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Old August 16th, 2013, 00:11   #31
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Originally Posted by Zulu 1 View Post
ever had to cook without a raging fire and not give away your position? ever run a "hard routine" ?
Of course, I've been MilSim'ing since 1998 so... yea.

Am I going to make the trip? Well since your event is coming up so quickly and you're not offering a lot of info on it, such as price, there's a distinct possibility I will skip it.
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Old August 16th, 2013, 01:40   #32
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Posting an event without a price worked out ahead of time just seems silly to me. Nothing like getting people worked up, intrigue them, then drop the price bomb. Things like that should be worked out prior to posting an event of such scale.
Bean - "Charlie is a sexual T-Rex"
Originally Posted by Felonies View Post
Do you really think all 322 spots will sell out in a single day
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Old August 16th, 2013, 04:09   #33
Zulu 1
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Originally Posted by Reignman View Post
Posting an event without a price worked out ahead of time just seems silly to me. Nothing like getting people worked up, intrigue them, then drop the price bomb. Things like that should be worked out prior to posting an event of such scale.
In honesty i completely agree with you if any of you knew the timeline that this came together you'd all be saying it's not possible.
The fact is it possible despite the skepticism on here, there are many in support. it will happen and if you've chosen not to be a part of it, unlucky for you. This will be a kick ass op!!
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Old August 16th, 2013, 05:31   #34
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Our skepticism comes from experience. New guys, land owners and ranchers who think that because they own HD-DVD copies of Boondock Saints, that suddenly they are Mr. Milsim. You come here not offering a whole lot to chew on, so we are in our right minds to be skeptical. I'm sure the 18 people confirmed going will have a good time. At least that's what your Facebook page says the roster will be, and hey, that's great!

So hey, feel free to tell me how I've never played a milsim, I don't know what it's like to cook without an open flame and TRY to show how you're a more 'tactical' guy than me... You can even try to tell us how your game is going to be ten times better than the WestCan series ever was. I'll wait for the after action report and see what the real players, those on the ground have to say about the organization, field layout and cost/value is. By the way, which company have you hired to do your Pyro?

Last edited by Aquamarine; August 16th, 2013 at 05:36..
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Old August 16th, 2013, 13:19   #35
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Our skepticism comes from experience. New guys, land owners and ranchers who think that because they own HD-DVD copies of Boondock Saints, that suddenly they are Mr. Milsim. You come here not offering a whole lot to chew on, so we are in our right minds to be skeptical. I'm sure the 18 people confirmed going will have a good time. At least that's what your Facebook page says the roster will be, and hey, that's great!

So hey, feel free to tell me how I've never played a milsim, I don't know what it's like to cook without an open flame and TRY to show how you're a more 'tactical' guy than me... You can even try to tell us how your game is going to be ten times better than the WestCan series ever was. I'll wait for the after action report and see what the real players, those on the ground have to say about the organization, field layout and cost/value is. By the way, which company have you hired to do your Pyro?
Hurry up and move to calgary

Love Jman
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Old August 19th, 2013, 16:33   #36
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
So hey, feel free to tell me how I've never played a milsim, I don't know what it's like to cook without an open flame and TRY to show how you're a more 'tactical' guy than me... You can even try to tell us how your game is going to be ten times better than the WestCan series ever was. I'll wait for the after action report and see what the real players, those on the ground have to say about the organization, field layout and cost/value is. By the way, which company have you hired to do your Pyro?
I understand your skepticism but putting words in his mouth like this is not cool or fair. Instead why don't you ACTUALLY just wait for the AAR?
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Old August 20th, 2013, 00:58   #37
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Sorry, I guess I mis-interpreted it when he challenged me and others with this:

ever had to cook without a raging fire and not give away your position? ever run a "hard routine" ?
It made him sound in context that we who are offering skeptical opinions have never played milsim before.
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Old August 21st, 2013, 04:17   #38
Zulu 1
Join Date: Jul 2013
Ok just a smidge of an idea of what you get for your $195...

08.00 Friday morning will be broken into groups for training, this will be conducted by former and current Royal Marine Commando instructors this will include but not limited to

All instruction will be carried out by Tier 1’s ex-Royal Marine Commando instructors, some assistance will be provided by certain non-ex military staff nominated by Tier-1 instructors.
The subjects to be covered will be:
1. Aims and types of Patrols.
2. Patrol harbour drills including lying up positions.
3. Observation Posts (Selection, construction and routine).
4. Target reconnaissance and Close Target Reconnaissance.
5. Patrol anti-ambush and contact drills.
6. The Platoon attack on a fixed position.
7. Platoon ambush drills (day and night).
The above subjects will be covered in a logical and progressive sequence with one subject preparing and leading on to the next. All lessons will consist of an amount of static instruction on tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP’s) followed by practical participation by the players in the form of “walk through-talk through” and practical exercises.
Normal cost if conducted separately $75 CAD for 12hr course

Then there will be forced rest period and group get together

Op will start Saturday am ...more information will follow once registered

follow the link there is more info being updated all the time on the website.

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Old August 21st, 2013, 10:24   #39
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Zulu 1: I made a mistake, I thought this was an airsoft event, sorry, I retract my previous statements in thinking this was a MilSim. My bad, I admit my fault.
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Old August 21st, 2013, 11:10   #40
Zulu 1
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Zulu 1: I made a mistake, I thought this was an airsoft event, sorry, I retract my previous statements in thinking this was a MilSim. My bad, I admit my fault.
Aquamarine please tell me how this is NOT milsim? Can you also explain Chris how you're a "maybe" on my facebook page yet full of sarcasm here?
After the training on Friday, Saturdays op is a milsim! Putting into practice all that has been learnt the previous day.

Any reason this gets thrown into off topic now?? Mod's not want anyone to read this?
Perhaps the game section would be better?

My aim is to bring something new to the community it's not for all i agree, everyone talks of the great games they see in Europe well here it is! Zulu 1 and Tier 1 are combining to bring this event to Canada let the public decide whether this is what they want rather than deciding it for them where are we Russia?

Last edited by Zulu 1; August 21st, 2013 at 11:36..
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Old August 21st, 2013, 11:46   #41
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So if I understand this correctly...

Friday '12 hour training day'
Saturday Sim???

Because at first I thought you were charging 195 for a training day.
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old August 21st, 2013, 11:50   #42
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I'm tickled pink you can use my real name now, how clever to show you know more about anything. Good for you. What else can you do?

As I had said, I made a mistake and I admitted it. To my eyes, it appeared that your little event was exclusively training, so as I said, that is my mistake. It's only the first DAY that the training is there. Is that required training? Something that we can skip out on to reduce the cost?

Still wondering who's doing the pyro for you though. Would be good to know the money, all $200 of it, we are (potentially) spending isn't just going into pockets but into something worth-while. Of course, I, like most other Canadian players, are used to spending $60-100 for large, broad milsim games. I'm probably wrong again, and am underestimating what you are bringing to the table though. So I moved this thread for you back to General but perhaps the 'game' section is a much better home for it.

1) Is the training optional to reduce our price?
2) Which company is doing pyro and are they licensed?
3) What do players get out of spending $200+?
4) Are tents being provided?
5) Is food being provided to be cooked without a //"raging fire"//?

Plus, since you decided to 'call me out' and use my real name, yes I will be in BC at the time of the event and pending on whether I want to take part in your game or not. It will depend on the number of other veteran airsofters that I am familiar with. If they go, then it would be a nice experience. If not, well... I simply don't want to spend $200 to go camping with only 19 others who are confirmed (well, so says your facebook group anyhow).

Regards and rainbows

(edit: just throwing this in for archival sake)
Originally Posted by Zulu 1 View Post
Aquamarine please tell me how this is NOT milsim? Can you also explain Chris how you're a "maybe" on my facebook page yet full of sarcasm here?
After the training on Friday, Saturdays op is a milsim! Putting into practice all that has been learnt the previous day.

Any reason this gets thrown into off topic now?? Mod's not want anyone to read this?
Perhaps the game section would be better?

My aim is to bring something new to the community it's not for all i agree, everyone talks of the great games they see in Europe well here it is! Zulu 1 and Tier 1 are combining to bring this event to Canada let the public decide whether this is what they want rather than deciding it for them where are we Russia?
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Old August 21st, 2013, 11:58   #43
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Zulu; Aqua and the other player's concern is this. And is is a valid one.

You are a person who's new on the scene and that no one has really heard of.

You're here now touting an event that's new, more expensive than other established events (a lot more expensive) at an unknown location supported by a group not known to the community.

Many people have come before you making the same elaborate claims, a huge event or other promise who have promptly shit the bed and become persona non grata.

What I'd suggest is first meeting with the local player base to get yourself out there. Then getting age verified so you can chat in the adult section of the site and last putting on a few taster events at the location to create a buzz and sense of legitimacy around it

As I was typing it looks like Aqua has said the same, a bit more plainly.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old August 21st, 2013, 14:03   #44
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What Danke said.

I'm way too far east for this to attend anyway, but for me, paying that much for an event organised by people I don't know, and for which no one I know and trust can vouch... Dunno. I'm not ready to jump on it with so much unknown.

If I were you, I would have organized something more modest, like a 12-hour OP to get your name out there, to show people that you have the organisational skills, experience and mindset to do it. Put shortly, to build a relationship with the community. I can totally understand everyone's concerns here.

With that said, I still kinda like what I read on the site and I'll be following what happens. Who knows, if the experience is positive maybe there could be such event closer to home.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 02:37   #45
Zulu 1
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Gentlemen i'm going to address you all but no-one in particular, I'm not here to call people out piss anyone off or segregate one party from another.I am going to set out my stall once and for all if you do not like what you hear or feel it's not for you i respect that. Please respect what i am offering as a product and the fellow like minded players that also appreciate what i have presented.

Zulu 1 Military Simulation is a bona fide stand up registered business it is fully insured and requires a modest profit margin to operate and bring you the player further training and game opportunities. Do not request the profit percentage you would not do that at sears or walmart do not ask me! What i can tell you is that very penny of profit is being pumped back into the business to grow and better each operation.

The aim is as my website suggests to offer you the player/operator a 100% as real as it gets combat simulation, from mandatory training that sets the bar as to how we insist you will conduct yourselves as modern day soldiers, thru to briefings, sandtable construction, to CTR's recce,TTP's etc this will be conducted by established event organiser from the UK Tier 1.
ED the owner a former Royal Marine himself will be attending, bringing with him current serving Royal Marine instructors, what you will learn will be a major growth to your individual skill set and improve the game for you. This partnership will continue beyond silvertip allowing cross trade gaming each side of the pond.

These same instructors are key to the success of the saturday silvertip operation. I have also assembled a cadre of former military personnel to continue this high level of training moving forward.

Why have we included mandatory training?
This is because we expect everyone to conduct themselves in a roleplay soldierly fashion. You will be expected to bring your own kit see kit list on my website!!

I will have equipment for sale, basha's, bivi bag's, sleeping bags, and various other items such as bergens all of these items are on there way from European suppliers to offer cost effective equipment to the serious player. These items are truely cheaper than in canada items in most cases.I see this as paramount commitment to the player to ensure the growth of the player base for these style of games and Zulu1.

The "game" operation from startex to endex will have no breaks, no retrieving stuff from vehicles no smoke breaks or lunch breaks this all will be taken in field and yes you could get attacked. If you need equipment form the 24hr portion carry it!! in a bergen and expect to TAB several KM's and build all round defences and stag on at night.

You will be expected to operate as a team, you may not be with your regular team mates.

This event is meant as a challenge to you the player it will be tough, tiring, but ultimately satisfying when completed successfully. It certainly is a challenge to me putting this together.

The price is set for Zulu 1 to offer the real as it gets experience, flights cost from the UK, equipment and other trades cost.
I personally have sunk several thousands of dollars into the whole that is Zulu 1 to make it what it is and will be in the future. I am not planning on having 400 people attending 120 places are all that are catered for.
I'm asking the serious committed amongst you, come out and try it, in six months from now the $200 would have gone anyway on groceries or whatever but there still would be people talking about Op silvertip,AND when and where is the next one.

Why have we not started one 12 hr game at a time with 50 people? cost - this is a partnership with Tier 1 it would not be viable.
Who are they?
check them out yourselves it's readily available info on the net.they are bringing 7/8 players 4000 miles even with the cost of the flights to attend this game, these are not rich guys either but committed players. Committed to what Tier 1 Zulu 1 offer.

I fully understand that we have appeared from nowhere, asking for money

This needs 90 players, are you one?If we don't meet targets full refunds will be given!! All payments are collected via paypal you all have recourse

This will be the last time i post fully on here, i'm currently working 18/19hr days missing the time from my kids trying to get things together.

I will be attending, Op Iceback so if anyone is there or lives local come down talk to me, perhaps you will see then the passion i have for this venture and the vision i have for the future, if you don't like what you see or hear don't come. You will then have lost nothing!

I can assure you the background has been around for 2 years or more only recently being charged to what you see today

I am forcing no-one just looking for folks to join me on the ride.

Look forward to seeing some of you at the OP

P.s no i have not catalogued everything you will get, this is not a disney experience, leave something to open on the day!

ok flame on!!
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