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Old June 1st, 2008, 22:53   #511
spl01t77's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Gigaknight View Post
Hmm, I'm thinking of buying a KSC USP standard; should I try to find another source or is this screw up a minor incident?

I got both my USP's from Marksman.... solid seller
Jake Hoyt: What's "wet"?
Alonzo Harris: Butt-naked. Ill. Sherms. Dust. PCP. Primos. P-Dog. That's what you had. That's what you were smoking, you couldn't taste it?
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Old June 1st, 2008, 22:57   #512
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Drache, some sellers have a general price on shipping for their customers. So shipping next door or across the country is the same price that YOU pay (In this case $50). They make money (and sometime lose money) with shipping also.

When you asked for it to be shipped expresspost they asked for an additional $30 (at the end they still make money from shipping since you found out shipping expresspost is only $50).
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:01   #513
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Drache, some sellers have a general price on shipping for their customers. So shipping next door or across the country is the same price that YOU pay (In this case $50). They make money (and sometime lose money) with shipping also.

When you asked for it to be shipped expresspost they asked for an additional $30 (at the end they still make money from shipping since you found out shipping expresspost is only $50).
Ronan Im not mad and I know that practice! LeGros is saying that he only charged me $30 to ship and yet they paid me $50 back when I shipped it! He's trying to twist the facts!
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:14   #514
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I must admit I'm surprised, we got a Real Sword Type 56, a Tm Hi-Capa 5.1 and a CA M15A4 Sportsline from Jay and Christian with no problem, no delay no broken stuff no extra high shipping cost no nothing bad. It went so well for all three guns I offered Jay and Christian a free EA game on any console they want and they still haven't claimed them. Maybe your case was just a combination of bad luck stacked up...
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:20   #515
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Originally Posted by Cassius View Post
I must admit I'm surprised, we got a Real Sword Type 56, a Tm Hi-Capa 5.1 and a CA M15A4 Sportsline from Jay and Christian with no problem, no delay no broken stuff no extra high shipping cost no nothing bad. It went so well for all three guns I offered Jay and Christian a free EA game on any console they want and they still haven't claimed them. Maybe your case was just a combination of bad luck stacked up...
Which is why all I expected was a refund on my extra shipping charged to me and a simple apology for getting the gun out late. Instead I get a nasty PM. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN AND WHEN THEY DO LIVE UP TO IT AND RIGHT YOUR MISTAKES!

For those that might inquire this is from my bank statement:
May 14, 2008 PR GIBSON'S LAKESI $53.64

That is the total cost of shipping the JG 416 Back to him Xpresspost shipping with a signature. I can also take a screenshot of my bank statement showing the above if anyone cares along with a screenshot of the post LeGros sent me showing the $70 total of shipping and not the $30 he is trying to say he charged me.
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:20   #516
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Angry shootsoft

Here is the only line We will do here...

As you know we ask for 20 business days before shipping... stock or not!!! You also know... If you don't have your order ship in that delay... you could ask for a refund and we will contact you when it will be ready to ship!!! Please If there is one person who did not get is order... or is refund.... please write it here!!!

On more than 200 orders we have made 3 refunds and 1 of them have been call back to ship is product... They others was back order!

1st call... 05-04-2008
date arrive... not ship, but arrive... 05-12-2008

AEG was not broke like it said!!! THIS AEG is in perfect condition!!

You all know and it wrote every where... we do test all china made!!

YES there was an error on the model... We offer to that customer 2 choices!
1. keep it and we will give him a refund
2. or ship it back at our charge and we will send you the right one

after few yes no yes no, this customer decide to change it! By his own decision he ship it back xpresspost! Normally regular post will cost less than 20$! Not 50$ like we have refund him!

shipping of the new AEG was done around 29 may, that place us before the 20 business days we ask!! AND all with this adventure!

YES I DO make grammatical error... AND I will gain!!!
BUT Don’t tell me we have a bad service!! PLEASE!!
We are here to help this community to grow and help members to have good product at a good price!!

Like I ask you via PM PLEASE REFUSE YOUR PACKAGE!!! We will made a full refund…

Sorry no more line on this… we have more good thing to do!

ALPHA unit, because there is no one else for that job!
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:22   #517
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*Sits back and grabs the popcorn*
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:26   #518
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I hope this could be resolved
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:30   #519
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Originally Posted by spl01t77 View Post
I got both my USP's from Marksman.... solid seller
whats funny my buddy got the run around from he went to shootsoft.... so it can happen to any retailer.... maby drach should get a licence and import to...

playing with my kid!
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:33   #520
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Thank you for finally posting Christian.

As you know we ask for 20 business days before shipping... stock or not!!!
I asked you if I had to wait the 20 days before placing my order and you said there was no wait.

AEG was not broke like it said!!! THIS AEG is in perfect condition!!

You all know and it wrote every where... we do test all china made!!

YES there was an error on the model... We offer to that customer 2 choices!
1. keep it and we will give him a refund
2. or ship it back at our charge and we will send you the right one
If there was no problem with the gun they why did I create a post about it in the Gun Doctor section asking how to fix an RIS that was ready to fall off? And you shipped the wrong model, your mistake, not mine. I shipped the gun back Xpresspost because:

1. That is how you shipped it to me
2. I didn't want to wait the extra week it would take for regular
3. CP states that airsoft/firearms are to be shipped Expediated, Xpress, or Priority
4. You didn't state to ship it back regular

shipping of the new AEG was done around 29 may, that place us before the 20 business days we ask!! AND all with this adventure!
You shipped it the morning of the 29th, AFTER I asked for a refund if the gun wasn't shipped. One of your PM's stated that you had to rest up from an airsoft game and thats why you couldn't ship the gun out earlier. At no time did you state I had to wait up to 20 days to get a REPLACEMENT due to your mistake.

On top of all that Christian you still charged me $70 to ship a gun when your shipping states only $40 to ship and when I asked for a refund on the $30 difference you send me a rude PM. Even now you don't take responsibility for your mistakes....

And why would I refuse the airsoft gun that Ive waited over a month for? Unless it turns out to be the wrong one again lol. You already stated that you have "given me too many refunds"....

Last edited by Drache; June 1st, 2008 at 23:35..
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:35   #521
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
I hope this could be resolved
It just was.

Buyer decides to tell his tale of woe... Seller comes back and tells his side.

it is really no one else's business and should have been resolved between them.

1 cock up and unhappy customer does not make a bad retailer.

Its stuff like this that drives people out of the business....
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:43   #522
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
It just was.

Buyer decides to tell his tale of woe... Seller comes back and tells his side.

it is really no one else's business and should have been resolved between them.

1 cock up and unhappy customer does not make a bad retailer.

Its stuff like this that drives people out of the business....
So what was I supposed to do? Just suck up the loss on money and time? Its stuff like this that have made people leave the sport. This is the review section and my review was that I was unhappy with the service.

LeGros said that he wasn't going to refund me any more money even though I only asked for the $30 difference due to shipping.

It wasn't until AFTER I posted this that he offered to refund the entire cost (minus the shipping costs Im sure) after I've waited a month for a bloody airsoft gun that will finally arrive on my door step.

Settled would be an apology and a refund on the $30 which is all I wanted in the first place.
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:44   #523
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
It just was.

Buyer decides to tell his tale of woe... Seller comes back and tells his side.

it is really no one else's business and should have been resolved between them.

1 cock up and unhappy customer does not make a bad retailer.

Its stuff like this that drives people out of the business....
I agree. Honestly, I don't want Shootsoft going out of business because of some pissy fight between a customer and the store.

Internet is a miracle, everyone can see this thread, and whomever sees this thread will start to have a hard time deciding either to do business with shootsoft or not. And it does hurt the store's reputation and business, we only have handful of importers serving entire canada, mistakes do happen.
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:48   #524
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
I agree. Honestly, I don't want Shootsoft going out of business because of some pissy fight between a customer and the store.

Internet is a miracle, everyone can see this thread, and whomever sees this thread will start to have a hard time deciding either to do business with shootsoft or not. And it does hurt the store's reputation and business, we only have handful of importers serving entire canada, mistakes do happen.
Yes mistakes DO happen and that's why I didn't post ANY of this until Christian sent me that rude PM!

A store should be responsible for the things they do!

I'm not going to ask for a trade dispute and Im certainly not going to contact anyone in the law, that would just stupid.

But like I said right before you posted, this is a review section! You don't expect all reviews to be good, read any review and it will have it's bad parts.
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Old June 1st, 2008, 23:55   #525
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Drache do i understand this correctly:

You shipped it back expresspost for $50 (original expresspost to you was quoted at $70). Then they sent you the right gun via normal shipping and you felt you got ripped off since you originaly paid $70 for expresspost.


At the end it seems its a question of overpriced shipping. And to take into consideration those AEG SHOULD be shipped via expresspost to confirm with CP rules.

ShootSoft should reimburse you the $30 you paid to get the shipping upgraded to expresspost.

But thats just my lill say.

Oh and everyone whinning about 'ohhh they will run out of business, blablabla', stfu seriously or shootsoft will turn into another Mark/007 with stupididly high prices and poor business practice. Drache has 100% the right to review HIS experienced with ShootSoft.

ShootSoft/LeGros, keep up the good business (and great prices), you did your best to please Drache, but we all know its hard to please everyone. I'll keep sending my friends to you guys for their Airsoft needs.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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