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Cyma ak47s


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Old December 19th, 2012, 02:38   #1
Zack The Ripper
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Cyma ak47s

I just bought the CYMA AK47S from a Toronto retailer who shall remain nameless (won't post the link because non-AV'ed chums can still view this thread). I will be picking it up on Friday, December 21st (could be good, or bad luck..).

I'm new to AK's as I have only run M4 platforms mainly, as well as a G36 a long time ago and my current baby, my SCAR-L. As such, I'm rather noobish when it comes to the AK's of airsoft. I want to make this a good starter AK that will compete or even out-do my G&G SCAR.

I have done some searching through the Upgrades & Modification threads to see what I could gather up, but I would still like "a fresh take" on what some experienced AK users may have for advice on what should be upgraded internally either immediately or down the road, and plain and simply what they are doing right now with their rifles that have been working very well for them.

I have also heard that these CYMA rifles shoot rather hot out of the box (I've read numbers as high as 450fps) and want to know if this is common place that way I can snag an M110 or M105 when I pick it up and have it swapped in. I am also curious how a 7.4V LiPo will do in this bad boy. I know it will work as I have seen videos, had buddies tell me so, and read posts on the forum saying so: I'm just curious as to how much faster I will accumulate wear and tear on my stock internals. I'm generally not one to open my gearboxes up to fiddle around with them; I let the gun docs do that, so I just want a general idea of what I should look out for.

I know this seems like such a broad spectrum of questions, so please, any information you have that may be helpful, please post it so I can let my spongy brain absorb as much knowledge as possible.


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Old December 19th, 2012, 02:43   #2
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You should run it as is and see how it performs. It's probably just fine in stock form.

CYMA makes a good AK.

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Old December 19th, 2012, 07:38   #3
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Yeah, my Cyma AK AIMS shoots straight and far with no modification.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 10:00   #4
Zack The Ripper
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What about the stock FPS rating? Is that something I should maybe downgrade? I don't want it shooting over 400fps.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 13:37   #5
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You should be okay running a 7.4V LiPo in one of these, though I would recommend also upgrading your connector type to Deans if you are doing so. Like the other guys said, I would run it for a while and see how it does until you figure out your nitpicks.

That said, my personal first order of business with one of these would be to improve the shimming, redo the greasing, and ensure the pinion/bevel alignment is good. The motors in these CYMAs are typically high torque neo motors that can handle nearly anything you throw at them, so all you really need to focus on in an AK like this is precision alignment of everything in the gearbox (shim/pinion/bevel), AoE (sorbo pad, better piston), and power delivery (wiring/connectors/mosfet/battery). From what I've seen of MADDOG's CYMA AKs, you don't really need to replace the hopup or anything like that... These shoot decently far and accurate out of the box.

I nearly got the same AK back during the early fall (Я люблю складной автомат Калашникова!) but decided to go with another AK with a larger battery compartment (full stock, to make space for my monster LiPos and MOSFET). I just finished working on it today on my day off and it should see a game in the new year. Good luck with yours.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 14:20   #6
Zack The Ripper
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Good to know about the 7.4's. I was planning on upgrading to deans, all of my other AEGs use mini tamiya and I just don't like it.

So, as far as airsofters go I'm a bad boy when it comes to internal knowledge (thank the lord for friends and gun docs). Let me see if I have this right. Out of the box I should change to deans, have the gear box reshimmed and realigned, and change the wiring? If I change the wiring from what is likely copper, what should I change it to? I don't have a solder set nor have I ever used one, so this is something I'll have to get one of the Bad Karma boys or a gun doc to do.

Any other suggestions? Kinda glad to hear these are workhorses out of the box.

EDIT: as well, how is the FPS out of the box? Is it actually under 400fps as advertized or should I downgrade the spring?
Guardians of Asgaard

Last edited by Zack The Ripper; December 19th, 2012 at 14:25..
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Old December 19th, 2012, 19:59   #7
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Originally Posted by ZackTheRipperC View Post
EDIT: as well, how is the FPS out of the box? Is it actually under 400fps as advertized or should I downgrade the spring?
That depends where you got it from, who imported it and when, etc.

There's no telling unless you chrony it.

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Old December 19th, 2012, 20:22   #8
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If the nameless retailer is the one I think it is, that AK is likely older stock being blown out and almost certainly has an M140 in it, and should be downgraded.
Springs are cheap and having an extra around is always a good thing, so even if you end up not needing to use it you haven't wasted anything.

As said previously, a good shim and lube job is probably all you need to do. Easy to accomplish if you're swapping the spring anyway.
It's a good idea to pull the inner barrel and hopup chamber out of the gun and check to see that everything is aligned properly, but that's it really.
You can think about replacing the compression system, gears, and motor sometime, but I wouldn't worry about that until it breaks.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 22:04   #9
Zack The Ripper
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Good to know. Yeah I called the retailer today just to see what the FPS rating is and they told me the same thing. I'm getting it cronoed when I got in to pick it up and will probably just grab an M110 or an M105.
Guardians of Asgaard
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