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Community Opinion: Tracer Units & Rounds


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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:09   #16
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I have an 8 year old original TM tracer unit I rarely ever use.
I find the length is too long and because it is plastic it flexes and the bb's hit the side/end of the tracer unit throwing off the accuracy wildly.

Maybe if there was .25 or .28 tracer BB's that flew in a straight line I would use it more.
I am not sure if newer units are made to avoid this accuracy problem now.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:15   #17
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I've regularly carried tracer BBs of all brands and weights in my years of retailing here, and they do move extremely slow.

I've found that the biggest factor in getting them to move, is cost. It seems that users don't care so much for longest lasting brightness, as long as they mostly glow, are cheap, and offer the same production accuracy/quality as any other BB they would use in their guns.

I would like to see a lower cost high quality (BB Bastard?) alternative on the market.

Originally Posted by MADDOG View Post
I have an 8 year old original TM tracer unit I rarely ever use.
I find the length is too long and because it is plastic it flexes and the bb's hit the side/end of the tracer unit throwing off the accuracy wildly.

Maybe if there was .25 or .28 tracer BB's that flew in a straight line I would use it more.
I am not sure if newer units are made to avoid this accuracy problem now.
There are. They come with metal threads now.

If you search hard enough, you can also find a metal adapter to fit your v1 tracer unit (I've had one in mine for years.)
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:19   #18
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YES make Tracers.... Green and Red and Blue and whatever other colour you can...

I have the TM V2 and love using Tracers every chance I get to...

when we have night games I basically load up totally on Tracer rounds.... Looks awesome indeed and is lots of fun..

so yep would purchase tracers

.25 and .28 forget .2

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:28   #19
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I wrote a review on the Madbull unit w tracer unit

Im using mags, hop up and TM Silencer style.

The only real weights im looking for is .25s and higher. .2's arnt really my cup of tea for outdoors.
Ive been looking for AGES to find tracers in red, but the only ones turned up are the madbull dark knight series, which are .12

After talking with Duy, he said something about the materials to make a red tracer unit just arnt heavy enough and to make .25s in red would be too expensive or something.

Id mostly buy em in red, but id love to have a mix bottle for fucking around with. While red is nice for games, theres just something about shooting out a spooge of blue, red, green, pink and purple on someone to really get that humiliating effect lol.

"who killed you?!"
"the guy spooging out the rainbow of colours"

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:32   #20
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I think it would be interesting.

What stops it for me is the price to get started using tracers. The TM tracer is way to expensive, mags with a light in it are even worst and the madbull hop-up just came out...

Forget about .20s... .25 and up would be great.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:37   #21
a.k.a. Egria
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I personally have never bought or fired any tracer rounds. They do look awesome and all, but I never really found a need for them. Besides, I don't play too many outdoor night games.


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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:40   #22
The Lettonian
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Personally, I would be interested in a tracer unit at some point...but we're talking at least a couple of years. I barely have the money to get out to FR more than once or twice a semester (if that) at the moment. To be fair I get out more often during the summer when I have a paycheque, but that would hardly justify the cost of a tracer unit until I don't have to worry about the airsoft vs. food debate. I don't know how many other students/new players I speak for here, but personally? Talk to me when I graduate - I will run to you with open arms, cash in hand, and a huge smile on my face. For now I'm sticking to giving you 20 bucks here and there for a hit of the white stuff.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:50   #23
Gonzo Sleeper
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I own both tm's new tracer unit and the mag system by king arms.. The mag sits in a box as its crap but I use the tm unit pretty much every indoor game which is once every 2 weeks. My indoor guns have a low fps rating (on purpose) so I use .2s. I have .25s but dont get a chance to use them much (not many night games). I would buy more rounds if they were a bit cheaper, had a heavier weight (.28,.3), and had a better choice in colors. I am looking at the hopup tracer unit as well but am waiting on more feedback before the purchase as I have heard alittle negative feedback on madbull hopups in general.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 16:46   #24
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A lot of tracers are sold in the 0.12g variety, a total waste and total crap in my opinion.
I used (and sold some at the game) 0.25g tracers at a large indoor game here (Melville).

I have a TM V2 tracer unit, and it's seen limited use.

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Last edited by Styrak; February 23rd, 2010 at 16:55..
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 17:00   #25
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So its looks like there is quite a variety of opinions here. Thats good to know. What I am hearing is opportunity is one barrier, and cost is another, but some of you would use tracers more often if you had access to a more reliable and cost effective supply of them.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 17:06   #26
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
So its looks like there is quite a variety of opinions here. Thats good to know. What I am hearing is opportunity is one barrier, and cost is another, but some of you would use tracers more often if you had access to a more reliable and cost effective supply of them.
Coming from a point of not having a tracer, if the BBs were decent in accuracy and Price then i'd buy a tracer. Since they are hard to find for a good price or weight I don't see the point in buying a tracer. Seems like people with tracers (v2) regret it as to the BBs problem. Hmm, if only we knew someone who could do it right.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 17:16   #27
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i plan on using a TM New-Type Tracer Unit (silencer) with my G36C at any night games or at CQB Toronto when i play (which during the winter months, will be as often as there are games).

That being said, i was attracted to the notion of .25g Madbull tracer rounds. With my 350fps G36C, i will ONLY use .25g bbs in it (Bastards during the day and Madbull Tracers at night/indoor).

Again, i cant see these being a big seller unless one plays at night or at a dark indoor place (like CQB Toronto). Other than that, its .25g Bastards all the way.

With regards to cost, you will have to compete with Madbulls .25g tracer bbs: $22 USD for 2000 rounds. Considering i pay $20 for 1000 rounds of .30 Bastards (not complaining, it is totally worth it for the product that i get), i dont see that being an atrociously high fee with regards to bbs.

Last edited by Donster; February 23rd, 2010 at 17:19..
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 17:26   #28
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
So its looks like there is quite a variety of opinions here. Thats good to know. What I am hearing is opportunity is one barrier, and cost is another, but some of you would use tracers more often if you had access to a more reliable and cost effective supply of them.
I don't have a problem getting good quality 0.25 tracers for a decent price. My problem is having the chance to use them.

The Quebec/Ontario guys probably have a lot more opportunity because there are a lot more indoor locations/events, which tracers work in.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 17:55   #29
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Personally I find the green tracers unappealing, so red/orange is a prerequisite.

I'd use them in a 249 (little custom box mag project) to put in 1 in 5 tracers, so obviously the amount I use would be 1/5th of my regular BBs through that gun.

Likewise, like real tracers, the goal is to help see where shots are going and walk fire onto targets/areas, so the weight and general "ballistics" (for lack of a better term) should match that of the regular BBs otherwise it isn't all that useful.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 18:21   #30
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
I don't have a problem getting good quality 0.25 tracers for a decent price. My problem is having the chance to use them.

The Quebec/Ontario guys probably have a lot more opportunity because there are a lot more indoor locations/events, which tracers work in.
Well I don't know. We DID move to zombie games due to lack of light later in the season.

The opportunity is there - we just need to get organized.

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Okay, I recently went to art show. One of exhibit had huge panoramic canvas pictures of landscape photos taken with a digital camera. These pictures were nice and huge. The canvas was attached to a wooden stretcher frame for direct hanging on a wall without need for a frame. Do you know any more on this subject? Where can I go for additional information on this subject?
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