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Old July 23rd, 2017, 16:19   #16
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Toronto, Ontario
got verified at mach1 airsoft in toronto within a few days of contacting them. you can call ahead and see if the manager is in. (manager is the only you can age verify)
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Old July 24th, 2017, 10:04   #17
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Scarborough, Toronto
Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
field is much slower paced than cqb in most cases. Your situational awareness is less focused in a specific direction, it has to be more completely around you, so people tend to move slower. Indoor I find if people are good they will push hard. You can't be afraid to get hit in airsoft, especially in cqb. If you hesitate going into a door or balk during a push, it means you and everyone else around you is usually screwed. You have to depend on the guy behind you to protect you. Not everyone is cut out to understand and execute that without knowing.

Outdoor games can move slow enough to develop that awareness of what to do. You can't do it all alone, even if you are the best player with the best gun. Numbers almost always wins.
Yeah I think this is the issue I had with the indoor CQB arena. There were no doors or breaching areas but I think not knowing the arena didn't do me any favours. I'm somewhat new and yes getting shot is not a pleasant feeling haha...

Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
PM is the default way to contact an AV'er. However, some stores in Toronto have AV reps there, so you don't have to wait to contact someone and arrange a meeting. Just pop into the store.
I'll have to see what's in the Scarborough area for that, but thanks.
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Old July 31st, 2017, 19:56   #18
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I'm pretty new to this too I just got started this spring - I also played my first games at Ultimate Airsoft where you went. Biorage makes a good point - try Siege which is also indoor but 3x larger. Alternatively go to UA a few more times so you get used to that arena and can make more informed decisions on the field- you will feel less overwhelmed the second time you go.

Getting Age Verified is not hard - all the info you need is in the stickied posts. You have many options for Toronto AV reps to contact and find what works best with your schedule.

A relatively cheap first purchase is a mesh mask and suitably rated goggles. These will enable you to enjoy playing more comfortably. UA sells decently priced, effective entry level models of each. These were my first purchases when I started. Wearing these and using a rental gun is way better than using a rental mask with rental gun.

Then follow the advice thata already been given, play more, get to know people, try some outdoor scrims and continue on. Hope to see you out there.

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Old August 1st, 2017, 12:17   #19
aeminence's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Justin116 View Post
  • If CQB isn't really my thing, is it possible I would prefer outdoors instead?
  • What could I do about finding a community?
  • Given everything I just said, is the sport worth getting into?
Good inquires! I got into airsoft because of just interests in firearms, exposure to movies and video games, and because it looked fun. I didnt start til last year and tried rental gear with a few close friends who were interested in it as well. Ive always been interested but the cost of it all just dissuaded me. Its def an expensive hobby, one where you can easily sink hundreds if not thousands on.

To answer your questions tho:

1) I live in Scarborough so many of the places I can play Airsoft will be CQB. Its one of the downsides about being in a busy city. I knew this going into the sport so I did prepare myself for the fact that 70-80% of my games will probably be CQB. I do have a huge interest in Urban fighting ( SWAT, Counter terrorism etc ) so the tactics and strategies used in CQB fighting did interest me. Im mentioning this because you do have to think about the places you will be playing, how often youll be playing there and if youll enjoy it. (Most Outdoor fields for me will require some travel time, so a quick game squeezed in the week might not be possible compared to my local CQB fields)

The experience of outdoor games is definitely almost night and day. Even deciding on what gun you will buy/ how it will perform. Outdoor/Indoor fields have large differing FPS limits so you might be blocked from enjoying CQB with a gun that is fitted to perform better outdoors (as its too strong to be used in doors) and some guns perform better in different environments. Your gameplay will be different in outdoor fields for sure! Youll have more room to operate in and different obstacles that you may encounter. You will mostly enjoy it more than CQB as youve voiced why you did not like CQB. Also note, try going to more populated fields ( Siege can be very populated esp during Fridays and Saturdays ). Its very easy to just get swept by the flow esp when there is a large amount of people playing.

2) The great thing about airsoft is that generally everyone is very friendly and we all share the same interests in guns, action and just the thrill of playing these kinds of games. Just attending games, events and socializing with people while youre there is all it takes. Say hi, interact with people on the field, and bond over the match, talk about weapons, etc. Remember, you cant completely expect a community or a group of people to welcome you in if you dont also take the steps and attempts to get to know everyone/the community.

3)unfortunately this question cant be answered by us. I believe you can figure this out if you experience and outdoor game and try it out. If you dont enjoy the outdoor game and dont enjoy the CQB games then the sport might not be for you.

Its very expensive to start up and it can be very time consuming aswell. If the pros dont outweigh the cons then it might not be wise to sink hundreds of dollars into it. But another option is you can keep using rentals on the off chance you do decide to play at random times!
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Old August 1st, 2017, 14:01   #20
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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There's several play-styles from casual to competitive. Depending on how much you play and how serious you want to take it/how hard you want to play it can be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands. Airsoft is 1/3 gear and equipment effectiveness. Having proper comms, can be the difference between loosing and running your oppnanta over. Even making sure gun shoots straight can have a huge effect on the game and how much fun you have. Find a group or place that plays to your style and budget and you'll maximize your fun factor.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old August 1st, 2017, 14:16   #21
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I'm in the same boat as you, though I already sprung for a gun and carrier plus other gear for my own purposes. Haven't checked out the indoor fields yet because of work schedule and the fact that I currently have a m27 Iar which will not work in cqb lol.

I was talking to Chris at Badlands and he was recommending Siege Airsoft. Says it's kept open enough that you can run DMR/Sniper loadouts and it's probably as close to outdoor as you can get IN Toronto.
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Old August 1st, 2017, 18:46   #22
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Port Moody, BC
Here are my 2 cents worth of opinion:

1) Airsoft isn't a video game and the experience will be much different. Just because you can quick scope in COD, that doesn't mean you can do the same at a Airsoft game.

2) Go to the games with an open mind and don't let anything influence your enjoyment. don't be to critical about anything yet. Just grab a gun and play. The more you play, the more you learn.

3) I prefer outdoor, but indoor has its charm too. you don't need to pick a favourite, just go out and enjoy.
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Old August 1st, 2017, 19:13   #23
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I think you guys are overthinking it a little...

Airsoft is a sport just like soccer or basketball. It's like going to a local park or rec centre for a pickup game with a couple of friends and strangers. Go whenever you have the time or the money. It's a hobby like any other; do what you want and live your life.
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