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Old November 8th, 2009, 13:13   #16
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I think he wanted to know what kind of prices to expect in the classifieds.

Pretty much the same prices as you see publicly for some guns except for $50-100 more you can get a better quality black gun (eg. TM, CA, etc.)

Prices can range from $150 for a crappy fixer upper up to $2000+ for some of the machine guns, Classic Airsoft (not very common as they're pretty much collectors items) or PTW's.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old November 8th, 2009, 13:17   #17
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
Airsoft is a terrible reason to want to be 18. Go get some jailbait while you still can.
that just got sigged.
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Old November 8th, 2009, 18:38   #18
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in the retailer section is it people selling there guns or am i buying guns from websites
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Old November 8th, 2009, 18:44   #19
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Originally Posted by barda4 View Post
in the retailer section is it people selling there guns or am i buying guns from websites
You can probably get an idea just from the forum name.
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Old November 8th, 2009, 19:08   #20
zone 69
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Originally Posted by barda4 View Post
in the retailer section is it people selling there guns or am i buying guns from websites
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Old November 8th, 2009, 19:09   #21
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Originally Posted by barda4 View Post
in the retailer section is it people selling there guns or am i buying guns from websites
I won't go out and count just to be sure, but...

60% of the content is from particulars
of which 20% is new
of which 80% is used

40% of the content is from retailers
of which 80% is new
of which 20% is used

The average market volume is about 500 guns per week on the particular side. A lot of the same models come up at any one time, but there is a wealth of different options out there, especially when you realize that many models can be kitbashed from others.
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Old November 8th, 2009, 19:11   #22
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
Airsoft is a terrible reason to want to be 18. Go get some jailbait while you still can.
Words out of my mouth. If only I knew then what I know now...

Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
fé eða fjör hafa. Sjaldan liggjandi úlfur
lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.
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Old November 8th, 2009, 19:57   #23
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Words out of my mouth. If only I knew then what I know now...
Knew what, that once you started airsoft the chances of meeting a girl went from slim to none?
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old November 9th, 2009, 02:19   #24
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Airsoft gun prices are going to be twice to three times what you see on US sites.

For $200, the best you could manage is Aftermath stuff. Both the Broxa (full stock MP5) and the Kraken (AK47) are decent bargain basement guns, about $160 or so each. Stay away from Aftermath's Kirenex or Knight (both M4 variants) and the Lycaon (collapsible stock MP5) though, not a good rep.

If you're willing to go up to $300 you could get a JG. Yeah JG's are China clones but they're getting quite respectable nowadays. JG's M4 runs about $290. You could get one of the G&G cansoft (clear receiver) M4's for about $340. G&G is the cheapest of the midgrade guns. $400-$450 would get you an ICS which is a higher end midgrade gun. $500-$600 would get you a G&P, there's some debate on whether this is the lowest of the higrade guns or if it should rank higher. Either way they make nice guns.

If you can afford it, highgrade guns such as Tokyo Marui or Classic Army are the way to go. They're going to run you $600-$700. Though if the M4/M16 style is what you want then I'd recommend staying away from stock TM's, the barrel wobble and creaking are pretty bad on the stock TM M4/M16's (yes the new TM M4/M16's have fixed this problem, but the bulk of the ones in country are the old ones so best to just avoid them for now).

I did extensive research and settled on the Tactical Carbine version of the Classic Army M15A4 (basically a full stock m4) as my first gun. If an Armalite is what you're looking for then I think it's the best of all possible versions. You have the shortened M4 carbine barrel, which makes you less likely to smack your barrel off something when turning quickly, combined with the full stock which houses a large battery. Small batteries don't have near the run time of a large battery, not to mention that the reinforced slip ring (the ring that keeps the fore-grip on) is really stong. While this is mostly a good thing and a big step up over CA's previous M15 versions, it makes changing small batteries in the field very difficult if not impossible.

CA's M15A4 series in general is a big step up over their previous versions and as far as stock armalites go they're probably the best. All metal where the real steel version is, the plastic parts where the real steal version is plastic are made of high quality enhanced nylon fiber rather then abs for great texture and feel. Classic Army has a deal with Armalite so you get all the proper markings. Plus that deal also goes to show the quality of the manufacture, Armalite wouldn't put their name on a shoddy product.

Internally the gearbox is reinforced metal and all the gears are metal as well. It fires hotter stock then Tokyo Marui's as well, firing at 300-320 fps where your average TM only fires 280-300 fps.

All in all this is a great starter gun if you can afford it. Because it's all metal you don't have to worry nearly as much about breaking it and you won't get any of the wobble or creaking that is infamous in stock TM M4/M16's. Unfortunately affording it is the biggest problem, they're not cheap. For reference I got my CA M15A4 from the classifieds, upgraded with a bunch of Systema internals to fire 390fps, for $600 shipped which was a great price.

As you can probably tell, I'm a big fan of Classic Army. One thing to keep in mind about Classic Army is they now have two lines, a proline and a sportline. Originally they were easy to tell apart because the proline had the metal body and the sportline had a plastic body but recently CA has been releasing their sportlines with metal bodies. The price tag should still allow you to easily tell the difference, the sportline being $300-400ish and the proline never being cheaper then $500, usually more like $600 or more but it's still something to keep in mind. All the pros that I went over above were regarding the proline model. The sportline model has cheaper everything internally and externally.

There's alot of people that will expound the virtues of G&P as well. And I'll admit the externals of G&P are very nice, easily on par with CA, in some cases better. The reason why I don't say G&P over CA though is much the same reason why people weren't big fans of CA up until a few years ago: their quality control for the internals is not the greatest. That means a fair number of lemons. CA got a handle on this a few years ago and they've been making great strides in terms of their rep ever since, but G&P isn't quite there yet. This is simply my personal opinion and there are many people that would likely disagree with me, but it's something to keep in mind. ICS is about a cheap a gun as you can go and still get full metal out of the box, I haven't read alot about this manufacturer but needless to say it's not in the same league as CA or G&P. It's what someone on a budget but determined to get full metal would aim for. TM, due to Japanese law, are almost all abs plastic and fire alittle cooler then many guns but their internal reliablity is incredible. They will literally last for decades if left stock.
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Old November 9th, 2009, 09:08   #25
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Hell I wish I was 5 with the brain I have now and then I can get cheap discounts
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Old November 9th, 2009, 21:12   #26
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Originally Posted by Kuro_Neko View Post
classic army...
i got the ca m15a4 carbine new but sold it few years ago. :banghead: im now looking to get back into the sport. since ive had that i doubt i can tolerate cansoft stuff. but ofc, times are different now, no way can i get a new ca anymore.

so here i am, waiting to get myself AVed. but even then, i dont know what are the chances of finding a ca m15a4 in mint condition
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Old November 9th, 2009, 21:17   #27
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
i got the ca m15a4 carbine new but sold it few years ago. :banghead: im now looking to get back into the sport. since ive had that i doubt i can tolerate cansoft stuff. but ofc, times are different now, no way can i get a new ca anymore.

so here i am, waiting to get myself AVed. but even then, i dont know what are the chances of finding a ca m15a4 in mint condition
100%, they're a retailer favorite
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Old November 9th, 2009, 21:23   #28
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Originally Posted by WMK View Post
Hell I wish I was 5 with the brain I have now and then I can get cheap discounts
could you imagine the grades you would get in school too?

the JG 416 is a decent starter gun, I have one, the only upgrade that it currently has is a m120 spring since the gearbox shell broke shortly after I got it or in transport and it works great for outdoor games when I am using .25 BBs.
Sergeant Gerry Boyle: I don't want to see it. Babies all look the same. The only time a baby doesn't look like every other baby is when it's a really ugly baby. So, unless it's a photo of a really ugly baby, I don't want to see it.
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Old November 9th, 2009, 21:28   #29
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Originally Posted by Bissa View Post
could you imagine the grades you would get in school too?

the JG 416 is a decent starter gun, I have one, the only upgrade that it currently has is a m120 spring since the gearbox shell broke shortly after I got it or in transport and it works great for outdoor games when I am using .25 BBs.
not too go off topic, but what FPS are you getting? I find the m120 varies from 380fps to 450fps in reports.
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Old November 9th, 2009, 21:43   #30
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396 is average 399 is the highest that was chronied out of 5 shots. so I am getting around 330 FPS with .25s
Sergeant Gerry Boyle: I don't want to see it. Babies all look the same. The only time a baby doesn't look like every other baby is when it's a really ugly baby. So, unless it's a photo of a really ugly baby, I don't want to see it.
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