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Old March 16th, 2006, 21:19   #16
Greylocks's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Gatineau, Quebec (Near Ottawa)
When a whole bunch of experienced people tell you the same thing, do the smart thing and take the advice.

Or, you can always read about the folks who refused to take the advice; I think we have a few of their posts pinned someplace.

If you think it's really cheaper, let's take a $500 gun in US dollars. Add the shipping, maybe $50? Add a few accessories, another $50US. That's $600 US for a gun that would sell for much more here.

Now let us do some mathematics; ever heard of the Exchange Rates? What is it lately? 80 cents on the dollar? Let's say the US tax is 10%; $660 US.

After the exchange rate; $792.

Brokers fees, what, another $50? US dollars? So tack on that amount and you get $858cdn.

And guess what? You probably just tossed that money away.

I used that price because I saw a gun on that website I found interesting. If I pay $50 more canadian dollars, I can get it from a Canadian Retailer at my door with no risk in 3 days.

Want to risk $858 to save $50? Go for it.

If you say it's not the same because you want a cheap gun, you forget other problems; the costs to get them in will still be the same. You need to buy BBs, you need to buy a face-mask, you need to travel to a safe game area where the police wont arrest you (and dont try the Police Provinciale, they dont have a sense of humor).

You were on the right track and following advice at first, dont stop now.

When we say 'no', we have a good reason. We are not saying that just to piss new people off.

If the answer was 'yes', we'd be doing ourselves.
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Old March 16th, 2006, 22:56   #17
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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It's possible that the springers in question are not very close models and are not deemed replicas. The US world of airsoft is more diverse than what many ASCers are used to.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old March 17th, 2006, 17:09   #18
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Montreal, Qc
Ok... let me clear that out.
I ordered from a canadian retailer today, so GreyLocks, i trust you, and i never said it's better to order on US websites.
I am NOT underage.
And first times i ordered AEGs, and it passed. I know, i was lucky.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 18:04   #19
Greylocks's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Gatineau, Quebec (Near Ottawa)
Yes, you were very lucky. Now the next step is to go meet local people and have fun in a safe environment.
There are really excellent players around Montreal, go pick their brains.
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