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ICS m16a3 (new vers) + upgrades questions


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Old April 17th, 2007, 14:53   #1
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ICS m16a3 (new vers) + upgrades questions

Hi guys, I am going to get a new ICS m16a3 gun. I am getting the new version of it and getting it upgrade with a systema M120 spring and Systeam aluminum piston + head set. I would like to know if all of the other parts will still be good to go. Im not really sure but I think that the new version comes with a lot of metal piece(gears, bushings...) for the internals but I havent got that info confirmed anywere. If anybody own one of those ICS M16 new vers, I would like to get some info about it please because I want to know if Im not just going to break all the internal of my gun or if I will be fine. I will be running it with a 9.6V 3800mah batterie. Apparently its going to be hard to make the batterie fit but I will find a way... or try too at least :P, worst case its going to end up on the side of the butt.

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Old April 17th, 2007, 15:08   #2
Curtis Tactics
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yes your battery will be hard to fit. i have a 9.6 3500mah battery and it barely fits. i took out the two prongs in the stock and shaved parts of the battery. also in order for it to fit i now have to take the whole butt off to take it out. it helps to also make a butt extender out of abs. ill post pictures later.
if your purchasing from they have metal bearings (bushings??)
you might want to get a spring guide for that 120
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Old April 17th, 2007, 18:22   #3
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from what i've heard, you can only upgrade cylinder, piston and cyl heads on ICS guns. Everything else is supposedly incompatible
our busiest gunsmith (who recently retired), worked on TONS of ICS guns and always referred to them as "In Constant Service"
Don't know about their new stuff but i still don't trust them
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Old April 17th, 2007, 18:48   #4
Death March
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Why not just pick up an ICS MA-56 upper gear box package and not worrie about compatiblity issues.after all ICS made it to work with there product!I'v heard of some of the same issues,but I'v run my MA-56 for about two years in this state and with no problems and chron's at the 397 fps mark! I do run Systema hardend gears thow,hope it helps ya out,Cheers!
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Old April 18th, 2007, 16:05   #5
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I have the new version m16a3 and love it. It performs very well and I have had no problems with it. I havnt really upgraded it yet internally except a tight bore...hadnt really seen the need for it with all the new features.

I had the same problem mentioned in fitting a large mah 9.6v battery in the full stock. I removed the tabs inside the stock still with no luck. I finally just installed a CA crane stock and 9.6v 4200mah crane battery.

And yes I can verify...the new versions (2006-2007) have steel gears, steel bushings, upgraded 16 gauge wiring, and the turbo 3000 motor.
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Old April 18th, 2007, 18:28   #6
Death March
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Hey Snoopy,does your CA stock fit a 9.6? I have a CA M15A4 CQB Seals compact and I can only fit a 8.4 while my other M4's have G&P cranes and they hold 9.6 no prob. Hmmm! Cheers!
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Old April 18th, 2007, 19:27   #7
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Thanks a lot snoopy for your reply, I have order my gun from 007 and cant wait to get it now, the new ICS vers look pretty damm solid... hope it will be up to what his writen on it. Cant wait to get on the field with this new baby. Thanks to everyone too for all the info on how to put the baterie in... my friend have an ICS m16a3 too and we were trying out to figure how to but a 9.6 in.

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Old April 24th, 2007, 11:42   #8
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Originally Posted by Death March View Post
Hey Snoopy,does your CA stock fit a 9.6? I have a CA M15A4 CQB Seals compact and I can only fit a 8.4 while my other M4's have G&P cranes and they hold 9.6 no prob. Hmmm! Cheers!
Sorry for the late reply. Yes it does and will fully retract with the 9.6v installed. I am currently using a 9.6v 4200mah with deans connectors. I really think the deans connectors are the key to being able to fully retract the stock. Here is a link to the battery I am using.
When you order from them, during checkout, it will give you a choice of connectors. It cost $1.50US more for them to install a dean connector on the battery and another $1.50 for them to send you a male connector to replace your tamiya connector on the gun.

As a matter of fact, its funny you asked about the CA CBQ compact, because I just ordered one of those yesterday for my son and ordered another battery and deans connectors just like I posted above for it.
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