can wait for me to make a clean thread about AGM M4 GBBR. I have yet to do that since i am still waiting on a LOT of different parts to see just what makes this gun tick and what really fits and doesn't fit.


Originally Posted by RacingManiac View Post
I think most of these GBBR(GBBs in general actually) are quite simple. No need to mess with gears, wiring and all that stuff...the problem in most cases then comes from exactly how well the stuff are made, because it is mechanically driven and you can't easily swap out something for another and expect it to work. I've owned a few AEGs and I've never attempt to work on them, but I've taken my WOC completely apart no less than 6-8 times and put them back together with no just makes a whole lot more sense to me...
Yes i agreed. Everything is mechanical, so problems come from parts breaking or fitting issues. It's a dead easy system, and some companies decided to simply make everything reinforced for no problems (like ra-tech).
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.

Last edited by Ronan; September 10th, 2009 at 13:26..
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Old September 10th, 2009, 13:29   #193
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
You may want to work on your reading skills.

If you want factual information, feel free to search for one of the couple threads about AGM GBBR info that i'm giving out after trying parts left and right (at my own cost), or PM me for further info that i haven't had time to post.

You can copy/paste that info and put it here to add up to the rest, or you can wait for me to make a clean thread about AGM M4 GBBR. I have yet to do that since i am still waiting on a LOT of different parts to see just what makes this gun tick and what really fits and doesn't fit.

Ok, I'm always willing to read more.

Can you link in your threads? I scanned the last two pages of all your posts and am not sure which one(s) you're talking about. (is it the one where you have the pictures of the different receiver/bolt weights?...not the pimp my gun photoshop thing of your GBBR right?)

I've also done an advanced search by your username with the keyword "AGM"...but didn't turn up much either. I kind of suck at searching through this forum though...sorry if I've missed the detailed info.

If your useful stuff isn't posted yet...thanks in advance I suppose for posting it eventually.

Last edited by m102404; September 10th, 2009 at 13:44..
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Old September 10th, 2009, 13:37   #194
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Nice pics KEVORKIAN. My stock plate has the same scuff inprints exactly on yours. Do u guys notice on the the recoil spring rod near the top that after some mags there's wear on the rod? I got slight signs of wear near the top where it seems the recoil spring is rubbing on the rod. I was excited to get my Fire pig flashhinder only to find out that my barrel is CW and not CCW like the flashinder
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Old September 10th, 2009, 13:49   #195
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
You may want to work on your reading skills.

If you want factual information, feel free to search for one of the couple threads about AGM GBBR info that i'm giving out after trying parts left and right (at my own cost), or PM me for further info that i haven't had time to post.
Silly tit, but you've got time to inform us
of your dealings with Canada Post? No
one cares what you've ordered and if it's
not all a perfect match in colour. There
are other threads for that kind of crap talk.

The guy who started the thread is simply
asking you to stay on topic, so you tell
him to find your info and paste it for you?

Forum kids these days, where's the back-
hand button on this thing...
Retired — Freedom 35
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