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Year Of The GBBR....or just a stinky smell that's passing through...


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old August 17th, 2009, 16:08   #16
formerly steyr
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
One of these companies needs to make something like the old Sun Projects... It can use standard AEG mags, runs off of a remote line'd CO2 (You run the line down the sling.. it's not that big of a deal.)

Those were consistent, could play all day without having to re-charge gas... and you could use team mate's normal mags.
Just building on this, if you use HPA (if it's compatible, I'm not sure) you would be able to use them year round.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 16:16   #17
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I've never used an HPA system. Part of the appeal of Airsoft for me was not having to have a compressed air tank screwed into my rifle...or a line strung to it from some other pouch.

Don't get me wrong...fixes a lot of "gas" issues and works... I just personally don't like the idea of a tank attached to my rifle.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 16:16   #18
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Originally Posted by Wrath144 View Post
Just building on this, if you use HPA (if it's compatible, I'm not sure) you would be able to use them year round.
Yup its commpatible if you use a high grade gas regulator then it can take HPA and CO2

Daytonaguns are a good example of these old classic remoteline guns but require a $200 gas regulator to make it work great on any gas tank

Although remoteline guns don't seem to be very popular here other than most of them hiding in the closet or gun racks of the old Vets
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Old August 17th, 2009, 16:44   #19
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
I've never used an HPA system. Part of the appeal of Airsoft for me was not having to have a compressed air tank screwed into my rifle...or a line strung to it from some other pouch.

Don't get me wrong...fixes a lot of "gas" issues and works... I just personally don't like the idea of a tank attached to my rifle.
You don't have a tank screwed onto your gun though...

How many airsofters run sligs, lanyards for their pistols, have a tube draped over them from their hydration pack?

These remote lines are so small and thin that they could be ran along a sling and you wouldn't even notice them..

I think the whole "I DONT WANT ANY GAS LINES OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT" comes from the whole stubbornness that airsoft isn't paintball...
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Old August 17th, 2009, 16:45   #20
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I think if GBBR move to the line of the remote gas reservoir, then it'll die out. I mean airsoft moved to the AEG because of the lack of a secondary tank setup(Marui man anyone)?

I think it'll be a niche thing. If the game is setup for it that a GBBR user can be accomodated, then there isn't any reason why it can't work. They have the power and they can have the range, weather permitting, and because of the nature of the added "recoil", full auto isn't going to be desirable because you'll be throwing off your aim, so your playing style will change, and on semi they shoot fairly consistently. As an extension to that, CAPS/A-IPSC type of event will love it for the realism aspect...

The biggest issue though is the hardware themselves, unlike AEG will all the parts are somewhat TM-line on the mass market, and PTW-line high-end, there are several systems out there for GBBR, and they aren't cross compatible at all. And even parts in the same system(WA, which includes Ino, WOC, WA, Prime, AGM, JG...etc) can have compatibility issue. And despite owning a WOC and loving it, the base system has its drawback to start with, and then quickly throw in many variation of the same system and the water is quickly muddled....I think this turns a lot of the users off. The magazine problem is well documented, and so far no solution seems to be there. It comes down to the fact that the WA mag is of so-so design, and copies of so-so design is still no better.

There are promising stuff out there though, the KSC MP7A1 is an awesome product, it runs like a KSC pistol, the mag works, no leaks, and the gun runs solid. If there is a TM Hi-Capa equivalent of GBBR out there, then the popularity can grow much more quickly....If only TM is not sticking with their EBB thing....

I also like working on gas guns more, I can't mess with wiring and stuff, but the mechanics of the GBB isn't an issue for me....that varies with users though.

BTW, speed reload on any GBB is a dangerous affair....fling a .5kg mag can seriously break something....especially if you do the flinging style that Magpul dudes use....

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Old August 17th, 2009, 16:50   #21
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This is mostly from a collector's point of view although I try to attend couple events every now and then.

*Does anyone actually think these things are skirmishable/gameable here in Canada?
Can't say for sure because I don't have a lot of gaming experience but for indoor games, I think so.

* Would you ditch ALL your AEGs/PTWs to go over to the gas-side?
Yes. Already in process of doing so. I've sold my TM PSG1, P90 and now M4 AEGs. Ever since I got my WE M4 GBB, all my AEGS started looking like super soakers. Its probably partly due to all my AEGs being plastic, but comparing the WE M4 and AEG M4, the difference between their dimensions, proportion and weight balance was like night and day.
Semi fire action is something I really enjoy and I have spent hundreds on trying to improve my AEGs trigger response with no satisfaction. One of the reason why I tried PSG1 but then again with the thing sounding like a sewing machine, I quickly lost interest. With GBB rifles I didn't have to worry about that.

I have not tried PTWs. I hear their trigger response is pretty good but PTW isn't something I would buy. There are people who invest their money to buy a PTW and I respect that but I won't be purchasing a PTW.

* Are you positioning your GBBR as just a fun gun? Occasional use? Full-on go-to primary?
As a collector's point of view, its fantastic. The recoil and the bolt catch action is so much fun. Love the realistic takedown, I mentioned better proportion already so its a very fun thing to handle. I plan to use it occasionally, upgrade it to better specs and maybe as I move on to playing skirmish games outdoors in the future, I hope more aftermarket parts make it as reliable as the current AEGs.
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Last edited by lokisama; August 17th, 2009 at 16:59..
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Old August 17th, 2009, 17:38   #22
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
You don't have a tank screwed onto your gun though...

How many airsofters run sligs, lanyards for their pistols, have a tube draped over them from their hydration pack?

These remote lines are so small and thin that they could be ran along a sling and you wouldn't even notice them..

I think the whole "I DONT WANT ANY GAS LINES OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT" comes from the whole stubbornness that airsoft isn't paintball...
I was referring to the RAP4 type things where the tank is stuffed into the stock.

I'll have to take your word for it since I've never run one of the HPA airsoft rigs...just doesn't seem right though.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 20:09   #23
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I think the best would simply to have bot hand use them on differents purpose and season (summer/winter) ^^
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Old August 17th, 2009, 20:56   #24
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got my KSC mp7a1 today. WOW. That's the last nail in my AEG coffin.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 21:07   #25
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Anyone here who owns the new WETTI GBBR as well as an AR, could you PM me, I have a question for you.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 22:11   #26
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Well, after throwing some money and upgrade parts at my AGM M4:

G&P hopup and inner barrel - replaced the stock inoperable (and after a few hundred rounds, flat out broken) one. Had the barrel milled down the CQBR length, and fitted a G&P 10.5" barrel

G&P anti-rotation pins - installed to replace stock hammer pin, which broke in half and fell out. Hopefully these ones will stay in place

Airsoft Surgeon bolt carrier and bolt/nozzle - AS bolt carrier actually allows the forward assist to operate properly, and the bolt nozzle replaced the stock one that, you guessed it, broke.

RA-Tech bolt catch - Put this in, along with part of the spring from a ballpoint pen, and threw out some of the stock internal bolt catch locking bits. Works flawlessly now.

G&P Aluminium buffer - No real need to replace this, it was cheap and I like the idea of the metal buffer with a nice rubber snubber on the end. Much nicer then the stock plastic one. Better? Dunno.

Anyway, I was able to game it yesterday. It chrono'd at about 385-390 with .20s. Using Madbull .30s, it would shoot pretty decent groupings, able to hit a man sized target at about 45 meters on our outdoor range. Worked reasonably well in the field, every mag worth of BBs suffered some sort of jam, double feed, BB stuck in the underside of the bolt/nozzle, etc. Annoying, but I got to practice my Magpul AotTC stuff lots... I used it during the morning, then switched back to my PTW for the afternoon.

Was it effective? Sure. Semi is "reasonably" consistant, anything more then about 5 rounds on auto seems to cool it down rapidly. Repeated jams/FTF/etc were a bit of a pain, but more realistic I guess?

Was it fun? Fuck yeah. The act of firing it and the sounds it makes are way better then any electric. A teammate commented on the ominous "click-snap!" noise of loading a mag and hitting the bolt release as heard out in the woods.

Will it replace my PTW? No way. People can whine about PTW accuracy and reliablity all they want. With a Mcguyver'd hop up, mine has great accuracy and consistancy, and I've gamed it through the worst weather the We(S)t Coast can throw at us year round without a hiccup. If the companies can design a system for a GBBR that can do that stuff while having the sheer fun of gas system, then I'm 100% in. Until then, the GBBR is just gonna stay a fun mess-around gun for me.
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Last edited by hondatech; August 18th, 2009 at 00:46..
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Old August 17th, 2009, 22:30   #27
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
* Does anyone actually think these things are skirmishable/gameable here in Canada?
* Would you ditch ALL your AEGs/PTWs to go over to the gas-side?
* Are you positioning your GBBR as just a fun gun? Occasional use? Full-on go-to primary?
- May be gameable but not when it gets cold or even cool
- No
- Don't own one, sorry

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Old August 17th, 2009, 22:46   #28
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My .02 cents worth...

Custom GBBR = Very expensive wall hanger/basement plinker, and I still wouldn't sell either of them!

PTW = Indoor/outdoor, all around workhorse. They have yet to let me down!

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Old August 17th, 2009, 22:48   #29
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not worth the hassle unless they will develop proper working ones.

more of a chairsofter thing and or the ppl who like dressing up and all for short scenrios and like looking good while not performing well and taking a milliong breaks.

as whoever mentioned above, ppl already take too long setting up and having gun woos, this would add on to the annoyance.

I will personally stick to AEG's sicne they have proven themselves reliable and constant.

If they do design a proper working, non failure gbb thats good to go without blowing a F load of money into it, then yah I would buy one.

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Old August 17th, 2009, 23:19   #30
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
- May be gameable but not when it gets cold or even cool
Some say otherwise.
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