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Old May 25th, 2006, 21:52   #31
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Just got back from Creative Outdoors a little while ago, wearing my new boonie hat as I type this up. Also snagged an ammo crate. I was hoping to find a holster, but I think I will be opting for the guarder rig from ascarmoury.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 19:25   #32
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I was at Creative Outdoors today buying a set of Desert Marpat's for Operation QuickPass II, and they had a TM XM 177E2, Mp5A5, PSG-1, and G3 SG1 in stock for those of you who are interested.
Contras A-07
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Old June 29th, 2006, 19:56   #33
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Creative is great exept when they don't have something and make up B/S about items.
I remember the time I asked for STAR magazines, and he was all defensive about not having stock by giving me the "oh its very bad quality, it cause many jams...." I'm like OK...why don't you just say you don't have them. I like their prices on BBs, and they're extremly helpful when you don't know what you want, never give a price range.
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old June 29th, 2006, 19:56   #34
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I thought Creative didn't carry the guns. Everytime I go they only have mags.

I recenly bought a MP5 A4 from Kurame and the gun is fine, but I do agree that thier prices are super high. They tried to charge me tax on the MP5 which was already $450. After I spoke to the other guy he gave it to me with out the tax. For those of you who don't know when you pay cash at Pacific 99 percent of the time you should not be paying tax.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 20:25   #35
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Originally Posted by amano999
I thought Creative didn't carry the guns. Everytime I go they only have mags.

I recenly bought a MP5 A4 from Kurame and the gun is fine, but I do agree that thier prices are super high. They tried to charge me tax on the MP5 which was already $450. After I spoke to the other guy he gave it to me with out the tax. For those of you who don't know when you pay cash at Pacific 99 percent of the time you should not be paying tax.
What the fuck? Why would you do that?

You're financially supporting a retailer that has been known to
>Sell used or damaged guns as new
>Sell to minors

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Old June 30th, 2006, 02:02   #36
-=]MH[=-RaiDen's Avatar
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Dirka dirka, jihad jihad DEW~~~ your low moe, heres mai Mooooney~~ wheres my gun?

simple ppl are lazy...
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Old June 30th, 2006, 10:39   #37
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I ordered from creative before I found out about airsoftcanada and ASC armoury. I have since purchased a M4 and Hip Cap 3.8 from miles and don't plan on buying from Kurame shop anymore. They are too expensive and thier prices seem to change from day to day.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 14:11   #38
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Pacific Mall has always been a bad place for Airsoft.

Anyone remember AMC? OMFG, those guys would go play games with their stock, then put them back in the box and sell them as new. Nevermind a PSG costing $1200 lol.

Ed at Creative is cool. He Bull Shits a little, but heh... who doesn't? Just don't step in the shit and you'll be fine.
When the going gets tough... the tough go cyclic.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 14:32   #39
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Sorry I didn't mean Creative I was complaining about Kurumae.

Yeah I do remember that other shop in Pacific they screwed me too. I bought a P226 from then right when I turned 18 and they charged me $450 for the thing. My butt still hurts from how bad I got screwed.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 21:15   #40
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I've been going to creative for years. They don't sell guns at all. They used to have lots before customs made it a pain in the ass to import them here. They do sell things like batteries, BB's and mags. Their prices are OK, not great. The mag price is decent, but their battery prices are way overpriced. $80 for a 8.4V small battery. BTW, that's where I bought the G&G MP5 metal body kit. I've asked if he would order other parts and acessories for guns other than what he has, he refused. He said it's too much of a hassle importing parts and dealing with customs. So basically he told me that he's just selling off what he has left in stock, and that's it. Don't even bother asking him anything about airsoft, because he knows absolutely NOTHING! He had no clue what I was going on about when I asked him gearbox parts and motors. I bought a 5.56mm dud bullet from him one time and said to him, that's a 5.56mm bullet right? He looked at me like he was really confused. I just stopped asking questions and took off. His wife knows even less, so just make sure you know what you want before you go in there.

I remember the guy took a HUGE loss when he started selling off all his guns for really cheap. He was scared he was going to get shut down for selling those things when the custom laws changed.

Good luck, anyone know of any new shops opening up. Let me know. BTW, haven't seen that shop in pacific mall for years. I thought it shut down? I remember they had a dummy in front of the store dressed up in swat gear with an MP5. That place hasn't been around for at least 3-5 years, so I have no clue what pacific mall shop you guys are talking about. They also used to have a small airsoft shop at metro square downstairs, kennedy and steeles area. I haven't been there in a long time so I have no idea if it's still there.

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Old June 30th, 2006, 21:56   #41
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Originally Posted by Sgt_Lynch
Anyone remember AMC? OMFG, those guys would go play games with their stock, then put them back in the box and sell them as new. Nevermind a PSG costing $1200 lol.
I'm sorry to say I remember them...

Originally Posted by BKHKMP5
I've been going to creative for years. They don't sell guns at all.
It doesn't occur to you that that might be what they want you to think?

Originally Posted by BKHKMP5
Good luck, anyone know of any new shops opening up. Let me know. BTW, haven't seen that shop in pacific mall for years. I thought it shut down? I remember they had a dummy in front of the store dressed up in swat gear with an MP5.
That was AMC.

Kuramae is infinitely harder to spot as it only reveals itself to those with a pure heart who have faced their greatest fears and won.

Trust in the Force, my friend.

All will be revealed in time.

Originally Posted by BKHKMP5
That place hasn't been around for at least 3-5 years, so I have no clue what pacific mall shop you guys are talking about.
The availability of airsoft in Toronto is not unsimilar to Groundhog Day. Shops and guns appear only once every five years and linger for a few days before vanishing like a waking phantasm...
Contras A-08: F**k it, we'll do it live.

Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Tai Kwan Leap. Approach me that you might see...
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Old June 30th, 2006, 22:17   #42
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My favorite places (Toronto) to visit are:

- Army Issue (Port Credit)
- Sgt Bilko's (Dufferin & 401)
- Creative Outdoors (lotsa camo, but now I have most all of it)
- R. Nichols (multiple locations)
- my teammates basements (YMMV)

If you ever find yourself in Kentucky, be sure to visit the strip outside Fort Campbell. I actually witnessed Claymore have an in-store orgasm at U.S. Cav. They have first line gear store for deployment and everything is unbelieveably reasonably priced in available on the spot.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 22:57   #43
Major Clay
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Sorry Creative DOES NOT sell guns, no matter how James Bond you wanna be.
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Old July 1st, 2006, 22:47   #44
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I just went to Kurame today at pacific mall. Their prices are pretty much the same as Creative. However, you can bargin with the guy at Kurame for a better price. The guy at Creative will not bargin at all. I picked up a charger, discharger and larger battery for a decent price. After bargining, it was at least 10% cheaper than Creative, also pay cash = no tax. They also have a much larger selection of goods and the major difference is, they will order any parts you're looking for whereas creative will not. Good place, the chubby guy behind the counter seemed a bit cocky to me though, but otherwise no complaints. There's another young guy there who walks around the store, really nice helpful guy.

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Old July 3rd, 2006, 20:37   #45
Can you haggle at Kuramae?
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