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Gear question: MOLLE vs Panels



View Poll Results: MOLLE vs Panels
MOLLE is king, panels are a poor long term investment 162 51.27%
Panels are neat, but too expensive for the drawbacks 8 2.53%
Simple, easy-modular gear would be good for beginners 31 9.81%
I can fit 3 tennis balls in my mouth if you let me prep for a minute 115 36.39%
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Old August 28th, 2006, 18:50   #16
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It depends on the Regiment and chain of command. You get both extremes. However this is only in combat situations. At home you wear what is issued to you, basically.
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Old September 1st, 2006, 00:21   #17
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As a fairly new player, I'd have to say that if the option was there, I'd vote for both to be available.
I have a Molle rig from 204 Tactical, and I love it. I'll never really need another vest/rig because I can just get new pouches for any loadout I get.
On the other hand, the panel stuff may be hard to legitimize with pros vs. cost, there is a certain side to how they look. They certainly are good to have access to for someone going for a specific look that is made possible with panel gear, not to mention how simple it is. Even with my Molle I've considered getting a cheap panel vest just for CQB because of the simplicity factor.
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Old September 1st, 2006, 01:34   #18
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I love my Blackhawk Strike Recon Chest Harness and its modularity, I can't see myself going back to panel.
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Old September 3rd, 2006, 22:59   #19
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panel is ok or your first rig, but you out grow them so quick and there next to impossible to pawn off on someone else lol!

molle lasts you longer as you can add pouches as you aquire mags, change pouches as your change roles (medic, lmg, rifleman, grenadier/ indoor, outdoor) way more versatile, its the way of the future, buying panel doesnt make sense except for cost. on average you cant get a well equiped molle for under $250, but you can buy a panel for $50+ so as i said its good for your first vest, but thats about it.
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Old September 4th, 2006, 11:01   #20
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better stock up on tennis balls!
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Old September 4th, 2006, 12:29   #21
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Personal opinion/dads opinion. molle is better for the outdoors fire fights.
How ever in cqb the panel vest is better(given the right panels)

Reasoning molles tend to get heavy. You can always find a good hiding spot in big areas (ie flagriders) to rest a bit and wait for your opponents to get closer.

cqb there is no hiding spots. You need something you can move fast in and isn't going to tire you out or weigh you down.
I say carry both cause I am taking my old mans suggestion, and getting both a panel for indoors a molle for out.
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Old September 4th, 2006, 16:25   #22
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you can get super light molle set ups..
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Old September 4th, 2006, 18:23   #23
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Originally Posted by SINN
you can get super light molle set ups..
That are both military and airsoft grade?
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Old September 5th, 2006, 02:41   #24
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Bah, some ALICE mag pouches and tennis shoes for me!
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Old September 7th, 2006, 13:26   #25
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With a minute and a knife I can fit pretty muh anything in my mouth... but seriously i use webbing because everything you need s there and good ones are as stable and comfy than any molle or panels.

P.S. i dont know if comfy is the good way to writte it but at least you get the point.
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Old September 10th, 2006, 23:50   #26
Mud Gunner
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My 2 cents

Been wearing different gear set ups for some time but just introduced to Molle a little while ago and fell in love with the stuff, versatile, modular allowing the user to go mission specific whenever the need arises. A quick review of the gear I have worn with my like and dislikes..

First gear was ALICE gear, not too bad, fast interchanges of pouches etc but ugly as sin and quality wasn't there at all.

82 pattern web gear, still like this stuff, like ALICE its pretty quick to change out to create user defined layouts. Pretty rugged gear too as I kicked this all over training areas and field all over the place and it holds up. Major con in my mind is its heavy and the grmmets wear quick and bend causing the gear to look ugly quickly. Good selection of goods pouches from SMG to Rifles and SAWs.

After the 82 came the CF Tactical vest, nice looking, matches the uniform, looks pretty sexy but in my mind, not flexible at all. Freedon to modify lies in the option of adding two water bottles or two utility pouches or one of each. The ability to carry only 4 magazines is not cool and I find the other pouches much to small to be a real benefit for anything (thak god the small pack came out afterwards). The vest is pretty solid but no configuration options and not a lot of cargo capacity, no good for front line guys but good for truck drivers and those who arent always at the pointy end and dont need to haul all the ammo a rifleman would.

MOLLE so far is the best, has all the creature comforts of the two previous set ups, easily interchangeable, good quality, no metal parts (other than the button snap) and incedibly accessible and realtively cheap for good stuff too. I have a chest rig that allows me to configure anything across my chest to suit my needs. Double M4 mags allow me to take an assault role (my mag pouches will take G36 and AK ones- nice as I own those as well) or I can add pistol mag pouches stuff with my MP7 mags and go ultra light which is nice (MP7 is not a pure CQB weapon, use mine quite nicely in open fields). Add SAW/ MG pouches and I can go support and carry a pile of BBS for the gun. Hell, dependant on what you buy for mag pouches, you can still carry a shitload of BBs in the rifleman role (triple mag pouches come to mind!!).Already mentioned is you can sell certain components off if you decide a role or a pouch isnt for you. someelse may be looking for that very part, making recovery of some funds very easy! Last thing I have found about MOLLE (dependant upon manufacturer) is when strung into the vest or rig, its there and solid too, won't be coming off unless you want it too, one thing I like about the old 82 pattern gear...

So my two cents is stock the Molle
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Old September 12th, 2006, 09:14   #27
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panel based for me
i have 2 vests like that and i love them.
they have every thing i need for the moment

but in the modular system is probaly more for the vetren players who know what they need.

[MTX]HappyTiT Recon rifleman
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Old September 12th, 2006, 09:34   #28
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That are both military and airsoft grade?
Definately..I will let the gear master Yuxi give examples..he is still probably compiling his list lol
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Old September 12th, 2006, 10:43   #29
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Just FYI to clear it up, there is no question that we'll be stocking MOLLE (we already do) it was whether it's even worth considering the panel vests, because they're only really useful when there's support for them. I may try a demo run of 10-15 and see how it goes.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 17:35   #30
The Waco Kid
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Molle, I find it extremely versatile although if I'm honest I have a couple of vests that I have set up "just so" and rarely change pouches on them. However the molle system did give me a lot of flexibility trying out different configurations until I found what I worked for me. I tempted to build a sew on rig based on my favourite loadout but I don't think the small saving in wieght/bulk is worth the trouble & I occasionally swap 5.56 mag pockets for 7.62 ones.
I can say I've ever used a modular panel vest. I know a several manufacturers have produced different (probably incompatable) systems over the years but the limited design of most panels didn't interest me or seem much of an improvement over issue webbing.
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