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Front Cover Markham paper: Proposed Ban of Sale, Possession of replica firearms...



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Old September 16th, 2006, 21:32   #1
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Front Cover Markham paper: Proposed Ban of Sale, Possession of replica firearms...

Hope not a dupe post;

This is aimed straight at Airsoft guns (excuse the pun). Front cover of today's Markham paper has article mentioning that City council is working to propose by-law on the ban of Sale and Possession of replica firearms. Now don't give me any BS about Airsoft not being replica firearm as it talks further in the article of "Toy guns" and mentioning closure of stores in Richmond Hill selling exact replica of guns (and we know what store their talking about). It further goes to site example of the shooting in Aurora by the youths with toy/bb guns at another vehicle.

The proposal is to have this effected for all of York Region and I'm confident will extend from there.

If you have friends in high places now may be a good time to make some calls to your council member.

* Personally, I understand the ban of sales but banning possession may make life a little difficult.

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Old September 16th, 2006, 21:34   #2
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Found article online -->
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Old September 16th, 2006, 21:35   #3
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that suxs
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Old September 16th, 2006, 21:39   #4
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would a petition help with this situation? maybe showing the government there are more trusted airsofters that they dont know about, than there are idiot airsofters?
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Old September 16th, 2006, 21:46   #5
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I love it when they argue one thing and shoot themselvs in the foot. Ban on real guns work but there are still crime involving real guns. It is again just politions trying to look like they are usefull and not a waste of taxpayers money. This will make the muppet like masses happy.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 21:49   #6
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a petition or a parade around the parliamentary buildings would be an idea...if we left markham to ban airsoft, and we don't do anything about it the government will start to ban airsoft as a whole just like the sad Aussies

EDIT: thats true too kuraitenshi, ban guns then ban knives then ban cars since they are the number 1 killers, i mean if we are like the states where everyone can have a gun the crime rates lower significantly (no break-ins etc).
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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:04   #7
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If anything practical is to be done about it, it should be the whole 18yrs old to own /use law. That would be something reasonable. Sorry under18ers, but the whole legal age limit would be enforceable. I know some peeps are gonna say look at cigaretts underagers smoke them all the time. I know peeps who go and buy for them. However a pack of smokes is only10$, airsoft $500. The loss of all the guns combined with perhaps a, loss of busness licence for stores that knowingly sell and a No sale list nation wide would definitly make peeps think twice about letting these guns get into the wrong hands. Responsible peeps who only use their guns at games or home show(chairsofter), store them safely, and don't do the stupid shouldn't be punnished for the acts of the few idiots.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:08   #8
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look at your calendar

It's election year... needs a "crusade" for votes

make sure you get everyone you can to petition with your ballot.
"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices."
AV for Barrie, Orillia, Innisfil, Bradford Region - pm me if you need AV'd

I'm the Barrie Bastard.

Cheese is good.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:18   #9
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Creative outdoor is sooooo getting raided
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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:25   #10
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The petition or a parade would be a good idea. What makes no sence is why ban airsoft when paintball is untouched. Some of the paintball guns look pretty real too and some sounds like the real one too. Also what Kuraitenshi said about the age limit. The 18 age limit is a good idea and well enforce but looking today some parents buy their kids these guns just to keep them happy they dont care what they do with it. I have people on my street who had their parents buy them those crappy tires guns and each morning I find airsoft pellets everywhere (i had a talk to their parents). I dont find banning airsoft guns a reasonable way of fixing anything. The thing that should be banned is the sales of "soft air, air guns and paintball" at canadian tires. These gun are easily bought by anyone and some people who work their dont even check age.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:26   #11
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"If we ban hammers, nobody will need to nail anything anymore!"
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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:27   #12
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Originally Posted by RUBBERDUCKEY
The petition or a parade would be a good idea. What makes no sence is why ban airsoft when paintball is untouched. Some of the paintball guns look pretty real too and some sounds like the real one too. Also what Kuraitenshi said about the age limit. The 18 age limit is a good idea and well enforce but looking today some parents buy their kids these guns just to keep them happy they dont care what they do with it. I have people on my street who had their parents buy them those crappy tires guns and each morning I find airsoft pellets everywhere (i had a talk to their parents). I dont find banning airsoft guns a reasonable way of fixing anything. The thing that should be banned is the sales of "soft air, air guns and paintball" at canadian tires. These gun are easily bought by anyone and some people who work their dont even check age.
The add a nice stiff fine / jail time for thos dumbass parents / friends / idiot who buys for a bit o extra cash.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:33   #13
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What be better than banning of airsoft and replica gun are tighter restrictions. Right now regarding law on airsoft and replica firearms is really sketchy and need to be revised but not banned.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:35   #14
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I was just at Creative outdoor today, they don't sell airsoft guns, just mags,BB's and batterys, no guns!
But its starting to scare me how stupid our govenerment is! They think just banning every thing will make a problem go away, and any one with half a bain cell knows its not true and will only make things alot worse! Hell I'd be willing register and get a permit for airsoft if they where smart enought to come up with idea like that! We get to continue playing airsoft like resposible adults and idiots will get easly cought if doing something super stupid and kids under 18 will not be able to get their hands on 'em! For the amount we shell out for this hobby I'm sure no one would object to buy a owning permit from the govnerment just to keep things safe and happy for every one! Isn't there a airsoft legal team or somthing thats working on legals of airsoft in Canada?
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Old September 16th, 2006, 23:17   #15
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if you have to be 18 to own, why treat these as restricted fire arms literally. have it so you must have a restricted fire arms licence to aquire one. you write a test in front of a government trusted individual who determines if you qualify to own/operate a real restricted firearm that can actually kill someone, then you also prove that a)you know gun saftey b) are accountable for your own actions.
Age verifier southern Alberta

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