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I think I have been robbed. (help please)



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Old June 18th, 2007, 20:16   #1
fps_boy's Avatar
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I think I have been robbed. (help please)

Hey all, I have been trying to work this out without making it public but now it's gone too far. Here is how it went down. I sent him the money a long time ago and he accepted it and I haven't even got the correct tracking # for the weesatch and battery bag that we agreed on. He pmed me the tracking # but it wasn't the right one. I was a # for a package that went to ontario, I live in BC.

I just want my weesatch and battery bag or a full refund. Any help from you guys is MUCH apprieciated.

If this isin the wrongsection PLEASE move it. Thank you moderators.

Re: wesatch


If you get the wesatch, i'll throw it in for $10. So altogether it will be $110 shipped.

Originally Posted by fps_boy
Allright sounds great, I'll see If I can scrounge up enough money, It could be a little while though. I'll pm you when I get the money providing it's not sold. I'm also interested to see what the price of the battery bag is.

Originally Posted by Conscript
Originally Posted by fps_boy
Hey, I'm wondering what you are letting the wesatch go for I'm not too sure what to offer. I'm interested but don't have to much money right now I'll be working shortly. I would just like to know the price range so I can save up.
Thank you.

$100, and ill throw in thick cardboard that replaces the real SAPI plates.

Re: weesatch


Originally Posted by fps_boy
Originally Posted by Conscript
Originally Posted by fps_boy
Hey my mom sent me the money so I'll be able to get it, I'm just wondering if it's as good quality as the hsgi and what company made it.

Originally Posted by Conscript
Originally Posted by fps_boy
Hey, I'm wondering you said Replica OD HSGI Wesatch. Does this mean that it's a replica of the HSGI.

Its a 100% replica of the original HSGI Wesatch, yes.

I believe its better than the HSGI, its made of 1000 codura nylon, exactly like HSGI. It's custom made, I bought it from damage, which he bought it from the states brand new.

Allright sounds good, just give me your emt and I'll send you the $110 for the weesatch and the battery bag.

Alright, EMT $110 to, and ill ship it out and provide you with the tracking number asap.


Re: weesatch


Hey man, i'm sorry for the delay.

I didnt get your adress yet and i've been busy all this week to do anything (Finals at university).

Provide me with your adress and no later than tommorow will I provide you with your tracking number.

Originally Posted by fps_boy
Alright, EMT $110 to, and ill ship it out and provide you with the tracking number asap.


These are your exact words, I have sent you the money and you have accepted it, That has been confirmed. Now that I have completed my end of the deal It is expected of you to complete yours. I would like a tracking # by Wednesday (June/13th/07) At the latest. From what I understand In this thread if you do not send it, It is considered fraud.
The money was sent 6 days ago, There has been ample time to ship the package and provide me with a tracking #.

Re: weesatch


I agree, I am quite ridiculous, I have had no time at all to get to anything on the internet these past days. I did ship your weesatch though!



Originally Posted by fps_boy
Ok now this is getting ridiculous, You've said no later than tomorrow on Monday, It is now Thursday.
Now I will settle for a complete refund but I would rather have my weesatch and battery bag. Please just send it and hold up your end of the deal. If I get a tracking # BY FRIDAY AT THE LATEST you will still get a positive feedback.

Originally Posted by Conscript
Hey man, i'm sorry for the delay.

I didnt get your adress yet and i've been busy all this week to do anything (Finals at university).

Provide me with your adress and no later than tommorow will I provide you with your tracking number.

Originally Posted by fps_boy
Alright, EMT $110 to, and ill ship it out and provide you with the tracking number asap.


These are your exact words, I have sent you the money and you have accepted it, That has been confirmed. Now that I have completed my end of the deal It is expected of you to complete yours. I would like a tracking # by Wednesday (June/13th/07) At the latest. From what I understand In this thread if you do not send it, It is considered fraud.
The money was sent 6 days ago, There has been ample time to ship the package and provide me with a tracking #.

Re: weesatch


This is what the traking # said.

Item Number: 0102441000007502
Product Type: Xpresspost
Service Standard Delivery Date: 2007/06/15

Date of Event Time of Event Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2007/06/18 AM NEPEAN, ON Item successfully delivered to Receiver
2007/06/18 08:17 NEPEAN, ON Item out for delivery
2007/06/14 16:11 MARKHAM, ON Item accepted at the Post office
- Kurtis.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 20:35   #2
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If you can't confirm the tracking number yourself it sounds a little suspicious.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 20:35   #3
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Probably an issue with shipping, as opposed to Conscript. I agree he took too long to send the package, but this seems like it's CP's fault.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 20:46   #4
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Probably an issue with shipping, as opposed to Conscript. I agree he took too long to send the package, but this seems like it's CP's fault.
Yea, I'm inclinded to agree. A lot of stupid shit has been happening with CP -thier service is getting retardedly unreliable. A laptop I ordered from Future Shop got "lost" around Christmas.

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Old June 18th, 2007, 21:16   #5
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Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post
If you can't confirm the tracking number yourself it sounds a little suspicious.
Hey I'm not too sure what you mean here, I'm not the one getting the tracking # from Canada Post, he is.

Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Yea, I'm inclinded to agree. A lot of stupid shit has been happening with CP -thier service is getting retardedly unreliable. A laptop I ordered from Future Shop got "lost" around Christmas.
Thanks you guys, I don't mean to accuse him of anything but it just seems to me like he has taken my money and not sent me anything. I've been told by my friend that works at a Canada post office that without the ticket you receive in the mail and ID you cannot pick up a package, so either they gave him the wrong tracking number or he sent me that one to shut me up. It would be nice to hear from Conscript and try and figure something out like actually sending the weesatch & battery or give me a complete refund.
- Kurtis.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 21:25   #6
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Uh dont finals in university end like in april maybe may?
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Old June 18th, 2007, 21:26   #7
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FPS, you haven't been robbed, I must have sent you the wrong tracking number, to another guy who bought some items from me. I don't have the tracking numbers on me anymore, but I guarantee you it will arrive. I just have alot of customers and im not to keen on remembering which receipt is for witch order.

If you think im a scammer of sorts, look at my trader rating, it speaks for itself.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 21:37   #8
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I'm not assuming anyone of anything either. I just think it's weird that you can't confirm the tracking number yourself.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 21:38   #9
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Originally Posted by Conscript View Post
FPS, you haven't been robbed, I must have sent you the wrong tracking number, to another guy who bought some items from me. I don't have the tracking numbers on me anymore, but I guarantee you it will arrive. I just have alot of customers and im not to keen on remembering which receipt is for witch order.

If you think im a scammer of sorts, look at my trader rating, it speaks for itself.
Well thats why I couldn't understand why it has been taking so long, You have a flawless trader rating. The only reason I thought you might be a scammer is that you are getting out of airsoft, Thanks for the response, I'll be sure to keep checking the mail.
- Kurtis.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 21:41   #10
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Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post
I'm not assuming anyone of anything either. I just think it's weird that you can't confirm the tracking number yourself.
Only the shipper gets the tracking number from the post office when they send the package and they are supposed to provide you with the tracking number via private message. So why is it weird that I can't confirm the tracking number, well this has got to be a clue.
- Kurtis.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 21:53   #11
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he will EVENTUALLY make it right lol. someday. but it will happen. =p
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Old June 18th, 2007, 21:59   #12
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Just a question FPS. Did you PM Con before posting this in public forums?
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Old June 18th, 2007, 22:04   #13
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Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post
Just a question FPS. Did you PM Con before posting this in public forums?
Nope, he wasn't replying to my private messages.

Apparently I wasn't robbed, Please change name to Purchase Dispute or something nice like that, Please moderator.
- Kurtis.

Last edited by fps_boy; June 18th, 2007 at 22:16..
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Old June 19th, 2007, 00:06   #14
Brian McIlmoyle
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I got ripped off by a stealing weasel..Opps sorry I got my package today.. gee can I buy more stuff from you thread...

You know people should be a little more careful about what they say....
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Old June 19th, 2007, 00:19   #15
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if you didn't PM him how do you know he wasn't replying?

wtf logic meltdown!
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