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Front Cover Markham paper: Proposed Ban of Sale, Possession of replica firearms...



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Old September 16th, 2006, 23:26   #16
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The only problem I would have with licencing is that the fees would be going to a gov that is about as usefull as a >>Censored<<
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Old September 16th, 2006, 23:27   #17
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Originally Posted by swatt13
if you have to be 18 to own, why treat these as restricted fire arms literally. have it so you must have a restricted fire arms licence to aquire one. you write a test in front of a government trusted individual who determines if you qualify to own/operate a real restricted firearm that can actually kill someone, then you also prove that a)you know gun saftey b) are accountable for your own actions.
The licensing thing has already been hashed out.
1. Airsoft doesn't have serial numbers. TM isn't going to do it for some Canucks.
2. Less costly/more publically acceptable, to outright ban Airsoft then legalize, catogorize, police sales & license owners.

The Goverment (read:CFC) has wanted Airsoft gone for years, they're just taking a very slow, unaccountable approach to it.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 23:35   #18
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Only sell guns to people who carry a PAL? It's kind of depressing, but I would consider it if I thought it would make a difference in the eyes of law enforcement, or the government, but I have no reason to imagine it would.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 23:43   #19
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Originally Posted by swatt13
if you have to be 18 to own, why treat these as restricted fire arms literally. have it so you must have a restricted fire arms licence to aquire one. you write a test in front of a government trusted individual who determines if you qualify to own/operate a real restricted firearm that can actually kill someone, then you also prove that a)you know gun saftey b) are accountable for your own actions.
or how about the government stops interfering in our private business? airsoft guns are about as deadly as plastic butter knives
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Old September 16th, 2006, 23:47   #20
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Originally Posted by sukivan
Originally Posted by swatt13
if you have to be 18 to own, why treat these as restricted fire arms literally. have it so you must have a restricted fire arms licence to aquire one. you write a test in front of a government trusted individual who determines if you qualify to own/operate a real restricted firearm that can actually kill someone, then you also prove that a)you know gun saftey b) are accountable for your own actions.
or how about the government stops interfering in our private business? airsoft guns are about as deadly as plastic butter knives
Airsoft is not as deadly as plastic butter knives. If you bring the gun to school, or use it in a crime, you can get shot, the police treat it as a real firearm, so if you mis-use it, it can get you killed. Literally (the force of the bb's) it's probably not life threatening, unless you modify it to give it high power ect. ect.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 23:54   #21
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Originally Posted by sukivan
Originally Posted by swatt13
if you have to be 18 to own, why treat these as restricted fire arms literally. have it so you must have a restricted fire arms licence to aquire one. you write a test in front of a government trusted individual who determines if you qualify to own/operate a real restricted firearm that can actually kill someone, then you also prove that a)you know gun saftey b) are accountable for your own actions.
or how about the government stops interfering in our private business? airsoft guns are about as deadly as plastic butter knives
While I agree that the gov is >>edited for pro gov spin<< the best thing that has happend to canada with their wise decisions and fiscal responsibility. They earn every penny they suck out of our paychecks. >>>end of edit<<< I'll just say don't shoot your eye out.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 23:58   #22
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the problem is that politicians don't fully understand the airsoft sport as well as they understand paintball....

get the politicians to go to a paintball field and see how we treat the guns and how we play or they could play too!

to better enforce the 18+ rule i think we should not allow parents to buy for minors. i mean we are currently very strict on airsoft and we are serious when it comes to safety.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 00:00   #23
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that won't stop them from buying CT crap and having their kids paint it black.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 00:03   #24
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that doesn't matter. deep down kids know that it won't look / feel real and most of them won't go through the process of painting them. plus Canadian tire guns are legal and have a low BB velocity. Airsoft banned or not kids always had an option to paint their Ctire guns black.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 00:41   #25
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Originally Posted by Arthraxis
Originally Posted by sukivan
Originally Posted by swatt13
if you have to be 18 to own, why treat these as restricted fire arms literally. have it so you must have a restricted fire arms licence to aquire one. you write a test in front of a government trusted individual who determines if you qualify to own/operate a real restricted firearm that can actually kill someone, then you also prove that a)you know gun saftey b) are accountable for your own actions.
or how about the government stops interfering in our private business? airsoft guns are about as deadly as plastic butter knives
Airsoft is not as deadly as plastic butter knives. If you bring the gun to school, or use it in a crime, you can get shot, the police treat it as a real firearm, so if you mis-use it, it can get you killed. Literally (the force of the bb's) it's probably not life threatening, unless you modify it to give it high power ect. ect.
This is a laughable argument. I can go down to my local Canadian Tire and buy an air rifle that fires pointed lead pellets at 495fps. If a kid pointed that at a cop, the cop would be even MORE justified in shooting him than if he had an airsoft gun (since the former is actually capable of inflicting serious or even fatal injury, whereas the latter simply APPEARS to have that capability). Why ban airsoft guns and ignore airguns? Because airsoft guns look scarier?

This is just another example of stupid, ignorant politicians pandering for votes.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 00:49   #26
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Originally Posted by sukivan
Originally Posted by Arthraxis
Originally Posted by sukivan
Originally Posted by swatt13
if you have to be 18 to own, why treat these as restricted fire arms literally. have it so you must have a restricted fire arms licence to aquire one. you write a test in front of a government trusted individual who determines if you qualify to own/operate a real restricted firearm that can actually kill someone, then you also prove that a)you know gun saftey b) are accountable for your own actions.
or how about the government stops interfering in our private business? airsoft guns are about as deadly as plastic butter knives
Airsoft is not as deadly as plastic butter knives. If you bring the gun to school, or use it in a crime, you can get shot, the police treat it as a real firearm, so if you mis-use it, it can get you killed. Literally (the force of the bb's) it's probably not life threatening, unless you modify it to give it high power ect. ect.
This is a laughable argument. I can go down to my local Canadian Tire and buy an air rifle that fires pointed lead pellets at 495fps. If a kid pointed that at a cop, the cop would be even MORE justified in shooting him than if he had an airsoft gun (since the former is actually capable of inflicting serious or even fatal injury, whereas the latter simply APPEARS to have that capability). Why ban airsoft guns and ignore airguns? Because airsoft guns look scarier?

This is just another example of stupid, ignorant politicians pandering for votes.
You are right, but as Hojo said gov will take the cheap way out before doings something to help. Has the idea of all airsofters moving to a centralized area and succeeding(sp?) from canada been broached yet? It is as practical as anything the gov could think of.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 00:52   #27
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Originally Posted by v82slo
Sooo...this is where our mighty dollars are going... HAH.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 01:00   #28
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Originally Posted by BBS
the problem is that politicians don't fully understand the airsoft sport as well as they understand paintball....

get the politicians to go to a paintball field and see how we treat the guns and how we play or they could play too!

to better enforce the 18+ rule i think we should not allow parents to buy for minors. i mean we are currently very strict on airsoft and we are serious when it comes to safety.
[edit] I will remove my head from my ass next time I post [edit]

But i do have to say that airsoft is so realistic in look, I really think that is some guy robs a bank with one and gets shot.... i wont mind, just one less person to ruin the game for the rest of us.... but the media would have a frenzy about the replica firearms use in a robbery.

You just gotta realize it goes both ways. A couple years back here in winnipeg a guy was robbing gas stations with purple painted handgun (dunno the type). Everyone thought it was a fake gun but the stores policy is give them the money no matter what eh. That is until some guy stands up to him and refuses to give him the money and realized very fast that his gun is a real gun, oddly painted purple... Ive seen the crime scene photos.... that guy learnt that real fast and too late
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old September 17th, 2006, 01:56   #29
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Diamond (or a mod) please delete that first line in your post. Comments like that will not help the situation, even if you were only making a joke. (Edit, it looks like I should have added that people should not quote that line as well)

Regarding the realistic look in airsoft, I agree it can work both ways. I read about gang members in the US painting a red tip on real guns, with the hope that whoever confronted them would let their guard down.

Also, I have always wondered about the logic of completely banning replica guns. True some crimes are commited with them, but would the government rather these people.. who are criminals, use a real gun when commiting a crime instead? Taking away replica guns leaves criminals with few options. Many will go for real steel.

True, replicas are a real danger when faced by the police, but so are knives, crossbows, and chainsaws. If you come at a police officer with one, you can expect to be shot. The problem is that some people just don't learn and openly play with airsoft in their front yards or parks without a care in the world. This, along with criminals using them for real crimes doesn't help things.

I agree with those who want the Canadian Tire junk banned and make the real airsoft restricted to those 18 yrs and older with stiff fines for breaking such a law. Kids had their chance to act responsibly and many of them blew it. Maybe airsoft games could be regulated to designated places? Something like the way handguns are controlled now. Meaning the locations would be on record, and new locations would have to be approved. No one wants more rules or regulations, but it would be a fair compromise to keep the sport alive.

I am not taking "the sky is falling" view on things, but I also dont believe that if we all just sit quietly and not make any noise the problem will just go away. If a city wants to completely ban airsoft, we all have to get together and let our voices be heard. This recent news may not affect YOUR city, but the next time it might.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 02:15   #30
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Originally Posted by diamond_SEA
Fucking grow up... This is a death threat... You should know better than write such stupidity. You should not be allowed near an airsoft gun. It's peoples like you that give bad name to airsoft players.
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