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Front Cover Markham paper: Proposed Ban of Sale, Possession of replica firearms...



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Old September 17th, 2006, 02:19   #31
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maybe thats why his age is disclosed and he's not age verified
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Old September 17th, 2006, 02:23   #32
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I wonder if there is a relation to people who don't think before they shoot and people who don't think before they post.

That post starts with a threat, and it needs to be removed.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 02:27   #33
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you mean ''undisclosed'' right?
Still think he should be temp ban for making death threat, even if he didnt really mean it. This kind of stupid comment can give bad publicity to airsoft.

Everyone is free to give his opinions, but comments like that are unnaceptable (sp?)
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Old September 17th, 2006, 02:27   #34
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its just to bad some people dont seem to get. if a crime is commited with replica fire arm they go all ape shit and try to ban it, but when a person is stabbed or beaten to death with brass knuckles or any other non-firearm related death no one could give a shit. its like "poor timmy got stabbed to death to bad" but when its done with a firearm its more like "that basturd shot timmy those ass holes if guns were banned non of this would have happened" you now what i can walk in to any room and find ways i can kill someone with out using a gun. like in my room i can kill you with a pellow, my moniter, stero, clothes, my desk, or with the pair of sessiors in my desk now lets look thats 6 ways i can kill a man with out using a gun and are any of those going to get banned? hells no. so more people should realize that guns are not the only way you can kill someone. punishing the majority for a crime a that a select few morons did is ot only totally unfair but complete retarded. the point made that if we ban replica fire arms only mines that bad people that want to rob and bank or store will have one less thing to pick from thus meaning more people with have to use REAL guns thats a very good point and i like that.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 02:38   #35
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yeah comments that make up a death threat, especially against the leader of this country are not in my opinion acceptable in any case.... think what you want but realize saying it is different
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Old September 17th, 2006, 03:53   #36
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yay, another stupid politician move for publicity!

But seriously, I bet you the "reported weapons calls the police gets" the article referred to probably was 99.9% Crosman crap from CDN Tire. And kids who shoots at cars on the highway, I can imagine them using Crosman crap too. At most, it'll be an airgun from CT or WalMart. I can't imagine any of who can afford a $500 AEG do risk such a thing.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 04:00   #37
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Ontario's municipal councils are going into election mode, as they will hit the polls before the year is out. As a result, the councillors are all in silly talk mode.

This has the dual effect of both making councillors impossible to reason with as well as encouraging them to come up with silly ideas like municipal by-laws that they would have no authority to pass.

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Old September 17th, 2006, 05:40   #38
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im down for a HUGE protest infront of the parliment building. i would so drive from niagara to there just for it...
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Old September 17th, 2006, 07:28   #39
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There is only one solution, and that is not popular here at all; 18+ for EVERYTHING. For guns, supplies, games, and posting on forums.
Until then, reading is not blocked.

That, wether you guys like it or not, is the only solution that has a legal chance of working. We ALL enforce it, or the government will enforce it for us.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 07:47   #40
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Originally Posted by diamond_SEA
Again, more proof that your an idiot. You think this is Harpers doing? What political group did you think was more firearm friendly, the Conservatives, Fiberals or NDP? You know, don't even answer because you have your head up your ass and all you will talk is shit.

Originally Posted by Kedirkin
Ontario's municipal councils are going into election mode, as they will hit the polls before the year is out. As a result, the councillors are all in silly talk mode.

This has the dual effect of both making councillors impossible to reason with as well as encouraging them to come up with silly ideas like municipal by-laws that they would have no authority to pass.
Thanks Alan, I missed you around here.

Everyone just calm down a little bit. If they take your "TOY" airsoft away just get into real steel. It's hella fun and will never be banned.

I still love the argument, "let's ban guns (replica or real) and surely it will lead to a reduction in crime". Perfect, law abiding citizens will be at the mercy of criminals even more so, and heck, the thousands of people who enjoy airsoft simply as a sport will have that taken away too. Super idea. Just keep punishing the good while doing sweet fuck all to the criminals.

Why don't we stop chipping away at the rights and freedoms of the millions of good, hard working, decent people and just adopt Islamic law right now because of a few assholes? Might aswell get it over with right now.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 09:43   #41
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And not to mention that lately here in Ottawa its been a mad dash for all the candidates to run the "ANTI CRIME!" campaigns. But at the same time, the one of the ones that got voted in here in Kanata Ward ((we voted O'Conner over in my part of Kanata)) anyway, this woman got voted in because she promised more police on the streets. Now she's saying that police are interupting with too many peoples lives because a damn Pittbull got shot when cops raided a home in Bells Corners. Later the owner had said she'd removed the dogs, but that doesn't make sense cause if they were removed then they would never have posed a threat to the officers. Anyway its just sickening that now everywhere I look its "BAN THIS! BAN THAT!" I would really love to get my hands on the Anarchists Cook Book again, make a couple hundred copies and send it out to the candidates to show that just banning guns wouldn't be enough, cause one trip to the drug store, or a pool/sauna store or even Home Depot now adays and you can get enough stuff to do a crap load more damage than a few bullets.

And besides, like Freedom Fighter said, more money to go back to real steel. And when I was talking to Greylocks one day and he was showing me some of the stuff that was legal in this country, we found that it was cheaper to buy a real steel, 1911 .45 Colt, over most of the FMU airsoft ones out there.

And Hojo, I would be more than willing to use my PAL to purchase guns. Even if there are no serial's on the guns it could still work to require a PAL to own and purchase them. Heck there arn't any serials on bullet casings but you need your PAL to pick those up . I would just like to know how that would go over for online purchases.

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Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old September 17th, 2006, 09:46   #42
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This raises other questions... like what is a democracy anyway? Sounds like someone is dictating to me how things are going to work, whether I like it or not. A high and mighty council of our peers making decisions based on what they read/see in the media? Hear from the police? Hear from their neighbours? I'm not going to mention any names, and I know it is somewhat of an infantile arguement position, but a local "politician" in my area once called Def Leppard, Death Leopard. This politician is not that old, but I thought it was funny how out of touch they seemed... and it made me think.

And those that mentioned election time... were spot on! They need perceived "issues" to combat, to look good in the public eye.

The bottom line, as always, is... if you properly store and transport your gun, and play on private property, you won't have an issue. Let's not worry about this and simply play responsibly. If they want to ban replica guns, they will, and there is nothing you can do about it.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 10:07   #43
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
There is only one solution, and that is not popular here at all; 18+ for EVERYTHING. For guns, supplies, games, and posting on forums.
Until then, reading is not blocked.

That, wether you guys like it or not, is the only solution that has a legal chance of working. We ALL enforce it, or the government will enforce it for us.

personally i love that idea, in all honesty, if a 14 y/o really is steadfast on airsoft, they can wait. i know i did (even tho i didnt want to) and i belive it would also cut down on things like this.

Originally Posted by diamond_SEA
(p.s i know i am not age verified either, but i can confirm that i am, how ever there are no thunder bay reps so im s.o.l for the time being, so im not being hypocritical s/p? )
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier

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Old September 17th, 2006, 10:10   #44
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
There is only one solution, and that is not popular here at all; 18+ for EVERYTHING. For guns, supplies, games, and posting on forums.
Until then, reading is not blocked.

That, wether you guys like it or not, is the only solution that has a legal chance of working. We ALL enforce it, or the government will enforce it for us.
So you really think that will improve the current system (which I fully agree with as it significantly reduced the amount of false buys, sale scams etc.). If a teenager really wants something, they will find a way to get it, whether its through parents, friends etc.

And preventing them from coming to games? The result will be them running games on their own properties (cottages, houses, forrests) away from the city. I think its better they play on designated fields rather than not. As for maturity, I've played with some players as young as 12 and they seemed fine.

And posting on forums? Who really gives a shit about that? I know a much simpler solution... IGNORE IT!

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Old September 17th, 2006, 10:13   #45
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Originally Posted by attack-beacer
its just to bad some people dont seem to get. if a crime is commited with replica fire arm they go all ape shit and try to ban it, but when a person is stabbed or beaten to death with brass knuckles or any other non-firearm related death no one could give a shit. its like "poor timmy got stabbed to death to bad" but when its done with a firearm its more like "that basturd shot timmy those ass holes if guns were banned non of this would have happened" you now what i can walk in to any room and find ways i can kill someone with out using a gun. like in my room i can kill you with a pellow, my moniter, stero, clothes, my desk, or with the pair of sessiors in my desk now lets look thats 6 ways i can kill a man with out using a gun and are any of those going to get banned? hells no. so more people should realize that guns are not the only way you can kill someone. punishing the majority for a crime a that a select few morons did is ot only totally unfair but complete retarded. the point made that if we ban replica fire arms only mines that bad people that want to rob and bank or store will have one less thing to pick from thus meaning more people with have to use REAL guns thats a very good point and i like that.

Well, just to put the knife thing to bed - a lot of knives are banned, but you can't ban all knives. Knives, along with pillows, stereos and scissors serve a purpose, they are essential tools. Real guns are obviously essential tools as well, and the proper licensing can be acquired if you are a person who requires such a tool, but the public acquisition and use of replica firearms is negligible from a strictly 'essential' stand-point. One could argue from the stand-point of film use, and training purposes but again, there are specific licenses for that. I clearly see the governments point if they declare an all out ban on replica firearms. I just hope they don't.
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