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Sniper Riffle Ugrades - Biggest Bang For The Buck?


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Old December 5th, 2011, 13:53   #1
Old School Punk
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Sniper Riffle Ugrades - Biggest Bang For The Buck?

Hey Guys; So I want to increase the acuracy of my Echo1 - ASR Sniper Riffle. To the best of my knowledge, most of the mechanical upgrades that you can do to a L96 style riffle, you can do to an ASR riffle. Is this correct?

The Echo1 ASR isn't a really expensive base platform to work off of, so I don't want to spend a million dollars upgrading it.
I don't play airsoft, I just use my guns for target shooting.

In stock form, I currently have the gun hitting about a 5" diameter target about 8 out of every 10 shots, from a measured 75"-0" indoors, with no wind in my my warehouse. (These results were achieved with the use of a gun siting vise)

My goal is go get this down to about a 2 inch diameter target fairly consistantly.

So I need to know which upgrades would get me these results for the least amount of money?

Instead of buying a ton of parts and upgrading the whole gun at once, I think that I am going to install a part or two at a time to see what each upgrade brings to the table on it's own.

Keeping that in mind, what order would you put these upgrades in?

- Shredder Concaved Hop Up Spacer
- PDI Barrel Spacers
- Firefly Hop Up Bucking
- Complete new Hop Up assembly?
- PDI Precision Inner Barrel ($ Ouch, Ouch)
- Laylax Zero Trigger Assembly ($ Ouch!)
- Other? (suggestions are welcome!)

Let me know what you think would help sharpen up my accuracy the most for least amount of cash.

Thanks for reading and responding to my thread.


Last edited by Old School Punk; December 6th, 2011 at 13:32..
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Old December 5th, 2011, 20:37   #2
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Buy a better Rifle.

Seriously, you're throwing your money away.

You can easily pour thousands of dollars into it with the best performance parts, but misalignment, bad quality control and poor craftsmanship is not something you can replace with aftermarket parts.

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Old December 6th, 2011, 13:31   #3
Old School Punk
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Thanks for the response, I think.

So understand that this is sort of a lower end gun, but honestly it's not as bad as it is sometimes made out to be on these message boards.

Like I say I don't use mine for gaming, but for plinking it shoots comparible to some of the other sniper riffles I have owned.

It operates a lot like a TSD - L96, which I have always felt was a decent gun, and for about 1/8th the price of my Real Sword SVD, it isn't THAT much less accurate.

I mean, I was able to hit a toothpick at 45 feet with my RS - SVD in a gun, in a sighting vise, but given a little time and fine tuning I bet that I could get my ARS to do the same.

So help me out folks, if the L96 / ASR platform is such crap, what are your top 4 choices for a sniper riffle platform to start out with? I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

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Old December 6th, 2011, 13:49   #4
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If you're just using it for plinking you're much much much better off with a Daisy/Crosman air rifle. Cheaper, more accurate, more durable, more reliable...
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Old December 6th, 2011, 17:14   #5
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As blunt as DA's response is... it's true, Don't bother upgrading a clone.

Get yourself A TM L96 and sink the upgrades into that thing.. You'll end up with a MUCH better outcome

Also -- Don't mix W hold rubbers with a SCS, it makes the W into a V which doesn't work as well
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Old December 7th, 2011, 11:04   #6
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Thanks for the response Amos, mucho gracia.

One question for ya though, what does this mean, you totaly lost me???

"Don't mix W hold rubbers with a SCS, it makes the W into a V which doesn't work as well "


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Old December 7th, 2011, 16:36   #7
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SCS is the shredder concave spacer, it puts a different shape nub on the hop for your BB. This affects the spin, amount of grip (more surface area) and affects your flightpath. But certain nubs do not work with certain rubbers and certain rubbers do not work with certain inner barrels etc etc.

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Old December 7th, 2011, 17:52   #8
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W & V = rubber contact point, O = BB... It's crude, but hopefully it gets the message across.

Because the SCS is concaved, it pushes the little arms inside W hold rubbers together negating their good effects. (Read: SCS + Firefly = NO!)
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Old December 7th, 2011, 18:06   #9
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If all you're doing is plinking at targets, you'd get WAY more bang for the buck by selling that thing and buying a .22 cal 495fps pellet gun.

Or if you have your PAL, pick up a 1000 fps .22 cal pellet gun. You can easily get a very good one for less than $500. Your range will be 10 times further and way more accurate than any $10-bazillion airsoft rifle


Last edited by ILLusion; December 7th, 2011 at 18:09..
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Old December 7th, 2011, 18:43   #10
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Or if you have your PAL, pick up a 1000 fps .22 cal pellet gun. You can easily get a very good one for less than $500. Your range will be 10 times further and way more accurate than any $10-bazillion airsoft rifle

quoted for awesomeness
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Old December 9th, 2011, 00:12   #11
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Originally Posted by Old School Punk View Post
Thanks for the response, I think.

So understand that this is sort of a lower end gun, but honestly it's not as bad as it is sometimes made out to be on these message boards.

Like I say I don't use mine for gaming, but for plinking it shoots comparible to some of the other sniper riffles I have owned.

It operates a lot like a TSD - L96, which I have always felt was a decent gun, and for about 1/8th the price of my Real Sword SVD, it isn't THAT much less accurate.

I mean, I was able to hit a toothpick at 45 feet with my RS - SVD in a gun, in a sighting vise, but given a little time and fine tuning I bet that I could get my ARS to do the same.

So help me out folks, if the L96 / ASR platform is such crap, what are your top 4 choices for a sniper riffle platform to start out with? I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

It's not the APS-2 Type 96 platform that is bad, it's the everything else but APS-2 Type 96 that is sold a the same thing for half the price that is bad.
Exactly like buying a Lambo or buying a Ford kitted with a Lambo body. Looks the same, one is way cheaper and technically can be made good, but never as good or easily.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old December 9th, 2011, 03:37   #12
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The point of buying brand name, is it DOES make a difference out at 300 feet, and it DOES make a difference WITHOUT having to tinker with it for weeks.
You buy a lambo, it's a bomb from factory
You buy a ford with a lambo kit, you're upgrading and tweaking that thing for weeks before it even comes close

I bought my marui VSR-10, put the parts in, lubricated it, did zero tweaking, BANG! instant laser rifle.
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Old December 9th, 2011, 03:58   #13
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
The point of buying brand name, is it DOES make a difference out at 300 feet, and it DOES make a difference WITHOUT having to tinker with it for weeks.
You buy a lambo, it's a bomb from factory
You buy a ford with a lambo kit, you're upgrading and tweaking that thing for weeks before it even comes close

I bought my marui VSR-10, put the parts in, lubricated it, did zero tweaking, BANG! instant laser rifle.
Some of us like to tweak
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Old December 9th, 2011, 04:42   #14
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Just because I'm good at tweaking, doesn't mean I want to do it before and after every single game lol
I'd much rather have a rifle that you upgrade once, and it's fucking GOOD TO GO for the year, then do winter maintenance, GOOD TO GO for another year.
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Old December 9th, 2011, 05:15   #15
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Just because I'm good at tweaking, doesn't mean I want to do it before and after every single game lol
I'd much rather have a rifle that you upgrade once, and it's fucking GOOD TO GO for the year, then do winter maintenance, GOOD TO GO for another year.
I like having one gun that will work no matter what, then another that is ridiculous.
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