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Bioval BBBMAX Airsoft Ammunition



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Old January 11th, 2010, 14:48   #16
Fake Airborne Soldier
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I have been shooting bio BB's for the last 6 months and had not one problem with them once the hop up it set with 20's,my cheap cybergun 552,GBB glock,to my new ICS M4 concept,they shoot straight and as far as can be expected,Adrenaline in london has been selling to whole line from glow in the dark to .30gr cheers..
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Old January 11th, 2010, 14:54   #17
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
The whole "car window" thing is immaterial... so what? If they don't damage ballistic rated goggles then who cares if they will break a car window?

Any BB will break glass if it is heavy enough and going fast enough.
I suppose its more of a concern for those who play outdoors with vehicles than indoors. And again, at the speeds we play at the normal BBs don't break glass.

But whatever, this is like arguing with religious people.
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Old January 11th, 2010, 14:55   #18
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Hmph, I don't even get what the argument is about anyway.

So where can you get these in Canada?
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Old January 11th, 2010, 15:00   #19
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There's a retailer section.
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Old January 11th, 2010, 15:00   #20
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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If you don't get the argument try searching "Bioval BBBMAX" and you will see what the issue at hand is all about.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old January 11th, 2010, 15:23   #21
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It's a done to death stupid argument, your always going to have folks on both sides saying their points. When someone finally takes the time and has the resources to do conclusive testing on a variety of goggles etc. then the facts will be the facts, no more no less. Until then it's "Well I heard that" or "My buddies best friends second cousin saw" and so on and so on. Pus put his review up ... it's a review of what he saw and his conclusion so take it as just that and avoid the whole long drawn out argument bit. Ask him your questions if you have any and I'm sure he'll answer as best as he can.

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Old January 11th, 2010, 15:26   #22
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Personally I think Pus is on the right track with the Bio's.
The issues that stand are from various reviews that stand via what? The internet.
Mind you we've had issues in the past with Bios blah blah blah.. New products could mean, better products?
So at this point in time, because we've all heard the arguments before, why not let those dedicated member in our community, like Pus, run their trials and reviews and go from there. Let's see what the results bring home from the community. That's why we have ASC, no?

Maybe I am being a little logical here and maybe too political for my own good :P It just makes sense to me.

As for the glass breaking issue, firstly, why are we shooting at glass? Secondly, there is a reason we wear ANSI rated goggles, is there not?

EDIT: BlackRain beat me to the punch!! :P My point stand though!! Darn people posting while you type
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Last edited by DemiBlitz; January 11th, 2010 at 15:36..
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Old January 11th, 2010, 15:56   #23
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Originally Posted by DemiBlitz View Post
EDIT: BlackRain beat me to the punch!! :P My point stand though!! Darn people posting while you type
LOL... I fear you have underestimated my typing

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Old January 11th, 2010, 16:25   #24
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Yes Toasties, we DO have a hot M700 atthe store, I will take it home today and try it out, thanks for the reminder.

Guys, this thread is not about Bio BB's it's about BBBMax BB's they're not the same thing, as a mesh mask user I have always been against the use of cheap bio bb's as they DO shatter and can hurt the person wearing the mesh mask. These are not the same thing.

The issue people have with these is that they are so hard, that some people feel that they could damage someone or their gear by shooting them with these harder bb's

The second issue that people have and one that I do agree with is the shady marketing tactics of the Bioval people, trying to use guerilla marketing to spam the Internet to create an artificial buzz about their product. I think that that is very low and I do not support that at all. I have given an unbiased review of their product and simply posted my findings.

Would I use them again? Yes

Do I agree with Bioval's marketing schemes? No
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Old January 11th, 2010, 16:28   #25
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Well I was searching around and found this review. Hope it help.
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Old January 11th, 2010, 16:32   #26
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You mean the Lab that turned out to not be an unbiased outsider and showed no evidence of its existence prior to, or outside the testing of Bioval ??? Yeah they should provide a fair and uncompromised judgement.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old January 11th, 2010, 16:43   #27
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I would be a bit skeptical when reading reviews of a company's product when it's posted on the company's website.
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Old January 11th, 2010, 16:49   #28
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true =/ i didn't even think of that point
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Old January 11th, 2010, 19:36   #29
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They are VERY GOOD BB's. i've been a supporter of these BB's since I've had the opportunity to try them. I have re-shoot my BBBMax several times without a single jam, or fouling.
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old January 11th, 2010, 22:22   #30
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I have tried these in an outdoor game at Flagraiders. My AK shoots 400fps and I did not have a single complaint or anyone notice until they saw the clear bb's in the staging area. A few guys had no idea where they were being shot from since these BB's are hard to see incoming.

I have tested them on my goggles (400 FPS) both mesh and paintball (JT elite and Spectra) no issue or breakage but they do bounce back quite a bit. I was not able to shatter them in a squeeze test. I shot them at armour stone in my backyard, they did not shatter from point blank but they really do bounce.

They are easy to track up to about a 100 feet then it is hard to keep an eye on them, but easier than using black BB's. A nice positive is that the enemy cannot see them coming and dodge them. You really need to set the hop-up but once I did they worked well.

They were very accurate and consistent as far as I could keep track of them with the naked eye, I did notice that!
I thought I already had a very accurate setup and these may have slightly improved it. With a shredder spacer hop-up and a tightbore these .27 weight BB's would be hard to beat. I will wait for spring to tune that setup and test some more distance shooting.

They are expensive, I bought them to try out this new product but I am not sure it would be a daily shooter. The performance was not that much better than my Bastard .25's or .28's for the additional cost. When shooting at a distance it is hard to see if you are impacting the target and whether you need to make adjustments.

My $.02


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