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Sniper rifle in hunting area for training?



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Old August 5th, 2014, 00:26   #16
Heerven's Avatar
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
Are you saying that a hunter looking through his rifle scope can't tell the difference between a group of deer standing on four legs and humans standing on two legs?
I see more in that situation, the bullet flying long time after passing the target.
We will find a way.

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Old August 5th, 2014, 12:54   #17
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I'm not saying they can't tell the difference, I'm just saying they saw something tan moving and shot at it.
Hunters get shot by other hunters, not everybody checks their targets carefully.
Hunters shoot their rifles with scopes. Very difficult to hit the kill zone on a deer at 100 yards without a scope. Regardless if you check your target or not, but looking through a scope, you would be deliberate killing a human target because that is what you will see in the scope!

Does the pic below look like a deer or bigfoot?
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Last edited by SuperHog; August 5th, 2014 at 13:05..
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Old August 5th, 2014, 13:41   #18
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Legal activity, nothing to worry about.
Not in Alberta. If you are in a designated hunting zone, minimum calibres are required, WIN card unless you are hunting with someone who has the tags. As this is not even an airgun to kill chickens or varmints, no go.

Hunting is provincial jurisdiction, YMMV by province.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old August 5th, 2014, 13:48   #19
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
Hunters shoot their rifles with scopes. Very difficult to hit the kill zone on a deer at 100 yards without a scope. Regardless if you check your target or not, but looking through a scope, you would be deliberate killing a human target because that is what you will see in the scope!

Does the pic below look like a deer or bigfoot?
I know guys who used to take down big game up to and including 800 meters (yes, that is 1/2 mile, or the distance across a standard 160 acre field) without a scope. My father was one of them. Me, not a chance.

In the bush, it is often hard to identify targets, the COs know this, and they deliberately set traps to ensnare hunters who don't ID. Some of the decoys had hundreds of strikes.

Clearly, you have never been hunting.

BTW, at a lever shoot a couple of years ago, I shot 5/5 in the heart (5" group) on a deer target at 100 metres with my 30.30, and I had not shot that gun in 25 years. Open sights, easy shot, I could have done it at 200 metres no problem.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

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Last edited by mcguyver; August 5th, 2014 at 13:51..
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Old August 5th, 2014, 16:31   #20
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This is one of those scenarios where, "Just because you can doesn't mean you should" applies.
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Old August 5th, 2014, 16:38   #21
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Please do not go out in the bush during hunting season without wearing blaze orange on your chest\back and head. If you don't you are asking to get shot. There is a reason why the guy doing the dogging actually barks like a dog or talks really loud to himself so he doesn't get shot by the guys he hunts with. Also do not wear anything white or tan.

Remember there will be people out there that will be hung over from the night before or even still drinking/ drunk.
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Old August 5th, 2014, 19:28   #22
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Originally Posted by Cs View Post
Please do not go out in the bush during hunting season without wearing blaze orange on your chest\back and head. If you don't you are asking to get shot. There is a reason why the guy doing the dogging actually barks like a dog or talks really loud to himself so he doesn't get shot by the guys he hunts with. Also do not wear anything white or tan.

Remember there will be people out there that will be hung over from the night before or even still drinking/ drunk.
And trigger happy CO's who have quotas to make...

also least in Ontario even making animal calls can be considered hunting with out a license. They could accuse you of Harassing game which is illegal with out a hunting license by claiming you we're engaging in some form of Non Lethal hunting game.

It's like being a ref or game moderator in airsoft or paint ball... You wanna make sure every one in the woods knows your not fair game.

and every one knows how oftin the ref accidentally gets shot why would you dare risk getting mistaken for a deer when it's at minimum a 145 grain chunk of lead at 2100 FPS and that's the guy with the Cheap SKS...? Not worth getting shot in my mind to run around in the woods during hunting season with a toy gun.

Heck i am Looking at a hunter orange LVLIII plate carrier just for deer season...
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

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Last edited by BloodDrinker; August 5th, 2014 at 19:34.. Reason: Forgot the roman numeral for 3
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