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Old February 3rd, 2011, 23:17   #16
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whatever it is called.. i cant wait until the clothing comes out in march. Just in time for my Birthday!!!!
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 23:20   #17
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I could be wrong, but my understanding is:

ACU stands for army Combat Uniform.

Their current issue to most of the army is the pattern most people call ACU. The white and grey.

Some units are transferring into Multicam, I believe it is set to become the new "ACU"

Now, when people refer to an ACU cut of another camouflage (Multicam, Cadpad, whatever) They are referring to the way the camo is cut. where the pockets are, how it fits, where the zippers are .ect

In my experience, most people prefer the newer ACU cut to the older BDU cut.

This is the older BDU cut, notice the collar and the 4 big square pockets.

This is the ACU cut. Again, notice the difference in the collar. There are also only 2 chest pockets, and they are on handy angles!

There are a number of other differences (zippers vs. Buttons, velcro .ect) but you really have to see and try it to get the difference. Theres also some differences in the pants.

Sorry if thats not a perfect explanation, I'm sleepy..
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Last edited by theguy; February 3rd, 2011 at 23:27..
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 23:26   #18
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Sounds good to me.
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Old February 5th, 2011, 16:10   #19
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You are perfectly right ACU and BDU are merelly a clothing cut.
Yet the term ACU more or less becamed known for most of the public at the same time as UCP or ACUPAT and the name stuck even in US army.
Now the US Army realized, sorry, the guys who were paid under the table to select UCP as camo got fired and the new guy is smart enough to play nice for a time with the senate and decided to switched multiple units to Multicam and the all Army around 2013 or so if I recall.

Me I still support Multicam, I just want to make a new outfit. A-TACS probably won't work at qll in greeny forest, it's more meant for middle east exterior environments and urban with lots of silica/sand dust which gives it a yellowish color... so 70/80% of where today skirmishes take place.
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Old February 5th, 2011, 16:25   #20
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ATACS is a family of camos. There is the so called "universal" that's been shown the most, but there's also the purely desert variant, the forest (temperate), and if I remember correctly there's also the night and artic variants (I think... not sure on these two)... so it's no more revolutionnary than anything. It just doesn't look like a pattern and more like dirt on a cloth.
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Old February 5th, 2011, 17:08   #21
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Yeah, the arid camo will stand out in the greener areas, i'm waiting to see if they're gonna release a woodland scheme because then i'm gonna get a new kit just for that.
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Old February 5th, 2011, 17:43   #22
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Terminology Confusion

As previously stated, "ACU" stands for "Army Combat Uniform"; while most people have incorrectly used the term as a reference to the US Army's digital pattern, it is in fact a reference to the CUT (design pattern) of the uniform.

In the same manner, "BDU" also came to be a reference to "military fatigues" (in the king's proper English) or "field uniforms" or "utilities" (in military parlance) the same way "Sea-Doo" -- a Trademarked model name by Bombardier -- came into general use to refer to "personal water craft." The term BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) refers to the well known cut of US military field uniforms.

Similarly, the proper terminology for the USMC field uniform is MCCUU (Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform).

The most distinctive features of the ACU cut are the mandarin collar, slanted chest pockets and sleeve pockets.

Multicam, civilian versions of MarPat, and Digital Urban have all been made in the ACU cut.

The proper term for the US Army digital pattern is UCP (Universal Camo Pattern).
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Old February 5th, 2011, 19:55   #23
Frozen Tex
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A-TACS looks like mud covered khaki; like guys in Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan fighting in mud or wet weather.

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Old February 6th, 2011, 11:07   #24
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
ATACS is a family of camos. There is the so called "universal" that's been shown the most, but there's also the purely desert variant, the forest (temperate), and if I remember correctly there's also the night and artic variants (I think... not sure on these two)... so it's no more revolutionnary than anything. It just doesn't look like a pattern and more like dirt on a cloth.
I think you are hung up on the heavily right angled pixelled digital camo. A-TACS is a much more organic digital pattern, which has become more of the norm for the newer designers. The current A-TACS is the arid variant. I have heard much about other options coming up, but no samples or further elaboration from Digital Concealment Systems.

I would be happy to get some woodland options or a transitional variant. PenCott has all three options but I like what A-TACS is doing thus far.
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Old February 6th, 2011, 11:49   #25
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Originally Posted by Frozen Tex View Post
A-TACS looks like mud covered khaki; like guys in Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan fighting in mud or wet weather.
That's the whole point. Because there are no solid lines for your eye to track, it takes much longer for you to discern that there is an actual form instead of a blur of color. This is part of the reason ATACS performs so well in various environments.

I think people still get hung up on the belief that camo makes them invisible. The purpose of camouflage is to help you blend in better so that it takes longer to recognize that you are out of place. You can't look like a tree, but you can look like part of the shadows in the scenery just like you can dress up to look like one of the natives.
Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
Unstep your dick and stay in your lane. You are waaaaay out.
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Saying that you are trying to prevent bad Airsoft publicity while generating negitave Airsoft publicity on a nationally monitored Firearm web site is like fucking for Virginity.
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Old February 7th, 2011, 15:25   #26
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Good points all around. I was reading up on Hyperstealth and they supposedly have a new Smart Camo which would make you invisible, however it costs $1,000 per Uniform, so it may take a while to get it out. Plus it requires a battery pack which my be too bulky at the moment.
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Old February 7th, 2011, 16:11   #27
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Yeah but that's the kind of stuff geeks like myself would buy without thinking twice
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Old February 8th, 2011, 08:23   #28
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Originally Posted by hulubulu View Post
Good points all around. I was reading up on Hyperstealth and they supposedly have a new Smart Camo which would make you invisible, however it costs $1,000 per Uniform, so it may take a while to get it out. Plus it requires a battery pack which my be too bulky at the moment.
YouTube - Soldier using invisibilty cloak? (Army optical camouflage technology)
Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
Unstep your dick and stay in your lane. You are waaaaay out.
Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
Saying that you are trying to prevent bad Airsoft publicity while generating negitave Airsoft publicity on a nationally monitored Firearm web site is like fucking for Virginity.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 08:47   #29
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Stay on topic, kids.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 09:00   #30
a.k.a. Greedy
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Propper will have atacs BDU's and boonies in March, yum yum gonna get me some.
Also Danner atacs boots look reel nice
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