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Old January 8th, 2007, 15:53   #16
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My comment was in general, not necessarily directed at you. How often do we see people asking about sales websites that sound too good to be true?

If they sell to minors and were in my area, I'd tell the cops real fast.
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Old January 8th, 2007, 17:52   #17
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From an e-mail they sent me:

"Our midrange guns are Cyma, Well, and UTG. These guns are all of the
companies top of the line models offering very similar internals (i.e.
Metal Gearbox and gears, metal barrel, metal selector switch, and more)
as the other big airsoft brands ( ICS, Classic Army, Tokyo Marui etc.)."

What they don't say is that these similar internals are crap.
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Old January 8th, 2007, 18:34   #18
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Man I want that C02 beretta as a collectors item...for 100 not bad as a collectors item
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country ~John F. Kennedy
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Old January 8th, 2007, 18:38   #19
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Originally Posted by moderatesniper View Post
From an e-mail they sent me:

"Our midrange guns are Cyma, Well, and UTG. These guns are all of the
companies top of the line models offering very similar internals (i.e.
Metal Gearbox and gears, metal barrel, metal selector switch, and more)
as the other big airsoft brands ( ICS, Classic Army, Tokyo Marui etc.)."

What they don't say is that these similar internals are crap.
Actually, if you read reviews of the newer (after their split from WELL) CYMA guns (starting with the MP5 and continuing with newer guns) they are decent quality - not at the TM or *new* CA level for quality control, but a close equivalent to G&G or G&P.

There's a number of threads on FILAirsoft about the CYMA AK's that people are running Guarder FTK's with M140 springs in CYMA mechboxes.....there are a bunch of videos from Hong Kong on YouTube, too.

Another line of Chinese clones worth looking at is Jin Gong. They are coming out with a ton of new guns that are apparently even better than CYMA and are being touted as the same quality as TM at half the price.

'Course, I'll believe that when I see it....
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.
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Old January 8th, 2007, 20:37   #20
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I have a Cyma CM028-S (AK47-S), internals jammed or broke or something. The external bits were great; nice fake wood, lots of metal just like the tm, powerful too (by poor mans chrono it would punch through both sides of a can, which was 350 fps or something). Then suddenly the gun just doesn't work, so I think it's the battery and order a new one. Gun still doesn't work, I open it up and find out that everything is working except the gearbox. But for the 2-3 months that I had was awesome.

Getting it fixed now by JohnnyDo. Not sure what I'll do with it after that though...
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Old January 8th, 2007, 20:45   #21
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the CYMA 28 isn't as nice as the CYMA MP5-J, I've had two and still got one, been using it with a 9.6V Battery and it kicks butt. No issues with the mechbox.
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Old January 8th, 2007, 20:51   #22
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Perhaps getting it fixed will do the trick. Replacing cyma gears with tm gears or something.
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Old January 8th, 2007, 20:56   #23
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Naw, the gears are XYT and they aren't bad at all.
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Old January 8th, 2007, 20:58   #24
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I'll have to wait and see what happens then

EDIT: The website seems to have some fair prices, is anyone thinking of dealing with them?

Last edited by Moderate; January 8th, 2007 at 21:00..
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Old January 9th, 2007, 16:57   #25
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Originally Posted by moderatesniper View Post
I'll have to wait and see what happens then

EDIT: The website seems to have some fair prices, is anyone thinking of dealing with them?
Hey, I gotta admit the prices are fairly decent. But this looks like some low budget company that is selling used airsoft as "new."
If they're legit I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them.

Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
Actually, if you read reviews of the newer (after their split from WELL) CYMA guns (starting with the MP5 and continuing with newer guns) they are decent quality - not at the TM or *new* CA level for quality control, but a close equivalent to G&G or G&P.

There's a number of threads on FILAirsoft about the CYMA AK's that people are running Guarder FTK's with M140 springs in CYMA mechboxes.....there are a bunch of videos from Hong Kong on YouTube, too.

Another line of Chinese clones worth looking at is Jin Gong. They are coming out with a ton of new guns that are apparently even better than CYMA and are being touted as the same quality as TM at half the price.

'Course, I'll believe that when I see it....

Amen to that. In HongKong, man of the younger ones who play airsoft in HK use pimped Cyma guns. I don't know hows the reliability but as for quality, the internals are pretty up to par. These guys are tricked in to lower costs.

The older airsofters and more experienced ones in Hongkong buy the Tokyo Marui stuff. And of course, it is more expensive than those Cyma airsoft guns. Your expecting to pay double when you go for a TM over a cyma.

Last edited by Identity; January 9th, 2007 at 17:01..
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Old January 9th, 2007, 19:07   #26
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So just as an inquiry, if your not looking for really good quality or internals, but you want a fairly affordable airsoft gun, these are actualy "Mid-Grade" then? I'm guessing that there internals are better then say... Crosman internals? I already have a CA but a friend of mine is asking about these. He can't fork out $500 for a rifle yet and he isn't expecting anything super good.
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Old January 9th, 2007, 19:38   #27
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Go for it.
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Old January 9th, 2007, 20:45   #28
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Droc, the website you posted got me laughing when I read that from them:

Clear Mask $8 each
Clear Mask with stap for back of head. Thank You
They even thank us for reading that their masks has a strap for back of head.

Besides, I am fairly certain that at 8$ a mask, it would surely resist a BB from busting your eye out.
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Old January 12th, 2007, 18:38   #29
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Remember some of us out here can't get age verified (we don't live near an age-verifier) so we're stuck hunting around for suppliers.

Take myself. I'm 36 and live in the Northwest Territories.

So they'll get my business. Fact of life, but I'm stuck with it. ASC definitely seems the most professional of the bunch. There's lots of shadiness abound in other places.

Any comments, flames, suggestions?
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Old January 12th, 2007, 18:53   #30
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Originally Posted by gunscythe View Post
Remember some of us out here can't get age verified (we don't live near an age-verifier) so we're stuck hunting around for suppliers.

Take myself. I'm 36 and live in the Northwest Territories.

So they'll get my business. Fact of life, but I'm stuck with it. ASC definitely seems the most professional of the bunch. There's lots of shadiness abound in other places.

Any comments, flames, suggestions?
The problem lies in them selling to underagers, over the counter. not saying they have but I don't doubt that they would.
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