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Lots of PTWs at A&A


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Old September 20th, 2007, 00:41   #91
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
You have to see one, hold it and shoot it to understand. Whatever your experiences have been with any other gun are totally undone with a PTW. I know no other way to explain it. The PTW must be experienced to be understood.

Those who see one but don't want one, quite frankly have a screw loose.


We've got three PTWs in our team, with a fourth in the mail. No regrets. None.
South Island Rangers Airsoft - Victoria, BC
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Old September 20th, 2007, 00:42   #92
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Those who see one but don't want one, quite frankly have a screw loose.
Indeed... the PTW is everything that everyone is trying to get in their guns..

excellent performance, not just " realistic" feel and handling..but "real" feel and handling..
and unmatched durability... all in one "out of the box" package..

Really what more could you ask for?

I doubt you will see an AK out of them... there are lots of AKs in the market that meet most of those requirements..

and I doubt you will see a pistol out of them.. again already lots of pistols that meet that criteria.

I really do hope that we see an MP5...It makes sense .. seeing as they are trying to break into the same market that Simunitions is currently dominating..

I agree that there are other subcalibre machine guns that offer better, more stable performance than the MP5 on the market now... but few that enjoy as wide a distribution. I think that the MP5 will still dominate that niche for a few years yet.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 20th, 2007, 00:54   #93
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their website says smg and handgun, soo I will keep my hopes up for now. Right now I see nothing on the market that meets requirements of PTW as a sidearm not "out of the box". I have had a few good ones but I would like to see what they do. MP5 does make the most sense. I have only spent around 20 minutes or so using a PTW but that was enough.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 01:46   #94
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Guys upgrade guns all the time and no matter who they are or how much money they spend, there is always failures, compromises, performance goals un-met. Not with a PTW. But you can't learn about it on-line. Go to a game where one is present and then you will know. Those who see one but don't want one, quite frankly have a screw loose.
Quoted for truth.

That's why I bought a PTW and sold all my Armalites.

Nothing else can compare.

I only keep my other AEGs just because I like the "look" of them. But if I'm going to use a performer, I'm using my PTW. Simple as that.

I had the same thoughts as most other doubters when I first bought it: "oh please, it can't be THAT different. It runs on the same concept: battery powers a motor, motor spins some metal gears, metal gears crank a piston, piston gets released and pushed forward by a spring which compresses air behind a BB and spits it out a narrow metal barrel."

No man. It's not the same. Based on that description I just made... yeah... it's that. It just does it.... *so well*. Even *I* can't describe how beastly a PTW Max shooting an M150 spring with a 12v 1200mAh battery is. It's just... Godly.

When Systema Engineering released the PTW, angels wept upon said gun, and thus, the weapon of God was born...
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Old September 20th, 2007, 02:03   #95
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post

When Systema Engineering released the PTW, angels wept upon said gun, and thus, the weapon of God was born...
And I have a new sig.

Did you manage to sell off your 468? That was surely one of your hawtest builds.

Personally, I've never held a PTW, but if it's anything like a RS's money well spent.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 02:05   #96
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Did you manage to sell off your 468? That was surely one of your hawtest builds.
I *JUST* sold it today!

Sadly, I already miss it. If I had the resources to convert my PTW in to an M468, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 02:16   #97
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I *JUST* sold it today!

Sadly, I already miss it. If I had the resources to convert my PTW in to an M468, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Congrats... I guess?

The parts should be available. The fluted barrel, and 468 suppressor are probably your biggest challenges. Everything else is pretty off-the-shelf.

But if you were referring to money.. then .... yer SOL
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Old September 20th, 2007, 02:19   #98
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Well, I still have yet to solve a problem that persists with our pre-assembled SCKs. Using the M110 cylinder set and the 12V 1200mAh battery, I'll get about 5-600 rds before the PTW stops shooting. Only by recharging the battery will the PTW start shooting again. Anyone of you PTW users have this problem? Does leaving the battery in the stock drain the battery after a few days?
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Old September 20th, 2007, 02:23   #99
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Really what more could you ask for?
Well, how about recoil almost as stiff as a 5.56mm and a charging handle that works like the real steel? My Sun Project may not be as durable or as flashy as a PTW but it has both of those features as well as no trigger lag, a highly distinct and intimidating report, and can go from 280 to 400 fps with the turn of one Allen key.

If Systema took the gas blowback engine from the Escort/Sun Project series and built it into the PTW system, they'd have an incredible full function, TRUE training weapon to sell. Sadly I suspect people will again look at the hose and tank and base their opinion solely on that, and such a beast will never see the light of day.

Then again, keeps my toys in the realm of the rare...
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Old September 20th, 2007, 02:32   #100
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Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post

If Systema took the gas blowback engine from the Escort/Sun Project series and built it into the PTW system, they'd have an incredible full function, TRUE training weapon to sell.
Wait, I thought LA Studios made a version exactly like that? YouTube - L.A Studio's M4A1 (gaz blowback)
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Old September 20th, 2007, 03:48   #101
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Uh, no.

LA Studios guns are custom one-offs with all the problems associated with gas-in-the-mag (GITM) guns - poor recoil, cooldown, ridiculously priced magazines ($250-$300 for ONE MAG), unreliable function, inability to tune velocity, weak power, etc. Furthermore they are not based on the Escort system whatsoever.

You need a stable and powerful gas source to deliver continuous and consistent pressure and that can only be accomplished with external rigs. It's a small price to pay; anyone that's shot my gun has said they wouldn't mind the tank and hose to be able to get recoil, noise, and operation like that.

But I digress, I keep shifting this thread off-topic. I still remain to be impressed by the PTW. Someone loan me theirs so that I may render a more balanced opinion.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 09:19   #102
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Gryphon are you for real

Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post
Yeah and the maddening thing is with the American dollar as weak as it is, the only excuse for the rape we get on price is greed, pure and simple.

greed eh hmmmm interesting comments from you on this well better take a look at any store and tell me that they dropped there prices with the US dollar as this has nothing to do with the pricing but stay in your own little world and think what you want to. He who throws stones should not live in a glass house........PTW's to me are the best and not for the faint at heart


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Old September 20th, 2007, 09:21   #103
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Originally Posted by bruce View Post
Well, I still have yet to solve a problem that persists with our pre-assembled SCKs. Using the M110 cylinder set and the 12V 1200mAh battery, I'll get about 5-600 rds before the PTW stops shooting. Only by recharging the battery will the PTW start shooting again. Anyone of you PTW users have this problem? Does leaving the battery in the stock drain the battery after a few days?
If you are saying that you leave the battery connected, then yes, this is your problem. The electronics are always drawing a small amount of current, even when the gun is in "safe". Over time, this will kill the battery. Old Gen 1 guns would kill a large battery overnight.

With the M110 and 12v, the battery will drain quite quickly as you have 1200 mah cells vs 1600 mah cells in the 9.6v battery. I can get about 3000 rounds out of a fully charged 9.6v and the M110 and about 1100-1500 out of the M150 and 12v (depending on how quickly I dump rounds).

You also may not be properly charging your 12v battery. Most R/C chargers are only capable of 8 cell charging, regardless whether the display says it's charging. I had to go buy a charger rated for up to 24 cell in order to ensure that my 12v batteries received a complete charge. You may have this problem as well, but I'm not sure what you are using for a charger.

The PTWs seem to have a regulator that will stop firing the gun with a 12v when the battery gets too low. I have had this happen to me when I put a drained battery in once and the gun failed to fire. It was sort of embarrasing. I haven't had that happen yet with a 9.6v battery.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 10:40   #104
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Congrats... I guess?

The parts should be available. The fluted barrel, and 468 suppressor are probably your biggest challenges. Everything else is pretty off-the-shelf.

But if you were referring to money.. then .... yer SOL
What I need are resources to get a real steel SIR (why settle for airsoft on a PTW? ), a lathe to turn down the outer barrel to proper length and re-threaded, and once I have that, all I need is the front sight with integrated suppressor mount, flash hider and suppressor that comes with the GB-Tech 468 kit... and then an A.R.M.S. flip-up rear sight... hmm... now you have me thinking...

Originally Posted by bruce View Post
Well, I still have yet to solve a problem that persists with our pre-assembled SCKs. Using the M110 cylinder set and the 12V 1200mAh battery, I'll get about 5-600 rds before the PTW stops shooting. Only by recharging the battery will the PTW start shooting again. Anyone of you PTW users have this problem? Does leaving the battery in the stock drain the battery after a few days?
I've noticed this same problem. One battery I fired one mag through after a fresh charge, then I left it stored for 2 weeks with the battery plugged in. The next time I pulled it out to use, the battery was dead.

I make an effort to unplug the battery each time now.

I believe the circuitry maintains a minor power usage at all times to monitor the magazine's empty status.

Last edited by ILLusion; September 20th, 2007 at 10:45..
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Old September 20th, 2007, 10:44   #105
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For me, the fact that A&A even has SystemA PTW's in, and available for purchase, is a miracle.

It is hard enough to get custom orders in, let alone restricted orders. Though I had to pay through the teeth (it is such an intimidating numeric figure), $2275 is not all that bad of price shipped to my door. Factor in exchange (nvm, nearly 1-1 now), but overseas shipping, customs/duties, and the paper work involved, yeah, I am only paying a few hundred markup. And to have the gun in country, ready to be shipped to my door, well worth the extra cost. With all the CBSA seizures and difficulties getting even parts over the border (I have had nothing but trouble with anything resembling a trigger) it is nice to have something of this quality in-country.

And you know, looking at how much I spent on my other guns, yeah, I should have just got a PTW right from the start and saved myself the huge headache of keeping high FPS internals working...

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