Originally Posted by GBBR
your gearbox is jamming on the spring, and spring guide, the spring will try and thread itself to the spring guide and when your piston gets pulled back it gets jammed. i can take pictures for you tmrw if you like
The spring guide ROD UN threaded from the backing. About 3/4" easy. Extending the spring guide way out of the proper position. Basically it created a "stopper". Either that or when the spring guide became un threaded it opened up a severe gap or a drop in the space between the threaded rod and the backing. Making a location where part of the spring can get "stuck".
Either way, the heads up was for others. As most if not all do by habit is open the gear box. Eyes are on the gears etc. When the box is cracked open we all use a long screw driver to stabilize the spring and guide so it doesn't fly out.
After box is open its common to leave the guide on the screw driver. Sometimes with the spring. I usually put it off to the left then focus on the GB. Then when putting it together, you simply pick up the screwdriver and spring all as one and assemble. All focus is mostly on the GB.
From most of my other guns the spring guide is ONE piece. Nothing to look at-nothing jumps out. Like this one:
Just figured would be helpful-if not for even one person. I totally got lucky by looking at it. Even close up it doesn't jump out at you that it came unthreaded.