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Old December 6th, 2008, 03:50   #16
RaisinBran's Avatar
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Yes this has been the many cases when peopel go over the border and manage to get some guns through, personally I've gotten these guns through:

TM M14
HFC USP compact

The guys at the border were like "Are those real guns?" I was like no and I showed them the insides then they just said "Alright then have a nice day!" in a cheerful voice
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Old December 6th, 2008, 10:21   #17
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Part of it is looking/being responsible.

If you're driving a nice clean car (eg. Lexus IS300, BMW 5/7 series, Acura), well dressed, clean shaven, older than ~27 etc. chances are that the agent who isn't a stickler will let it go past. BUT Try the same thing in a beat down Westfalia looking like you just got out of bed with crap everywhere in your car (fast food weappers, bags, etc.), and you're under 25 chances are even if you get a guy who isn't a stickler they'll probably think twice before letting you pass through with it.
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Old December 6th, 2008, 10:56   #18
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Congradulations, you beat the bad guys!!! I reccomend that everyone go out and try this and then give us a full report on the outcome.

Yes, you may have gotten these items through customs, that is possible. However, what you did is still illegal even though they let you through.
The customs officer could have unaware of the guidlines of the importing of these replicas or just simply didn't care. In short, you got lucky, they could have very easily been taken from you along with a lengthy search of your vehicle and bowels, not to mention being backlisted making it an unpleasant experience to travel outside of the country.
Please don't promote yourself saying 'hey if I can do it, you can do it" The last thing this sport needs is more restrictions.
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Old December 6th, 2008, 13:40   #19
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
Congradulations, you beat the bad guys!!! I reccomend that everyone go out and try this and then give us a full report on the outcome.

Yes, you may have gotten these items through customs, that is possible. However, what you did is still illegal even though they let you through.
The customs officer could have unaware of the guidlines of the importing of these replicas or just simply didn't care. In short, you got lucky, they could have very easily been taken from you along with a lengthy search of your vehicle and bowels, not to mention being backlisted making it an unpleasant experience to travel outside of the country.
Please don't promote yourself saying 'hey if I can do it, you can do it" The last thing this sport needs is more restrictions.
Oh please, the guy declares the items, shows the customs agent and your bitchin and preaching... give me a break. How about you unwind yourself there and get off the all high and mighty horse. The guy followed the rules, declared the items to the agent, the agent saw them for what they were "TOYS", and then let the items into the country. These are freaking toys not real firearms so quit acting like he just imported a nuclear missile and is going to be the next premier terrorist on the planet. Everyone here knows it is either hit or miss if you declare airsoft items at the boarder and everyone who tries to bring them in understands the risk that they may be confiscated or turned away as part of it.

Rant off

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Old December 6th, 2008, 13:44   #20
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Originally Posted by BlackRain View Post
Oh please, the guy declares the items, shows the customs agent and your bitchin and preaching... give me a break. How about you unwind yourself there and get off the all high and mighty horse. The guy followed the rules, declared the items to the agent, the agent saw them for what they were "TOYS", and then let the items into the country. These are freaking toys not real firearms so quit acting like he just imported a nuclear missile and is going to be the next premier terrorist on the planet. Everyone here knows it is either hit or miss if you declare airsoft items at the boarder and everyone who tries to bring them in understands the risk that they may be confiscated or turned away as part of it.

Rant off
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Old December 6th, 2008, 13:46   #21
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Isn't airsoft banned in the state of New York?
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Old December 6th, 2008, 13:48   #22
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I do apologize for my rant, I got word yesterday that my workplace is feeling the wrath of the economic issues. I'm just alittle heated from that I think.
I know that they are toys. True, he did the honest thing by actually declaring the items instead of smuggling(as far as we know), but others may draw the conclusion that they can get them into Canada without a hitch. I'm just trying to make it aware to others who may not know it, if I've offended you, sorry.

Last edited by Muffin; December 6th, 2008 at 14:02..
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Old December 6th, 2008, 14:01   #23
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Originally Posted by sushicake View Post
Isn't airsoft banned in the state of New York?
You're thinking of New York City

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Old December 6th, 2008, 14:16   #24
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It's not a matter of offending myself or anyone else... your post comes across as being houty touty so to speak. The way I see the laws as far as importing goes it is still a grey area. One set of rules say they have no clear definition and leaves it open to interpretation by the agents. The other says oh no no no you can't bring those into the country. The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing when it comes to the whole airsoft issue and the Government. Clearly these are realistic looking toys, but they are toys non the less and should be treated as such but with some restrictions. As they look realistic enough to get you shot by a police officer they should be treated in such a manner reflecting that. The airsoft community polices itself very well in that area. Almost every pic on the sale boards shows a proper carrying case for them. Transportation... again another area that the airsoft community does very well in policing itself. I fully support the age verification system that this community has in place and give kudos for it's implementation. While it still has its faults it is by far an excellent way of insuring that people of mature and responsible age are in the ones buying these things. Once again another great self policing job done by the community. It gets so tiring hearing no no no don't do that by everyone pretending to be the supreme authority on the matter. It's all well and great to debate the issue and try to make a difference when it comes to the Governments interpretation and rules regarding airsoft items. I support that.. it brings out points that may have otherwise been overlooked and confirms the ideas and goals of what the community is seeking as a whole in regards to airsoft importation and rules. Non of us here can say that we know for sure what the interpretation of the laws will be when it comes to the agent or CBSA agency as a whole in regards to the matter. For you to say that it's going to have negative effects on the sport is wrong. He followed the rules plain and simple and was allowed to import the items. Don't shun him for following the rules.. he should be told "hey... great job... way to show that we are not a bunch of smugglers and law breakers". The vast majority of folks here know that it is a 50/50 gamble when you bring them into Canada. One agent may see it as a toy the other as restricted import item, it is in fact completely up to the individual agent you get when your at the boarder.


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Old December 6th, 2008, 19:07   #25
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Originally Posted by RaisinBran View Post
Yes this has been the many cases when peopel go over the border and manage to get some guns through, personally I've gotten these guns through:

TM M14
HFC USP compact

The guys at the border were like "Are those real guns?" I was like no and I showed them the insides then they just said "Alright then have a nice day!" in a cheerful voice
how long ago was this?
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Old December 7th, 2008, 02:12   #26
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Originally Posted by mattman2523 View Post
how long ago was this?
couple of months ago, also it's not would only be illegal if you don't declare the Guns because Airsoft isn't completely banned
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Old December 7th, 2008, 02:23   #27
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lol it still is illegal, please dont flant it as its not condoned here the coustoms agent made a mistake end of story you will only end up being supper flamed
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Old December 7th, 2008, 02:39   #28
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Originally Posted by BlackRain View Post
Oh please, the guy declares the items, shows the customs agent and your bitchin and preaching... give me a break. How about you unwind yourself there and get off the all high and mighty horse. The guy followed the rules, declared the items to the agent, the agent saw them for what they were "TOYS", and then let the items into the country. These are freaking toys not real firearms so quit acting like he just imported a nuclear missile and is going to be the next premier terrorist on the planet. Everyone here knows it is either hit or miss if you declare airsoft items at the boarder and everyone who tries to bring them in understands the risk that they may be confiscated or turned away as part of it.

Rant off
Actually, he didn't follow the rules. Letter of the law says airsoft guns are prohibited devices. Illegal to import. That is letter of the law as it is written, and CBSA policy. As far as CFC and CBSA policy are concerned, there is no gray zone.

He got lucky, good for him. And other people might get the same response from CBSA officers. However, others may not. It comes down to this, do you really want to risk losing hundreds of dollars in airsoft guns? Once they're gone, they're gone, and CBSA won't pay you back for them, and neither will the seller most likely.

If you declare them, and they seize them, you won't be treated the way some of the posters here suggest. They'll simply seize the guns, probably give you a lecture on importing prohibited replicas, probably give your car a once over, then let you go on your way. However, don't expect to get across the border with out be searched and scrutinized ever again.

If they go to seize the guns, for the love of god, don't argue with the officer or try to 'educate' them on airsoft and the laws relating to airsoft. Just play dumb, pretend you didnt know they were considered replicas, tell them you thought they were just toys. If you piss them off, you'll earn yourself the rubber glove treatment.
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